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[5]               Shemos—Shemos 1:13–15 åèYâé:à úåîùZúåîù                       #                    Shemos—Shemos 1:19–20 ëYèé:à úåîùZúåîù      26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMO

            13. The Egyptians enslaved the B’nei Yisrael, ñ£ÑêÖþÐNÌ−−'ÑòÐa-³ÓêóÌ−§ÔþЮÌôeð«ÌëμÞÔiÔî .è−  Even before a midwife gets to them, ³Óð£ÓlÔ−ÐôÞÔíö§ÓíÑñÎêêB«ëÖzóÓþ·Ó¬Ða
                           with body-breaking labor. :CÓþÞÖõÐa                                            they have already given birth.” :eðÞÖñÖ−Ðî
         14. They made their lives bitter with harsh labor í †ÖLÖší¤ÖðÒëμÞÔaó•Óí−ÑiÔì-³Óêe·þÐþÞÖôÐ−Ôî .ð−  20. Elohim was good to the midwives, ³Ò¢ðÐlÔ−ÐôÞÔñó−£ÌíGÍêëÓ¬−'ÑiÔî.×
                         involving mortar and bricks, ó−flÌòÑëÐñÌëe ·þÓôÒ·ìÐa
                      All the work they made them do ó£ÓíÖëe'ðÐëÞÖ¼-þÓLÎêó flÖ ³ÖðÒ¤ëμ-ñÖk³Ñêƒ
                                                                                                     “[Yoseif] is like the first-born of his ox,” 39  ,BþBL þB×Ða
                       [was intended] to break them. :CÓþÞÖõÐa                                        “[Naftali] is a gazelle-like messenger.” 40  .íÖìeñÐLíÖñÖiÔê
       15. The king of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives. ³Ò¢iÌþÐë̼ÞÖí³Ò£ðÐlÔ−ÐôÞÔñóÌ− flÔþЮÌôCÓñ¤Óô ·þÓôêÕ·iÔî .î¬  And [those of the Tribes]  −Ìôe
                 The name of one of them was Shifrah, íÖflþÐõÌL ·³ÔìÔêÞÖíó¥ÑLþ·ÓLÎê                   where no reference is made [to animals],  ,Ba ëÔzÐ×ÌòêHÓL
                                                                                                   Scripture includes them [in the comparison]  ,öÖñÖñÐk ëe³ÖkÔí−ÑþÎí
                  and the name of the other was Puah. :íÞÖ¼et ³−£ÌòÑMÔíó'ÑLÐî
                                                                                                   [in the statement:] “And he blessed them.” 41  ,óÖ³Bê CÓþÖëÐ−Ôî
                                                                                                          “What a lioness is your mother!” 42  :êÖiÌëÐñEÐôÌêíÖô
                                Our Sages explained:  ,eLÐþÖð eò−ѳBaÔþÐî
                                                                                                                [20] Elokim was good.  .áÆèéÅiÇå [ë]
                 They were as thorns (ó−Ì®Bš) in their eyes. 21  :óÓí−Ñò−ѼÐëe−Öíó−Ì®BšÐk
                                                                                                         [ëÓ¬−ÑiÔî means:] He did good to them.  .öÓíÖñë−̬−Ñí
                      [13] With body-breaking labor.  .CÆøÞÈôÀa [âé]                           The following is the difference concerning a word  íÖë−ѳÐa šel−ÌìíÓïÐî
                     [Meaning:] with work that is so hard  ,íÖLÖšíÖðBëμÔa                                     whose root letters are two 43  ³Bi̳Bê −ÑzÐLdÖðB½ÐiÓL
               that it crushes (³Ó×ÓþÔtÐô) the body and breaks it.  :BzÐþÔaÔLÐôe ¹ebÔí³Óê³Ó×ÓþÖõÐôÔí   and it is prefixed by a î"−î and a ð"î−:  44  ,dÖLêÒþÐa ð"e− î"−ÖîdÖlöÔzÌòÐî
                                  [15] Midwives.  .úÉãÀlÇéÀîÞÇì [åè]                                            When it intends to convey  íÖêÖëê−ÌíÓLÐk
                  ³BðÐlÔ−Ðô has the same meaning as ³Bð−ÌñBô,  22  ,³Bð−ÌñBô öBLÐñ êeí         the idea of causing someone else to do something,  ñѼÐõÔiÔî öBLÐñÌaþÑaÔðÐñ
         but it sometimes comes in the ñÔš (light) conjugation 23  ñÔš öBLÖñLÑiÓLêÖlÓê                       the ð"î− is vocalized with a −Ñþ−Ñ®  ,−Ñþ−Ñ®Ða ð"eiÔí ðešÖò êeí
              and sometimes in the “heavy” ñѼÌt conjugation  ,ðÑëÖk öBLÖñLÑ−Ðî                           which is also called a kometz koton.  ,öÖ¬Öš±ÔôÖš êeíÓL
                          as in þÑëBL (ñÔš)or þÑaÔLÐô ( ñѼÌt) 24  ,þÑaÔLÐôe þÑëBL BôÐk    For example: “(ëÓ¬−ÑiÔî) God did good to the midwives.”  45  ,³ÒðÐlÔ−ÐôÔñó−ÌíGÍêëÓ¬−ÑiÔî öBèÐk
                    or þÑëBð (speak) [in the ñÔš conjugation]  þÑëBc                          “ëÓþÓiÔî [the mourning] of the daughter of Yehudah” 46  íÖðeíÐ−³ÔëÐaëÓþÓiÔî
                 and þÑaÔðÐô (speak) [in the ñѼÌt conjugation].  ,þÑaÔðÐôe                           [meaning:] He caused great mourning. 47  ,íÖiÌòÎêÔ³íÖaÐþÌí
                      Similarly ð−ÌñBô [ñÔš] and ðÑlÔ−Ðô—[ñѼÌt].  :ðÑlÔ−Ðôe ð−ÌñBô CÖk                      Similarly: “ñÓèÓiÔî the remnant” 48  ³−ÌþÑêÐMÔíñÓèÓiÔîöÑ×Ðî
                                         Shifrah.  .äÈøÀôÄL                                        [which is written] concerning Nevuzaraddan  öÖðÎêÐþÔïeëÐòÌc
                                                                                                 [meaning:] he caused the exile of the remnant.  ,³−ÌþÑêÐMÔí³ÓêíÖñÐèÓí
                 This is Yocheved, [and she was called íÖþÐõÌL]  ,ðÓëÓ×B− Bï
                           because [³ÓþÓtÔLÐnÓL] she would  óÑLñÔ¼                                                [Or:] “öÓõÓiÔî tail to tail” 49  ëÖòÖïñÓêëÖòÖïöÓõÓiÔî
            put the newborn into proper [physical] condition.  :ðÖñÖeÔí³Óê³ÓþÓtÔLÐnÓL         [meaning:] he caused the tails to turn to each other.  ,BïÐñ Bï ³BëÖòÐfÔííÖòÐõÌí
                                                                                                       All these examples have the meaning:  elÑêñÖk
                                          Puah.  .äÞÈòet
                                                                                                         he caused others to do something. 50  .ó−ÌþÑìÎê³Óêñ−̼ÐõÌí öBLÐñ
                   This is Miriam, [and she was called íÖ¼et]  ,óÖ−ÐþÌôBï
                     because she would make loud noises  íÖ¼BtÓLóÑLñÔ¼
                                                                                          39 Devarim 33, 17.  40 Ber. 49, 21.  41 Ber. 49, 18. I.e., by including all the tribes in this one statement, what
                  and speak and articulate to the newborn,  ,ðÖñÖeÔñíÖèBíÐî³ÓþÓaÔðÐôe
                                                                                          is said for one is implied to all.  42 Yechezkel 19, 2. “Your mother” is a reference to the progenitors of Israel.
                                                                                          43 There is an age-old dispute whether all Hebrew verbs have three root-letters. Here Rashi assumes Menachem
       21 When the Egyptians witnessed the proliferation of the ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−ÑòÐa they felt as if their own bodies were full of  ben Saruk’s opinion that some have two root-letters. See, also Rashi below 2,10 and II Melachim 17, 7.  44 I.e.,
       thorns. (M. from Rashi, Sotah 11a)  22 Both referring to women who assist in birthing.  23 I.e., ³Bð−ÌñBô—without  third-person, masculine, singular in the ñ−̼ÐõÌí (causative) conjugation, with a î"−Öî that converts future to past tense.
       a stress LÑèÖð in the ð"ôñ is in the ñ−̼ÐõÌí (or ñš) conjugation.  24 þÑëBL and þë¾ô both meaning to break, the former  45 This verse. The root of ëÓ¬−Ñ−Ôî is ë¬.  46 Eichah 2, 5.  47 The root of ëÓþÑ−Ôî being ëþ.  48 II Divrei Hayamim 36, 20.
       being in the “light”—ñÔš conjugation and the latter in the “heavy”—ñѼÌt conjugation.  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Black   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 1 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Magenta   #26

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