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PIPFA Journal                                                                        Article

        achieve  desired  results, value  for   tive to avoid any disproportional   out of the box thinking, collabora-
           public money.  In  order to  restore   function in the efforts of getting and   tion and gradually  establishing  a
           the confidence of  the public at    reporting the required information,   culture of cost reduction  through-
           large, that  taxes collected by the   when comparing it with the capital   out the public sector. Mention skills
           governments are being used effec-   investment made for improving the   and expertise would be very impor-
           tively, efficiently  for the purpose   performance.  Utilization  of   tant for the public sector organiza-
           they are collected and for  the     advance technologies  is  not the   tions in the future which  are
           benefits  of the general  public  at   end in today’s  transformed Infor-  foreseeable. We must act accord-
           large.                              mation based world, where tech-    ingly to prepare and enhance our
        2. Strategic Gaps in  Public  Sector   nology and innovation can used for   human capital and time is running
           Organization                        highest level of accuracy and      out fast.
           Administrative centre of  public    precision.                      Recommendations
           sector  organizations  does not  5. Private  Sector Organizations   1.  Prominence of Performance
           effectively coordinate their strategy   Insight Out.                   Management.
           across other public sector organi-    In today’s world  the public  sector      Public sector organizations should
           zation, which impedes  public       organizations  are multiplex than   act according to the way straight-
           sector organization’s propensity to   the private sectors. Private sector   forward, about its goals achieve-
           achieve  organization  goals within   organizations are more bullish and   ments, and the strategy in order to
           stipulated time frame.              have only one motive, to earn      achieve these objectives, and not
        3.  21st Century Challenges  &         more profit maximization, in every   only to enhance  governorship,
           Opportunities that Lie Ahead        possible  way.  The public  sector’s   backed by commanding peoples of
           Not only the fiscal crisis matters, it   labyrinthine,  cacophonous  in  professionals in the area of public
           is not only the opportunity to recon-  objectives, number of  beneficiar-  finance manager’s.
           cile, desired  public  goods  and   ies, expectations of the public at   2. Communicating the Way Forward
           services, that public desired and is   large and the politician influences.   of  Public  Sector Organization
           willing  to pay government  taxes   Private sectors organizations  are   And Reducing Strategic Gap.
           against these services, which       free from above and objective is to      Government should think of a one
           worth to the population at large. In   maximize profit through output and   window  operation  government
           the current  century lean  thinking    performance.                    strategy, with which national
           tools like & mapping process  are   6  Responsibility Accountability.   departments may align their organ-
           the way forward  in the public                                         izational  strategies.  National
           sector organization, with a vision to      Performance measurement goals   organization  of accounts may in
           redesign  their services, achieve   are not the sharp edge for achiev-  every government department
           desired public confidence and       ing results emplacement. A nation-  have full board membership  of
           exceed their expectation  against   al culture of performance achieve-  professionals.  This will  increase
           value  of money for which  taxes    ment should be spread throughout   corporate  sector style of working
           were collected and are invested for   nationwide and organization lead-  with a collective style of accounta-
           benefiting the public at large.     ers,  managers,    departmental    bility and responsibility.
        4.  A Perfect Performance Manage-      heads need to be held responsible   3.  Response  to  Situation  at  Hand
                                               for their achievement, keeping  in
           ment Systems  Map for Public        mind   the   consequences    of    for the Public  Sector Organiza-
           Organization                        dismissal from  services could be   tions.
           Performance    management    &      an option in the hands of the top      Public  sector organizations  may
           rationality should be incorporated   management for not performing up   use condemnatory  period as an
           throughout public sector organiza-  to the desired level.              aperture for  sophisticated fiscal
           tions in Pakistan. It is not the “one   7.  Desired Skills and Expertise for   consolidation.  Changing  step  by
           size that  fit’s  all” public sectors   the Coming Century.            step would not achieve the desired
           performance        management                                          results. The ways of getting  work
           system, but if public sector follows’      The public  sector should  recruit   appraised  orthodox  are now  a
           the basic principles, they can avoid   efficient leadership strategy. There   day’s obsolete. Organizations are
           effects such as corrupt practices,   are many approaches  to cost      looking ways beyond the elements
           wastage of recourses or dysfunc-    reduction and improving the over-  weather the services provided are
           tional behavior in services. Perfor-  all  outcomes, should  include   no longer required by the public or
           mance management  strategies        process innovative, effectiveness,   have value to them. Organizations
           implementation should be mapped     standardization,   digitalization,  are looking ways to  replace such
           from top to bottom with a prospec-  outsourcing, scale of  economies,   services with enhanced and auto-
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