P. 245
The Baiturrahman dia (he or she), /bww . h/ -buah(fruit), / of “to die” is still used, and it had not Aceh, andencouraged the development in the archipelago, intellectual activities
Mosqueis one of the bww. ng / -buang(waste), /b. yy . k/ yet been replaced by the expression of the region into a power house of concerning language and texts were
remains of the Aceh -baik(good), /d. lww. r/ -di luar (outside). “berpulang ke rahmatullah” (lit. to commerce, politics and the development closely linked to efforts to contextualize
Kingdom. return to the Divine blessed-[abode]) of Islam. Muslim traders migrated and disseminate Islam in Aceh and in the
Third, in morphology some special
Source: Directorate of things appear: when the prefix /me- / as the latter term was commonly used from Malacca to Aceh, and ---as is Malay-Indonesian region in general.
History and Cultural meta voiced consonant, the consonant for exalted figures. So also the word the case with Samudera Pasai and In the year nine hundred ninety after
Values, Ministry of will disappear and be replaced by its “ditanam” (lit. planted) was also still used Malacca--- they contributed to turning the Hijrah two priests came from
Education and Culture homorganic nasal: balas–memalas (to to mean “dikuburkan” (buried). 22 Aceh into a leading trade center within Mecca. One was a man named
of the Republic of respond) rather than membalas, belah– In addition to these two texts, pre- the trading network of Asia. Mughayat Sheikh Abul-Khair bin Sheikh Ibn
Indonesia. memelah (to split), bicara–memicara (to Classical Malay is also employed as the Ali Shah (reigned 1514-1530) was the Hajar. He composed a book entitled
speak), buang- memuang (to waste), language of narrative texts as evidenced first king who laid the foundation for Saif al-Qati’ on the word a’yan
the development of Aceh into the most
dengar– menengar (to listen), junjung– bythe Shellabear’s edition of the Hikayat prominent kingdom in the 17 century thabitah and he taught Islamic law
menyunjung (to raise), bunuh–memunuh Seri Rama (1917), Iskandar’s edition archipelago. 24 in the state of Aceh Darussalam.
(to kill), bilang–memilang (to count), of the Hikayat Aceh (1958), Brakel’s The second was Sheikh Muhammad
binasa –meminasakan (to destroy) etc. edition of the Hikayat Muhammad Aceh witnessed the most important Yamani, who was an expert in
stage in the development of Malay
Thus, pre-classical Malay is the Hanafiah (1975), and the Hikayat Bayan as it grew into the common language Islamic jurisprudence. Both Sheikhs
language of texts composed in that Budiman. 23 in the archipelago. Two explanations discussed the problems of a’yan
period, and--after undergoing changes below offer strong evidence that Aceh, thabitah. At one point the discussion
due to generations of readers’ constantly Consolidating a Lingua Franca: th supported by stable political conditions stopped as no one could judge the
changing needs --- it had become Development in Malay in the 16 and developed trade, contributed matter. Hence, both sheikhs sailed.
the language of the texts that were and 17th Centuries significantly to the development of Malay Then came a ulama from Gujarat
subsequently composed along with the Following the fall of Malacca to the language and culture. At the same named Sheikh Muhammad Jilani ibn
development of the history of Islam in Portuguese in 1511, the central of time, it should be noted here that the Hassan ibn Muhammad, Hamid was
Indonesia. Two copies of the famous Islam and the Malay language shifted development of Islam is an inherent part the name of his clan, the Qurayshwas
literary histories of the 15 century, to the Kingdom of Aceh. The center of of the development and establishment his tribe, Ranir the name of his
Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai and Sejarah commercial activities that was previously of the Malay language. In line with country, Shafi’i his School (mazhab).
Melayu are evidence of the use of pre- based in Malacca had also moved to Aceh’s position in the 16 and 17 The sheikh taught logic, Arabic
classical Malay language. In addition 22. Imran T Abdullah. “Bahasa Melayu: Lingua centuries as the leading Islamic center literature, Islamic jurisprudence and
to having been written in Jawi script, Franca Islam”, in Taufik Abdullah dan A.B. Lapian 24. Denys Lombard, Kerajaan Aceh: Zaman law in the state of Aceh Darussalam.
both texts also still used pre-classical or (ed.), Indonesia dalam Arus Sejarah, ….., p. 239. Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636), (Jakarta: Balai And many students wanted to study
archaic Malay elements. For example, 23. Imran T Abdullah. “Bahasa Melayu: Lingua Pustaka, 1986), p. 8-17. See also M.C. Ricklefs, Islamic mysticism. The sheikh
A History of Modern Indonesia since c. 1300,
Franca Islam”, in Taufik Abdullah dan A.B. Lapian
the word “hilang” (lit. lost) in the meaning (eds.), Indonesia dalam Arus Sejarah, ….., p. 239. (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001), p. 62-69. complied and he came again at a
234 Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives 235