Page 4 - lesson
P. 4
Nipiagogio Avlonariou, Evia, Greece
Eco Tweet: Little Scientists
Lesson Plan
Teachers: Margarita Samoutian, Styliani Tatsiou, Eleni Tsirgioti
Age of students: 4-6 years old
Number of students: 20
Title: “Geology”
Category: Environment, Natural Science
General Purpose: Students will:
1. Understand environmental notions
2. Discover relations between natural elements
3. Learn how Geology helped humanity
Specific objectives:Students will:
1. Enrich their knowledge about Earth’s layers;
2. Observe the layers in real time-Stratigraphy;
3. Make experiments and learn about the subject of Geology;
4. Talk about the earthquakes and how scientists can predict them;
5. Recognize different type of earthquakes.
Methods and techniques: Brainstorming, discussion, observation, hypothesis, experimentation,
detection, assessment.
Material: pictures about stratigraphy, related videos, vase, different types of soil, paper,
crayons, lego bricks, cartons.
Place: classroom & nearby mountain
Duration: 1 day
Description of the activity: At first, students try to answer the question “What is Geology?”,
while teachers record their ideas. When the brainstorming is completed, students will watch
relative videos about stratigraphy and make assumptions. Through discussion they will try to
clarify notions like Earth layers and their relationship to geological timescale. Moreover, they
will make experiments trying to analyze their position. In addition they will have the
opportunity to visit a nearby mountain where they can observe this natural process.
Afterwards, they will learn about the famous Greek scientist, Mr. Barotsos and how his theory
helped our country to predict earthquakes. This way, students can make experiments and
understand different types of tectonic movements. Finally, teacher will assess students new
knowledge by creating a quiz game.