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[7]               Shemos—Shemos 1:18–19 èéYçé:à úåîùZúåîù                   SHMOT  1                 Shemos—Shemos 1:16–17 æéYæè:à úåîùZúåîù             [6]                                                                                                    #                                                               26015

                         Sheini (Second Aliyah)    éðù                                       16. He said, “When you deliver Hebrew women, ³BfliÌþÐë̼¤Öí-³Óê ·öÓ×ÐðÓlÔ−ÐaþÓôêÕ†iÔî .ï¬
            18. The king of Egypt called for the midwives ³Õ flðÐlÔ−ÐôÞÔñ ·óÌ−·ÔþЮÌô-CÓñÞÓôê¥ÖþКÌiÔî .ì−  you must look at the birthstool. óÌ−¢ÖòÐëÖêÞÖí-ñÔ¼ö£Ó³−ÌêÐþe
                                 and said to them, ö flÓíÖñþÓôêÒ¤iÔî                                               If it is a boy, kill him; B fl³Òêö¤ÓzÌôÎíÞÔî ·êeí ö'Ña-óÌê
                             “Why did you do this? í¢ÓfÔíþ¤ÖëÖcÔíö£Ó³−ÌNμԼe'cÔô                           but if it is a girl, let her live.” :íÖ−ÞÖìÖîêî£Ìí³'Ôa-óÌêÐî
                         You let the infant boys live.” :ó−ÞÌðÖñÐ−Ôí³Óêo−£ÓiÔìÐzÔî               17. The midwives [however] feared Elohim ó− flÌíGÍê¤Öí-³Óê ·³ÒðÐlÔ−ÐôÞÔíoê¥Óþ−ÌzÔî .ï−
                    19. The midwives said to Pharaoh, íÒ fl¼ÐþÔt-ñÓê ·³ÒðÐlÔ−ÐôÞÔíoÐþ¥ÔôêÒzÔî .¬−                       and did not do e flNÖ¼ê¤GÐî
          “The Hebrew women are not like the Egyptians. ³Ò¢iÌþÐë̼ÞÖí³Ò£iÌþЮÌnÔíó−§ÌLÖpÔ×ê«G−¤Ìk      as the Egyptian king had told them, óÌ −¢ÖþЮÌôCÓñ¤Óôö£Óí−ÑñÎêþ'ÓaÌcþ§ÓLÎêÞÔk
                          They know how to deliver. íÖp flÑí³B¤−Öì-−ÞÌk                                 and they kept the infant boys alive. :ó−ÞÌðÖñÐ−Ôí-³Óêo−£ÓiÔìÐzÔî

                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
          is êÖô−ÖiÔšÐî—and they [the women] preserved [the newborn];  ,êÖô−ÖiÔšÐî
          whereas the second time [that o−ÓiÔìÐzÔî appears—v. 18]  −ÌòÑMÔíÐî                      as do women who pacify a child that is crying.  .íÓ×BaÔí šBò−Ìz ³B½−ÐiÔõÐôÔíó−ÌLÖpÔíCÓþÓðÐk
       [he translates it] öezÐô−ÑiÔšÐî—and you [women] have preserved.  ,öezÐô−ÑiÔšÐî                   [The word] íÖ¼et means shouting loudly  ,íּ֚Ю öBLÐñ,íÞÖ¼et
                            This is because, in Hebrew,  ³−ÌþÐë̼ öBLÖlÓL−ÌõÐñ                    as in: “I will scream like a birthing woman.” 25  :íÓ¼ÐõÓêíÖðÑñBiÔkBôÐk
                       this word and any form thereof 32  dÖëêÑ®BiÔ×ÐîBïíÖë−Ñz                                [16] When you deliver. 26  .ïÆëÀãÀlÇéÀa [æè]
               is used to mean: “they” (fem.) did something  eñμÖt öBLÐñ³ÓLÓnÔLÐô                 öÓ×ÐðÓñÔ−Ða [in the ñѼÌt conjugation] is the same as  BôÐk
                 as well as: “you” (fem. pl.) did something.  ,öÓzÐñÔ¼Ðt öBLÐñe                             öÓ×Ðð−ÌñBíÐë [in the ñÔš conjugation].  :öÓ×Ðð−ÌñBíÐa
            E.g., “(oÐþÔôÒêzÔî—) They said, 33  “an Egyptian, etc.,” 34  ,−ÌþЮÌôL−ÌêoÐþÔôêÒzÔî öBèÐk
                                                                                                                          Birthstool.  .íÄéÈðÀáÈàÞÈä-ìÇò
                           which is [fem. pl.] past tense  ,þÖëÖ¼ öBLÐñ                               The seat of a woman who is giving birth.  ,³ÓðÓñBiÔííÖMÌêÖíëÔLBô
                       as would be eþÐôêÒiÔî—for masculine.  ,ó−ÌþÖ×ÐïÌñeþÐôêÒiÔîBôÐk                       In another place [in Scripture ]  ,þÑìÔê óBšÖôÐëe
       [Another example:] “(íÖòÐþÑaÔðÐzÔî) you [women] have spoken  íÖòÐþÑaÔðÐzÔî                                 it is referred to as þÑaÐLÔô.  ;þÑaÐLÔôBêÐþBš
                   with your mouths”—the same as öÓzÐþÔaÌc 35  ,öÓzÐþÔaÌc öBLÐñ,öÓ×−ÌõÐa                                         28
                                                                                                       Similarly: “He did work on the óÌ−ÖòÐëÖê”  óÌ−ÖòÐëÖêÖíñÔ¼íÖ×êÖñÐôíÓNB¼ eíBôÖ×Ðî
                  corresponding to eþÐaÔðÐzÔî in the masculine.  ,ó−ÌþÖ×ÐïÌñeþÐaÔðÐzÔîBôÐk
                                                                                                      —the seat upon which are kept the tools  ³eòÖneê −ÑñÐkëÔLBô
          Similarly: (íÖòÓñÐlÔìÐzÔî) “you [women] have maligned me  −̳ÒêíÖòÐñÓlÔìÐzÔ îöÑ×Ðî
                                                                                                                   of the pottery maker.  :NÓþÖìþÑ®B−
                to my nation” —which is in the past tense.  þÖëÖ¼ öBLÐñ,−ÌnÔ¼ñÓê
                                                                                                                     If it is a boy, etc.  .'åâå àeä ïÅaíÄà
                                  The same as öÓzÐñÔlÌì  ,öÓzÐñÔlÌì
                                                                                             He was particular only in regard to the male children  ,ó−ÌþÖ×ÐfÔíñÔ¼êÖlÓê ð−ÌtКÔôíÖ−ÖíêG
                  corresponding to eñÐlÔìÐzÔî in the masculine.  :ó−ÌþÖ×ÐïÌñ eñÐlÔìÐzÔîBôÐk
                                                                                                         because his astrologers had told him  î−Öò−ÌòÐèԬЮÌêBñeþÐôÖêÓL
                     [19] They know how to deliver.  .äÈpÅä úBéÈç-éÞÄk [èé]                                                      29
                                                                                             that a son was to be born who would liberate them.  :óÖ³Bê Ô¼−ÌLBnÔíöÑaðÑñÖeÌíÐñð−ּ̳ÓL
          [Meaning:] they are as knowledgeable as midwives.  ,³BðÐlÔ−ÐôÌk ³Bê−ÌšÐa
                                                                                                                         Let her live.  .äÈéÞÈçÀå
            Onkelos’ translation of ³BðÐlÔ−Ðô (midwives) is êÖ³−Ö−Ôì.  .êÖ³−ÖiÔì ³BðÐlÔ−Ðô óebÐþÔz
                                                                                               [íÖ−ÖìÖî being the same as] íÓ−Ðì̳Ðî—“and she shall live.”  :íÓ−Ðì̳Ðî
            However, our Sages explained [³B−Öì as “animals”]  ,eLÐþÖð eò−ѳBaÔþÐî
                                                                                                [17] And they kept the infant boys alive. 30  .íéÞÄãÈìÀéÇä-úÆàoéÆiÇçÀzÇå [æé]
           [i.e.] they may be compared to animals of the field  ,íÓðÖOÔí ³BiÔìÐñ ³BñeLÐôöÑí−ÑþÎí
                                                                                              [Meaning:] they provided water and food for them.  .öBïÖôe óÌ−ÔôóÓíÖñ ³BšÐtÔ½Ðô
           who do not require midwives [when giving birth].  .³BðÐlÔ−Ðô ³B×−ÌþЮöÖò−ÑêÓL
                                                                                                      Onkelos’ translation of the first [o−ÓiÔìÐzÔî] 31  öBLêÌþÖí óebÐþÔz
           And where is it that they are compared to animals?  ?³BiÔìÐñ ³BñeLÐôöÖ×−ÑíÐî
                       “[Yehudah] is like a young lion,” 37  ,íÑ−ÐþÔê þeb
                   “[Binyamin] is like a wolf that preys,” 38  ,¹ÖþЬÌ−ëÑêÐï              25 Yeshaiyahu 42, 14.  26 See Rashi, previous verse ³BðÐlÔ−ÐnÔñ í"ð .  27 Yeshaiyahu 37, 3.  28 Yirmiyahu 18, 3.  29 If
                                                                                          Pharaoh’s intent had been only to limit the Israelites’ numbers it would have been more efficient to kill the females.
       32 I.e., the íò or o endings.  33 The daughters of Yisro.  34 Below 2, 19.  35 Yirmiyahu 44, 25.  36 Yechezkel 13,  (M. G.A.)  30 Once it has been stated that the midwives disobeyed Pharaoh’s orders, what is added by ó−ÌðÖñÐ−Ôío−Ó−ÔìÐzÔî?
       19.  37 Ber. 49, 9.  38 Ibid. 27.                                                  (S.C.) Also see Sotah 11b ö−−ì³î í"ð −"¾þ.  31 In this verse.                                                  #                                                               26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:--
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