Page 539 - Facilities Master Plan 2016
P. 539

Lodi Unified School District                                            Lodi Unified School District
          George Lincoln Mosher Elementary School                                 John Muir Elementary School
          Facilities Master Plan - Total Program Cost                             Facilities Master Plan - Total Program Cost
          Opinion of Probable Cost                                    19-Apr-16   Opinion of Probable Cost                                    19-Apr-16
                      Project Cost Summary (2016$) - George Lincoln Mosher Elementary School     Project Cost Summary (2016$) - John Muir Elementary School
                                                       Construction Costs   Total Project                                     Construction Costs   Total Project
          Item                      Quantity  Unit  Unit Cost  Subtotal  Total  Cost 25% (x 1.33)  Item     Quantity  Unit  Unit Cost  Subtotal  Total  Cost 25% (x 1.33)
           16 Next Generation Classroom Flexibility (Furniture)  $              248,000 $                    248,000  01 Modernize & Reconfigure Aging Classrooms  $           1,966,000 $                 2,615,000
            16a Flexible furniture (Per Classroom, Direct Cost)                     33 ea  $         7,500.00 $            248,000  1b Replacement or repair of walls
                                                                                    1b.1 Replace walls                       960 sf  $               39.50 $              38,000
                                                                                    1b.2 Repair walls                  23,820 sf  $               12.60 $            300,000
           17 Technology Infrastructure                    $                       -  $                             -  1c Replacement or repair of windows
            Not included in this Facilities Needs Assessment                        1c.2 Repair windows                24,780 sf  $                 3.60 $              89,000
                                                                                   1d Replacement or repair of doors (other than safety locks
                                                                                   @ classroom doors)
          Total Construction/Project Cost (2016$)          $           7,345,000  $9,687,000  1d.2 Repair doors & hardware             24,780 sf  $                 4.50 $            112,000
                                                                                   1e Replacement or repair of floors
                                                                                    1e.1 Replace floors                24,780 sf  $               14.40 $            357,000
          The following items are excluded from this budget:                       1f Replacement or repair of ceilings
           Utility hook-up fees & City connection fees.                             1f.1 Replace ceilings              24,780 sf  $               27.00 $            669,000
           Offsite work and traffic signals.                                       1g Patch & Paint Interior/Exterior
           Land acquisition costs.                                                  1g.1 Patch & paint interior             24,780 sf  $                 3.10 $              77,000
           Hazardous material surveys, abatement, and disposal.                     1g.2 Patch & paint exterior             24,780 sf  $                 4.50 $            112,000
           Escalation (Costs are in 2016$ calculated to the end of the year).      1m Patch Existing Roofing             35,330 sf  $                 6.00 $            212,000
                                                                                  02 Existing Building Systems & Toilets          $           2,086,000 $                 2,774,000
                                                                                   2a HVAC system upgrades             24,780 sf  $               29.00 $            719,000
                                                                                   2b Lighting upgrades - new interior lighting & controls             24,780 sf  $               15.00 $            372,000
                                                                                   2c Electrical upgrades
                                                                                    2c.1 Upgrade electrical wiring & increase electrical
                                                                                    outlets                            24,780 sf  $                 9.00 $            223,000
                                                                                   2d Plumbing system upgrades             24,780 sf  $               11.00 $            273,000
                                                                                   2e Replace aging plumbing, upgrade and/or expand
                                                                                   restroom facilities
                                                                                    2e.1 Modernize Existing Restroom                2,400 sf  $               83.00 $            199,000
                                                                                    2e.3 New Restroom                        200 sf  $             556.00 $            111,000
                                                                                    2e.4 Sitework & Site Improvements                   200 sf  $               57.00 $              11,000
                                                                                   2f Energy-efficient building systems and controls (EMS
                                                                                   system, per sf of Bldg)             24,780 sf  $                 7.20 $            178,000
                                                                                  03 Site Utilities                               $              607,000 $                    807,000
                                                                                   (For entire campus and site)
                                                                                   3a Updated gas service lines           435,600 sf  $                 0.10 $              44,000
                                                                                   3b Updated sewer service lines           435,600 sf  $                 0.18 $              76,000
                                                                                   3c Updated water service lines           435,600 sf  $                 0.23 $              98,000
                                                                                   3d Updated electrical mains and distribution           435,600 sf  $                 0.63 $            274,000
                                                                                   3f Electrical Capacity Upgrades                        1 ls  $     115,000.00 $            115,000
                                                                                  04 Classrooms New Construction                  $           6,352,000 $                 8,448,000
                                                                                   4b New Construction - Classrooms
                                                                                    4b.1 Remove Portable Classrooms                     11 ea  $       11,000.00 $            121,000
                                                                                    4b.5 New Elementary Classroom Building (2-story)             11,491 sf  $             449.00 $         5,160,000
                                                                                    4b.10 Sitework & Site Improvements                5,746 sf  $               38.00 $            218,000

         Prepared by: LPA, Inc. / Cumming                                        Prepared by: LPA, Inc. / Cumming

         6.2       APPENDIX                                                                                                    Facilities Master Plan  510
                   DETAILED COST ESTIMATE                                                                                  Lodi Unified School District
   534   535   536   537   538   539   540   541   542   543   544