Page 20 - Sex Manual Ebook
P. 20
Can I practice?
You must. In fact people of all age groups should practice Kapalbhati
pranayama, including children. The performance may however be
restricted or a cautious approach taken with pregnant women, cardiac
patients, high blood pressure and anemic patients.
Where can I practice?
As described in Indian Vedic texts, the most apt place for performing
pranayama is at a peaceful, holy riverside or an open area like garden with
lush green ambience, with an atmosphere of fresh air, full of natural
oxygen in early mornings.
While the location can be altered as per climatic conditions in individual
case, Kapalbhati or for that matter any pranayama can be performed in a
noise free, tidy, room where there is direct inflow of fresh air and healthy
When can I practice?
There is no hard and fast rule for practicing pranayama but one must have
cleared one’s bowels and should not have had food at least 4 hours before