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       [299]    #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black   #26
                     Shemos—Mishpatim 21:24–25 äëYãë:àë íéèôùîZúåîù
                                                                                                         Shemos—Mishpatim 21:13–15 åèYâé:àë íéèôùîZúåîù
               24. [Compensation of] an eye for an eye, öÌ− flÔ¼³Ôì¤ÔzöÌ−Ô¼ƒ.ð×                      to which he can flee [and find refuge]. ñ :íÖnÞÖL½e£òÖ−þ'ÓLÎê
                             [of] a tooth for a tooth, ö¢ÑL³Ôì¤Ôzö£ÑL                             14. But if a man plots against his neighbor eí£Ñ¼Ñþ-ñÔ¼L−§Ìêð'ÌïÖ−-−ÞÌ×Ðî .ð−
             [of] a hand for a hand, [of] a foot for a foot. :ñÓèÞÖþ³Ôì'ÔzñÓè£ÓþðflÖ−³Ôì¤ÔzðÖ−ƒ                 to kill him intentionally, í¢ÖôÐþÖ¼ÐëB¤èÐþÖíÐñ
               25. [Compensation of] a burn for a burn, íflÖiÌîÐk³Ôì¤Ôz ·íÖiÌîÐk .í×                you may [even] take him from My altar ep£ÓìÖwÌz− flÌìÐaÐïÌôó¤Ì¼Ñô
                          [of] a wound for a wound, ¼Ô®¢Öt³Ôì¤Ôz¼Ô®£Ót                                             to put him to death. ñ :³e ÞôÖñ
                                                                                                15. Whoever strikes his father or his mother B £nÌêÐîî−§ÌëÖêí'ÑkÔôe .î¬
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                            [24]  An eye for an eye.  .ïÄéÇòúÇçÇzïÄéÇò [ãë]
                   If he blinded the eye of another person  BþÑëÎìö−ѼêÑn−̽                            so that [the murderer] can flee there.  ,íÖnÖL ½eòÖiÓL
            he must compensate him for the worth of his eye,  ,Bò−Ѽ−ÑôÐðBñöѳBò                    Which was the place that gave him refuge?  ?B¬ÐñBš óBšÖôíÓï−ÑêÐî
                    [i.e.,] the amount his worth decreased  î−ÖôÖðe³ÎìÖtÓLíÖnÔk                            It was the camp of the Levites. 115  :íÖiÌîÐñíÑòÎìÔôíÓï
            were he to be sold [as a slave] in the marketplace.  ,šeMÔa þBkÐôÌñ                                      [14]  If he plots.  .ãÄæÈé-éÞÄëÀå [ãé]
                    all the other cases are 181  similar to this  ;óÖlek öÑ×Ðî                                 Why is this [verse] said? 116  ?þÔôÍêÓòíÖnÖñ
         and they do not refer to the actual removal of a limb,  ,LÖnÔôþÖëÑê³Ôñ−̬ÐòêGÐî                 Because [from that which] it states:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL−ÌõÐñ
             as our Sages expounded in Chapter Hachovel. 182  :ñÑëBìÔíšÓþÓõÐa eò−ѳBaÔþeLÐþÖcÓLBôÐk             “If one strikes a man, etc.”  ,’BèÐîL−ÌêíÑkÔô
                            [25]  A burn for a burn.  .äÈiÄåÀkúÇçÇzäÈiÄåÀk [äë]            I might conclude [that all the following are liable to death:]  −ÌòÎêÔ¼ÑôBL
                       [íÖiÌîÐk means:] burn caused by fire.  ;LÑê³ÔîÐ×Ìô                       a doctor who killed [in the course of treatment],  ,³−ÌôÑíÓLêÑõBþÖí el−ÌõÎê
                  Up to this point (i.e., the previous verse)  î−ÖLÐ×Ô¼ðÔ¼Ðî                                 and a court-officer who killed  ³−ÌôÑíÓLö−Ìc³−ÑaÔì−ÌñÐLe
                       the Torah has spoken of a wound  íÖñÖëÎìÔaþÑa−Ìc                         [inadvertently, while adminstering] forty lashes,  ,ó−̼ÖaÐþÔê ³ešÐñÔôÐa
            whereby [the victim suffers] a lessening of worth  ,ó−ÌôÖcìÖ³ÐtdÖaLÑiÓL                                       and a father  ëÖêÖíÐî
                            But now [it speaks of one]  î−ÖLÐ×Ô¼Ðî                               who strikes his son [inadvertently killing him.]  ,BòÐa³ÓêíÓkÔnÔí
       whereby [the victim does not suffer] a lessening of worth,  ó−ÌôÖc³ÖìÐtdÖaö−ÑêÓLÐa                    and a teacher who disciplines  íÓðBþÖíëÔþÖíÐî
                                     but only pain,  ,þÔ¼Ô®êÖlÓê                                           his student [thereby killing him]  ,Bð−ÌôÐñÔz³Óê
                    for example, where one burnt another  BêÖîÐk öBèÐk                        and who [attempting to kill an animal] kills a man.  ,èÑèBMÔíÐî
                          on his nails with a hot spit, 183  ,î−ÖòÐþÖtÌvñÔ¼ ðetÔLÐa                             The Torah therefore says:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
         we would estimate how much [money] such a person  íÓïÖëêÑ®BiÔkóÖðÖêíÖnÔkó−ÌðÐôBê                “If he plots,” but not inadvertently;  ,èÑèBL êGÐî Z ð−ÌïÖ−−Ì×Ðî
           would be willing to accept to undergo such pain. 184  :CÖkþѼԬЮÌô ³B−ÐíÌñ ñBh−ÌñíÓ®Bþ  “to kill him intentionally,” but not a court officer,  ö−Ìc³−ÑaÔì−ÌñÐLêGÐîZíÖôÐþÖ¼ÐëBèÐþÖíÐñ
                                       A wound.  .òÇöÆt                                      or a doctor or one who disciplines his son or student,  ,Bð−ÌôÐñÔ ³ÐîBòÐëíÓðBþÖíÐîêÑõBþÖíÐî
                       [¼Ô®Ót] is a wound that draws blood  ,óÖðíÖê−Ì®BnÔííÖkÔôê−Ìí            for, though they [struck their blows] intentionally,  ö−Ìð−ÌïÐôóÑíÓL−ÌtñÔ¼¹ÔêÓL
              whereby his (the victim’s) flesh was lacerated,  ,BþÖNÐa³Óê¼Ô®ÖtÓL                                they did not plan [to kill].  :ö−Ìô−ÌþμÔôö−Ñê
                     navrdure in Old French—“ a wound.”  ;ïÔ¼ÔñÐa êþî"þëò                                              From My altar.  .éÄçÀaÀæÄîíÄòÅî
       [The liability of the one inflicting the wound] all depends  ñÒkÔí                  Even if he is a kohein and wishes to perform the service  ,íÖðBëμ ðBëμÔñíÓ®BþÐîöÑíÒ×íÖ−ÖíóÌê
                                  on what occurred:  ,êeíÓMíÔô−ÌõÐñ                                     you must take him to be executed. 117  :³eôÖñepÓìÖwÌz
       If [the blow] causes a diminishing of [the victim’s] worth  ,ó−ÌôÖc³ÖìÐtBaLÑ−óÌê      [15]  Whoever strikes his father or his mother.  .BnÄàÀå åéÄáÈàäÅkÇîe [åè]
                                                                                                                 Since we have learned 118  eòÖðÐnÌlÓL−ÌõÐñ
       181 Viz. ’î×î ðÖ−³ÔìÔzðÖ−,öÑL³ÔìÔzöÑL,öÌ−Ô¼³ÔìÔzöÌ−Ô¼.  182 Bava Kamma 84a.  183 I.e., a wound which does not cause
       šÓïÓò,—“ damage,” for the victim’s value remains the same, nor ³ÓëÓ¾—“ loss of work,” for he can continue working,  115 The camp of Moshe (Makkos 12; Zevachim 112a.)  116 Has it not already been stated: “If one strikes a man. . . .”
       nor −et−Ìþ—“ medical costs,” for it heals by itself.  184 And this would be the amount that the one causing the injury  (v. 12)?  117 However, if he is in the midst of sacrificing a korbon, he is allowed to complete it (Yoma 85a).
       would pay (ibid; Mechilta).                                                        118 Below, vv. 24–25.
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