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[301]            Shemos—Mishpatim 21:26 åë:àë íéèôùîZúåîù                                           Shemos—Mishpatim 21:13 âé:àë íéèôùîZúåîù           [288]                                                                                                    #                                                               26015

                26. If a man strikes the eye of his slave, B§cÐëÔ¼ö−'Ѽ-³ÓêL−•Ìêí·ÓkÔ−-−ÞÌ×Ðî .î×         but God brought it to his hand, B¢ðÖ−Ðñí¤ÖpÌêó−£ÌíGÍêÞÖíÐî
        or the eye of his female slave, and destroys [blinds] it, d¢Ö³ÎìÞÌLÐîB£³ÖôÎêö−'Ѽ-³Óê-B Þê
                         as compensation for the eye. :BÞò−Ѽ³Ôì'Ôz
                                                                                                            and its verb is íÓðB® (to lie in wait)  ,íÓðB® BlÓLñÔ¼Bõe
                                                                                                        whereas this one’s verb (to hunt)is ðÖ®.  ,ðÖ®BlÓLñÔ¼BtÔííÓïÐî
                                                                                                                  as Onkelos translates it:  BôebÐþÔ³Ð×
                as in: “or the leopard (î−Ö³ÒþÐaÐþÔëÎì) his spots.” 194  ,î−Ö³ÒþÐaÐþÔëÎìþÑôÖòÐîBôÐk  “and if he did not lie in ambush for him.” 97  .dÑñöÔôÐ×êÖñÐðe
                    Onkelos, however, translates it (íÖþeaÔì)  BôebÐþÔ³Ðî                 However, Menachem [Ibn Saruk] lists it in his Machberes 98  BþÐaÌìóÑìÔòÐôe
                           “−ÑõBšÐLÔô,” meaning “a blow.”  ,íÖ¬ÖëÎì öBLÐñ ,−ÑõBšÐLÔô                     under the section of ðÌ−Ô®ðÖ® (hunting)  ,ðÌ−Ô®ðÖ®šÓñÑìÐë
                Batdure in Old French—“ a blow, a beating.”  ,ïÔ¼ÔñÐa êþ"îð¬ë                                 but I do not agree with him.  ;Bñ íÓðBô −ÌòÎêö−ÑêÐî
          Similarly “ó−ÌðÖš ³BõeðÐL” 195 —“ beaten by the east-wind”  ,ó−ÌðÖš ³BõeðÐLöÑ×Ðî           If it is to be listed in one of the ðÖ® sections  ,ðÖ®ñÓL ³BšÖñÐìÔnÌô³ÔìÔêÐaBþÐaÔìÐñLÑ−óÌêÐî
                   is translated by Onkelos: “óecÌwöÖõ−ÌšÐL” 196  Z óecÌšöÖõ−ÌšÐL                               we should preferably list it  epÓþÐaÔìÐò
                    [which means:] “beaten by the wind.”  ,ÔìeþÖa ³B¬eëÎì                    in the section: “you will be carried on (ðÔ®) her side” 99  ,eêÑNÖpÌzðÔ®ñÔ¼šÓñÑìÐë
                    Similarly ¹BšÐLÔnÔíñÔ¼—“ on the lintel,” 197  ,¹BšÐLÔnÔíñÔ¼öÑ×Ðî              [or:] “I will shoot arrows (íÖcÌ®) on that side” 100  ,íÓþBê íÖcÌ®
                  so-called because the door beats against it.  :î−ÖñÖ¼LÑšBò ³ÓñÓcÔíÓLóÑLñÔ¼           [or:] “And he shall speak (ðÔ®Ðñ) towards  íÖêÖl̼ðÔ®Ðñ ö−ÌlÌôe
                         [26]  The eye of his slave—  .BcÀáÇòïéÅò-úÆà [åë]                                           the One Above.” 101  ,ñÑlÔôÐ−
                                     who is gentile.  ,−ÌòμÔòÐk                                         Here, too, íÖðÖ®êGþÓLÎê [would mean]:  ZíÖðÖ®êGþÓLÎê ,öêÖk¹Ôê
                  But a Hebrew [slave] does not go out free  êÑ®B− Bò−Ñê−ÌþÐë̼ñÖëÎê                he has not taken any side (i.e., opportunity)  ðÔ ðÖ®êG
                     due to the loss of a tooth or an eye 198  ,öÌ−Ô¼ÖîöÑLÐë                         to find any side (i.e., occasion) for killing.  .íÖ³−ÌôðÔ® óeL Bñ êB®ÐôÌñ
               as we have already said regarding [the verse]  ñÓ®ÑêeòÐþÔôÖêÓLBôÐk                       This explanation, too, is questionable  ,î−ÖñÖ¼þÑíÐþÔíÐñLÑ−íÓï¹ÔêÐî
       “She shall not go free as do the [gentile] male-slaves.” 199  :"ó−ÌðÖëμÖí³êÑ®ÐkêѮѳ êG,,      yet [this latter explanation is preferable  óBšÖôñÖkÌô
                                                                                           to Menachem’s for] it has the connotation of “ambush.”  :êeí ëÑþBê öBLÐñ
                        As compensation for the eye.  .BÞðéÅòúÇçÇz
             The same [applies to the loss of] 24 tips of limbs:  :ó−ÌþÖë−Ñê−ÑLêÖþ ð"×ë öÑ×Ðî             But God brought it to his hand.  .BãÈéÀìäÈpÄàíéÄäGÁàÞÈäÀå
                        the fingers of the hands and feet,  ,óÌ−ÔñÐèÔþÖíÐîóÌ−ÔðÖiÔí ³B¼ÐaЮÓê        [BðÖ−ÐñíÖpÌê means:] prepared it for his hand,  ,BðÖ−ÐñöÑn−Ìï
                               the two ears, the nose  ,óÓ¬BìÔíÐî,óÌ−ÔòÐïÖê−ÑzÐLe                             from the same derivation as:  öBLÐñ
                 and the íÖiÌîÐbÔí¾ÒêÒþ which is the membrum. 200  .íÖnÔêÖíð−Ìb êeíÓLíÖiÌîÐbÔíLêÒþÐî      “No evil shall (íÓpŠêг) befall you,” 102  ,íÖ¼Öþ E−ÓñÑêíÓpŠêгêG
          Then why are the tooth and eye both mentioned? 201  ?öÌ−Ô¼ÖîöÑLþÔôÍêÓòíÖnÖñÐî          [or:] “No iniquity (íÓpŠêÐ−) shall befall a tzaddik,” 103  ,öÓîÖêñÖkš−ÌcÔvÔñíÓpŠêÐ−êG
                      Because if “the eye” was mentioned  öÌ−Ô¼þÔôÍ êÓòóÌêÓL                    [or:] “(íÓpÔêгÌô) He makes himself ready for me.” 104  −Ìñ êeí íÓpÔêгÌô
                  and “the tooth” would not be mentioned  ,öÑLþÔôÍêÓòêGÐî                   I.e., he prepares to find some opportunity against me.  :íÖl−̼−Ìñ êB®ÐôÌñöÑnÔcÐïÌô
             I would have said [that “the tooth” is excluded]:  þÑôBê −̳−Ì−Öí                            But God brought it to his hand.  .BãÈéÀìäÈpÄàíéÄäGÁàÞÈäÀå
               Just as the eye was created together with him  ,Bn̼êÖþÐëÌpÓLöÌ−Ô¼íÖô               Why would such a thing result from Him? 105  ?î−ÖòÖõÐlÌô³êÒïêѮѳíÖnÖñÐî
        so, too, any [limb] that was created together with him,  ,Bn̼êÖþÐëÌpÓLñÒk¹Ôê                 This is what David meant when he said:  ,ðÌ îÖcþÔôÖêÓL êeí
                                                                                                     “As the proverb of the Ancient One says:  −ÌòÒôÐðÔwÔíñÔLÐôþÔôêÒ−þÓLÎêÔk
       194 Yirmiyahu 13, 23.  195 Bereishis 41, 23.  196 öÖõ−ÌšÐL having the same root as −ÑõBšÐLÔô, which is Onkelos’ translation
       for íÖþeaÔì; thus, íÖþeaÔì would mean struck or beaten.  197 Above, 12, 7.  198 Caused by the master.  199 Above, v. 7.  97 See also Devarim 19, 11 where Onkelos translates Bñ ëÔþÖêÐî as: í−ÑñöÔôÐ×e, thereby showing that íÖðÖ® is the same as ëÔþÖê.
       There Rashi explains that the −ÌþÐë̼ðÓëÓ¼ is compared to íÖiÌþÐë̼íÖôÖê and neither goes free upon the master’s knocking  (S.C.)  98 The Machberes is a Biblical dictionary compiled by Menachem Ibn Saruk.  99 Yeshaiyahu 66, 12.  100 I
       out an eye or a tooth.  200 The twenty-four limbs are derived by their similarity to the tooth and the eye. They are  Shmuel 20, 20.  101 Daniel 7, 25. In these three instances íÖðÖ® takes on the meaning of side or direction.  102 Tehillim
       all external and do not grow back. (Mechilta)  201 Either alone would be sufficient to indicate all the limbs!  91, 10.  103 Mishlei 12, 21.  104 II Melachim 5, 7.  105 I.e., why would God cause such a thing to happen?  #                                     26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-
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