Page 13 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 13
3 January 2010
I finally got round to asking what goes on in the other
room at the pub and he answered debauchery. Ooooh!
Why haven't I been going in that room? Debauchery is
my favourite!!
4 January 2010
I had hoped to be facing the New Year with a sense of
hope and optimism but for some reason I'm actually
filled with a strong sense of dread and impending
doom. (I do have my pharmacist working on a minty
gel to relieve guilt pangs though so that's something)
4 January 2010
I have put some photos of one of my paintings on the
wall at the pub. It's a painting of The Neville Arms I
did which I've mentioned before. I thought this would
be a way to show the painting. It's up on display in The
Neville. Acrylic on Canvas! In the words of my
teachers 'Could do better' but OK for the first time
I've done this sort of thing I guess...
5 January 2010
I’m not so much concerned that my drugs have become
a crutch, but that my crutch has become a coat stand...
7 January 2010
I keep getting complimented on my driving. Every time
I park on the street outside my flat I get a little note
left on my car saying 'Parking Fine'. The old ones are
the best. (At least, that's the line I've been taking since