Page 28 - Kondor® KL 1 - E-1063 Programming and Operation Manual
P. 28


            Chapter 3 Operator Interface/Programming


                Setup / Pager

                   CALL OUT 1 and CALL OUT 2: These are the phone numbers that will be called in the event of a Fault. The
                   numbers can be long distance (11 digits) or local (7 or 10 digits). These numbers will call out alternating between
                   CALL OUT (1) and CALL OUT (2), starting with CALL OUT (1). If only a single number is desired, insert the
                   same number for CALL OUT (1) and CALL OUT (2).

                   NUMERIC MESSAGE ACTIVATOR: This is a number that will be sent out to shift the called system into numeric
                   message mode instead of voice mail.

                   MAX PAGES: This function determines the number of times the system will send out a page.

                   SITE #: The first three digits of the code is the Site Number. The remaining four digits is the error code.

                   CODE DELAY: This is the amount of time in seconds that it takes to be able to send out a numeric message or
                   send  activator.  In  other  words,  the  amount  of  time  it  takes  for  a  called  system  to  pick  up  and  broadcast  its

                   DELAY PAGE: Here you can set a delay period before the system will page in the event of a fault. This delay
                   allows time for someone at the site to correct a problem before you are notified.

                   SEPARATOR: This function will allow you to choose between an “Asterisk” (*) or the number “9” to separate the
                   first three digits (Site Number) and last four digits (Fault Code). Most pagers use the number 9 as a separator.
                    Example 1: 121 9 126                                     Example 2: 121 * 126
                    Site Location   Fault Code       Site Location    Fault Code
                             Separator                        Separator

                   LONG DISTANCE: If the Long Distance function is chosen, the telephone number will automatically be 11 digits.

                   LOCAL DIAL LENGTH: If the Local function is selected, there can be either 7 or 10 digits in the phone number.

                   Pressing the “Complete” toggle (last line of text) will toggle back and forth between HANG UP TO COMPLETE /
                   SEND “#” TO COMPLETE. HANG UP TO COMPLETE disconnects when the system is done sending the Fault
                   Code. SEND “#” TO COMPLETE sends a “pound tone” prior to disconnecting.
                   INITIALIZE MODEM: This button sends the Modem Setup String to the Modem. The user will not visually see this
                   occur. Only one press of the button is necessary. Once the Setup String is sent to the Modem, it typically does not
                   need to be done again.
                   Note:  Some  cell  phone  providers  have  systems  that  require  pressing  too  many  buttons  and
                          confirmation keys, making it impossible to send a page automatically.

             3-8              Belanger, Inc.® * PO BOX 5470 * Northville, MI 48167-5470 * Ph (248) 349-7010 * Fax (248) 380-9681                 1MANUL126
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