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Shemos—Shemos 1:20–21 àëYë:à úåîùZúåîù
Shemos—Shemos 1:11–12 áéYàé:à úåîùZúåîù
and the people increased and were very mighty. :ðÒ ÞêÐôe £ôЮԼÞÔiÔîó§Ö¼ÖíëÓþ«ÌiÔî to oppress him with their burdens. ó¢Ö³GÐë̽ÐaB£³ÒpÔ¼öÔ¼'ÔôÐñ
21. Because the midwives feared God, ó−¢ÌíGÍêÞÖí-³Óê³Ò£ðÐlÔ−ÐôÞÔíe'êÐþÞÖ−-−Ìk−–ÌíÐ−Ôî .ê× He [B’nei Yisrael] built supply cities for Pharaoh, íÒ fl¼ÐþÔõÐñ ·³BòÐkнÌô−¥ÑþÖ¼öÓë•ÌiÔî
He gave them houses. :ó−ÞÌzÖaó£ÓíÖñNÔ¼'ÔiÔî Pisom and Ramseis. :½ÞѽÐôÔ¼ÞÔþ-³ÓêÐîóÒ£³Ìt-³Óê
12. But the more [the Egyptians] oppressed him, B fl³Òêe¤pÔ¼Ð− ·þÓLÎêÞÔ×Ðî .ë−
[The Egyptians] came to loathe the B’nei Yisrael. :ñÞÑêÖþÐNÌ−−'ÑòÐa−£ÑòÐ tÌôe®–ŠšÖiÔî
But, when it speaks in terms of “he did” 51 ñÒ¼ÐõÌiÔî öBLÐñÌaþÑaÔðÐô êeíÓLÐ×e
the ð"î− is vocalized with a šÌþ−Ìì. ,šÌþ−ÌìÐa ð"eiÔí ðešÖò êeí
“ëÔ¬−ÌiÔî in his eyes” 52 ,î−Öò−ѼÐaëÔ¬−ÌiÔî
To oppress him with their burdens. .íÈúGÀáÄñÀaBúÉpÇòïÇòÇîÀì
[meaning:] it was good [in his eyes]. ,ëÔ¬eí öBLÐñ
I.e., [the burdens] of the Egyptians. 14 .óÌ−ÖþЮÌôñÓL
Similarly: “ëÓþÌiÔî the nation” 53 ,óÖ¼ÖíëÓþÌiÔîöÑ×Ðî
Supply cities. .úBðÀkÀñÄîéÅøÈò
[meaning:] the nation increased; ,óÖ¼ÖííÖaÔþгÌò
Should be translated as Onkelos does. 15 ,BôebÐþÔ³Ðk
“ñÓèÌiÔî Yehudah” 54 [meaning:] Yehudah was exiled; ,íÖðeíÐ−íÖñÐèÖíZíÖðeíÐ−ñÓèÌiÔî
Similarly: “Go to this (öÑ×ÒqÔí) treasurer.” 16 íÓfÔíöÑ×BqÔíñÓêêÒaCÓñöÑ×Ðî
“(öÓõÌiÔî) He looked all around” 55 ZíÒ×ÖîíÒköÓõÌiÔî
[öÑ×ÒqÔí refers to] the treasurer who is in charge íÓpeôÐôÔíþÖaÐïÌb
[meaning:] He turned here and there. .öêÖ×Ðñe öêÖ×ÐñíÖòÐõÖí
of the warehouses. :³BþÖ®BêÖíñÔ¼
Do not reject my [explanation] −ÌòÑë−ÌLÐzñÔêÐî
[because of the words] êÑ®Ñ−ÔîðÓþÑ−Ôî,ëÓLÑ−Ôî ,CÓñÑ−Ôî, 56 ,êÑ®ÑiÔî,ðÓþÑiÔî,ëÓLÑiÔî ,CÓñÑiÔî Pisom and Ramseis. 17 .ñÞÅñÀîÇòÞÇø-úÆàÀåíÉúÄtúÆà
because these [words] are not öÖò−ÑêÓL−ÌõÐñ For they were originally not fit for this purpose ,CÖ×ÐñíÖlÌìÐzÌô ³B−eêÐþe−ÖíêHÓL
from the same type of verbs as those [above] ,elÑêñÓLöÖ³Ö þÐïÌbÌô so they strengthened and fortified them for warehousing. :þÖ®BêÐñ ³Bþe®Ðëe ³BšÖïÎì óeêÖNμÔî
for the ð"î− in these are part of the root— ,öÓíÖa ðB½Ð− ð"eiÔí−ÑþÎíÓL [12] The more [the Egyptians] oppressed him. 18 .BúÉàepÇòÀéøÆLÂàÞÇëÀå [áé]
[in the words:] êÒ®Ö−,ðÒþÖ−,ëÒLÖ− ,CGÖ− ZêÒ®Ö−,ðÒþÖ−,ëÒLÖ− ,CGÖ− To the extent that they set their hearts to oppress [them], ,³BpÔ¼ÐñëÑñö−ÌòгBò óÑíÓMíÔôñÖ×Ða
the ð"î− is a third root letter. 57 :Ba ³−ÌL−ÌñÐL ³Bê ð"eiÔí God set His heart to increase and strengthen them. :±−ÌþÐõÔíÐñe ³BaÐþÔíÐñí"ÖaÖwÔíëÑñöÑk
Elokim was good to the midwives. 58 .úÉãÀlÇéÀîÇìíéÄäGÁàáÆèéÅiÇå The more [the B’nei Yisrael] increased. .õÉøÀôÄéïÅëÀåäÆaÀøÄéïÅk
What was this good [that was done to them]? ?íÖëBhÔíeíÔô [Meaning:] so did they increase and become strong. 19 .±ÔþÖtöÑ×ÐîíÖëÖþöÑk
[21] [It was that] He gave them houses. 59 .íéÞÄzÈaíÆäÈìNÇòÇiÇå [àë] That is the plain interpretation. .B¬eLÐõeíÓï
Houses of the Priesthood and the Levites and Royalty ³e×ÐñÔôe íÖiÌîÐñe íÖpeíÐ×−ÑzÖa [However,] the Midrashic explanation is: ,BLÖþÐðÌôe
which are referred to as “houses” (dynasties), ,ó−ÌzÖaö−Ì−eþÐwÓL the Holy Spirit is saying this, ,öÑk³ÓþÓôBê LÓðÒwÔíÔìeþ
[as is written:] “And he built the House of God ’í ³−Ña³Óê ³BòÐëÌñ :ëe³ÖkÓLBôÐk i.e., “You say, ‘lest he increase’, ,íÓaÐþÌ−öÓtó−ÌþÐôBê óÓzÔê
and the house of the king;” 60 ZCÓñÓnÔí³−Ña³ÓêÐî but, I say, ‘yes, they will increase’.” 20 :íÓaÐþÌ−öÑkþÑôBê −ÌòÎêÔî
the Priesthood and the Levites 61 íÖiÌîÐñe íÖpeíÐk [The Egyptians] came to loathe. .eöË÷ÈiÇå
[descended] from Yocheved ðÓëÓ×BiÌô Their lives became abhorent to them. .óÓí−ÑiÔìÐëe®Öš
51 I.e., the ñÔš conjugation. 52 Vayikra 10, 20. 53 Our verse. 54 II Melachim 25, 21. 55 Below 2, 12. 56 These 14 Rashi has previously established that in these verses the ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−ÑòÐa are referred to in the singular. Therefore, the
words being in the ñÔš conjugation, yet their letters ð"î− are vowelized with a −Ñþ−Ñ®, whereas according to Rashi’s plural óÖ³GÐë̽Ða must be a reference to the Egyptians. (M., G.A.) 15 I.e., êÖ−ÔþÖ®Bê ³−Ña—warehouses. 16 Yeshaiyahu 22,
explanation the ð"î− should have taken a š−ÌþÌì. 57 This group of verbs has three root-letters, where the first 15. 17 The syntactic structure of the verse ½Ñ½ÐôÔ¼Ôþ³ÓêÐîóÒ³Ìt³ÓêíÒ¼ÐþÔõÐñ ³BòÐkнÌô−ÑþÖ¼öÓëÌiÔî (rather than: ½Ñ½ÐôÔ¼Ôþ³ÓêÐîóÒ³Ìt³ÓêöÓëÌiÔî
root-letter is a ð"î−, which is dropped in the future tense. (The group is called −"õ −þ½ì—i.e., the first root letter íÒ¼ÐþÔõÐñ ³BòÐkнÌô−ÑþÖ¼Ðñ), indicates that ½Ñ½ÐôÔ¼ÔþÐî óB³Ìt already existed prior to this narrative (M.). Also, it would not have been
ð"î− is omitted.) e.g. ðÑþÑz,ðÑþÑ−,−ÌðÐþÑz,ðÑþÑz,ðÑþÑê— The root in the third person—eðÐþÑ−,ðÑþÑ− is not a root-letter but the necessary to build totally new cities for the purpose of warehouses. (G.A.) 18 Grammatically epÔ¼Ð− means “they
third-person-future-prefix. 58 I.e., Yocheved and Miriam. See Rashi above v. 15. 59 Thus, ó−ÌšGÓêëѬ−Ñ−Ôî,ofthe will oppress—in the future tense. Rashi, therefore, explains that intent is expressed in the future tense. (M., G.A.)
previous verse, and óÓíÖñNÔ¼ÔiÔî here, are a reference to the same thing. (G.A.) 60 I Melachim 9, 1. 61 I.e., Moshe 19 Obviously, here, the future form íÓaÐþÌ− does not convey intent. 20 Thereby explaining why íÓaÐþÌ− is in the future
and Aharon. tense. (G.A.)