Page 24 - Revit Architecture Basics
P. 24
Navigation methods
Navigation Bar is switched on and off via the tab:
View ► User Interface ► Navigation Bar
This toolbar provides access to the SteeringWheels 2D and 3D and
various zoom options.
It is possible to make additional adjustment concerning the location
(Docking position) and transparency (Change the opacity).
Icon SteeringWheel varies between 2D and 3D.
SteeringWheels is used for easy navigation in the
project. The wheel has a different appearance,
depending on whether it is intended to be used for Navigering i 2D-visninger – planer,
2D or 3D navigation. facader/opstalter og lignende.
With Center pivot, point moves to where you
want to zoom or turn around against, with Orbit.
With Rewind, you are able to rewind back and
forth between the various zoom and Orbit-views.
Navigering i 3D-visninger.
View Cube
When a 3D view is active, View Cube is visible on
the right corner of the drawing area. At View Cube
you can see orientation direction for the current
view with a slightly darker tint.
Using right-click, the View Cube can be turned
on for and navigating with a compass that shows
the North compared to the model's correct
orientation (True North).
Under the Context Menu a view, can be saved,
locked or attached to Front Views and it can be
oriented to Plan Views, sections and elevations.
24 NTI