P. 243

As mentioned above, the transition   Another text that is central to the history   political, religious and commercial--- set   samuha (semua, all) etc.Sanskritloan
 process from ancient Malay dominated   of Malacca is the Sejarah Melayu (Malay   during the reign of Sultan Muhammad   words were written close to their original
 by Sanskrit to pre-classical Malay,   Annals). The text isone of the oldest   Shah (1424-1444) and implemented   forms: anugeraha (Skt. anugraha, grace),
 also known as archaic Malay, became   in the history of Malay literature and   more effectively by his successor, Sultan   arta (Skt. artha, wealth), astamewa
 a key feature in Samudra Pasai in   therefore, it isimportant for both history   Muzaffar Shah (1445-1458).  In fact,   (Skt. astam eva, special), daruhaka
 the 14  century. This transition was   and language. Written in Jawi script,   during the rain of a later ruler, Sultan   (Skt. drohaka, insubordinate), gebala
 characterized mainly by the use of Jawi   the Sejarah Melayu was composed   Mahmud Shah (1488-1511), special   (Skt. gopala, shepherd), manusyia
 script (Arabic script adapted to the   by Tun Sri Lanang in 1613 and thus   rules were also formulated for matters   (Skt. manusyia, mankind), netiasa
 phonological system of Malay), as part   a century after the fall of Malacca to   pertaining to marine trade, which was   (Skt. nityasas, constant), periksya (Skt.
 of Arab-Islamic influence in the social-  the Portuguese in 1511.  Its contents   growing at that time. 19  pariksa,check), perkasya (Skt.perkasa,
 political and economic developments   starts with the story of the origins of   Back to the aspect of the Malay   brave), sanggeraha (Skt. samgraha,
 of the period. A similar process took   the Malay rulers and continues with   language, concerning pre-classical   studio) etc.
 place at the time of Malacca in the   the establishment of the Kingdom of   Malay, Abdullah  ---relying entirely on   Second, loan words that etymologically
 15  century. The Pengkalan Kempas   Malacca, where many foreign merchants,   Iskandar --- has done detailed research   have two consonants kept only one
 inscription, dated 1467 A.D., is important   particularly Chinese and Tamils came   about some special features both in   usingan emphasis (tashdid), for instance
 in this connection. The first part of the   and stayed. Many things about court   speech and in writing. These features are   / b.  dd ./ --budi (Skt. buddhi, moral), /
 inscription is carved in Kawi script but   life are narrated as well as Malacca’s   as follows:  k. pp. l. / --kapal (Tamil: kappal, ship), /
 subsequently continues in Jawi script. It   relation with Samudera Pasai. The story   m . dd ./--muda (Skt. mudha, young), /s.
 is clear that a transition had started in the   ends with the fall of Malacca to the   First, the sound /h/ at the beginning or   dd. h. / --sudah (Skt. suddha, finished),
 time of Samudera Pasai.  Portuguese. 17  in the middle of a word was maintained:   /s. kk . a / --suka (Skt. sukha, like).
                                                 For schwa/ĕ/the letter alif was used:
 As during the time of Samudera   Completing the picture on the advance   harang (arang, charcoal), hurai (urai,   baralahan (beralahan, alergic), jamu
          disclose) hutak (otak, brain); tihang (tiang,
 Pasai, the15 century also spawned   of Malaccaas presented in the Malay   pillar), tuha (tua,old), guha (gua, cave),   (jemu, bored),sabau (sebau,shoulder),
 a number of Malay texts associated   Annals is the Undang-Undang Malaka   18. Fang, Liaw Yock, Undang-Undang Melaka:   kakayaan (kekayaan, wealth). A
 with the development of Islam and the   (Laws of Malacca). The text contains   A Critical Edition, (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff,   consonant after aschwa was doubled
 Kingdom of Malacca. The following two   a variety of governmental regulations   1982), pp. 32-38; T. Iskandar, Kesustraan Klasik   by using an emphasis: /b. dd . l/ -bedil
 prophetic stories, Hikayat Nabi Yusuf   related to many aspects of life ---social-  Melayu Sepanjang Abad ……, p. 204.  (gun);not doubled /b. l . ddu/ -beledu
 (Story of the Prophet Joseph) and   16.  R.O.  Winstedt, (ed.) “Sejarah Melayu or Malay   19.  T. Iskandar, Kesustraan Klasik Melayu   (velvet), /b. rk. rr. t / -berkerat(slivery);
          Sepanjang Abad,….., p. 207.
 Annals”, JMBRAS 16, 1938, pp.1-226, pp. 27-34.
 Hikayat Nabi Sulaiman (Story of the   See also, Vladimir Braginsky, The heritage of   20.  Imran T. Abdullah. “Bahasa Melayu: Lingua   /d . ngng . n/ -dengan (with); /m. m. rr ./
 Prophet Solomon), were both written in   traditional Malay literature, pp. 62-63.  Franca Islam”, in Taufik Abdullah dan A.B. Lapian   -memeri,(to give); /s. tt. y ./ -setia(loyal).
 Malacca. 15  17.  T. Iskandar, Kesustraan Klasik Melayu   (ed.), Indonesia dalam Arus Sejarah, ……, p. 238-  Sounds /y/ and /w/ are doubled by using
 Sepanjang Abad, ….., p. 208-209. See also,   239.
 15.  T. Iskandar, Kesustraan Klasik Melayu   Vladimir Braginsky, The heritage of traditional   21.  T. Iskandar, Kesustraan Klasik Melayu   an emphasis or the same letter is written
 Sepanjang Abad, ….., pp. 196-199.  Malay literature, pp. 139-151.  Sepanjang Abad, ….., p. 114-118.  twice: /a yy ./ - ia (he/she/it), /d yy ./ -

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