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[305]         Shemos—Mishpatim 21:31–32 áìYàì:àë íéèôùîZúåîù                                       Shemos—Mishpatim 21:9–11 àéYè:àë íéèôùîZúåîù        [284]

         31. Whether it is a son [a minor lad] that is gored ì£ÖbÌ−ö'Ñë-Bê .êñ            he must grant her exactly the same rights as daughters. :dÞÖl-íÓNμÞÔ−³B£òÖaÔí¬'ÔtÐLÌôÐk
               or a daughter [a minor girl] that it gored, ì¢ÖbÌ−³¤Ôë-Bê                             10. If he takes himself another [wife], B¢ñ-ìÔwÌ−³Óþ£ÓìÔê-óÌê.−
                            this law shall apply to it. :B ÞlíÓN'Ö¼Ñ−í£ÓfÔí¬'ÖtÐLÌnÔk     her sustenance, her clothing and her conjugal rights d£Ö³ÖòÒ Þ¼Ðîd'Ö³e½Ðkd§ÖþÑêÐL
              32. If the ox gored a male or female slave, í¢ÖôÖêB¤êþB £MÔíì'ÔbÌ−ðÓë§Ó¼-óÌê .ëñ                   he must not diminish. :¼ÞÖþÐèÌ−ê'G
         he must give thirty silver shekalim to their master, î−flÖòÒðêÞÔñ ·öÑzÌ−ó− †ÌñÖšÐLó−¤ÌLñÐL|¹Ó½¤Ók  11. If he does none of these three things to her, d¢Öñí£ÓNμÞÔ−ê'GíÓl flÑê-LÖñÐL-ó·ÌêÐî .ê−
                          and the ox must be stoned. ô :ñ ÞÑšÖqÌ−þB £MÔíÐî
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                                                                                                    “You are hereby designated to me as a wife  −Ìñ³ÓðÓ¼e−ÐôÐzÔê−ÑþÎí
         the worth of the one whose ox did the damage. 225 226  :š−ÌfÔô−ÑôÐc              for the money that your father accepted as your price.” 69  :CÌ−ÔôÖðÐaE−ÌëÖêñÑa−ÌšÓL¹Ó½Ó×Ðë
                [31]  Whether it is a son that is gored.  .çÈbÄéïÅá-Bà [àì]                                The same rights as daughters.  .úBðÈaÇäèÇtÀLÄîÀk
                     [This refers to] a son who is a minor  :öÖ¬Öš êeíÓLöÑa                  [The rights to] food, clothing, and marital relations. 70  :íÖòB¼Ðî ³e½ÐkþÑêÐL
                                                                                                 [10]  If he takes himself another [wife]—  .Bì-çÇwÄéúÆøÆçÇà-íÄà [é]
                                  Or a daughter—  .úÇá-Bà
                                  who is a minor. 227  ;íÖpԬК êeíÓL                                                    besides her. 71  :Öí−ÓñÖ¼
                                     Since it states:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL−ÌõÐñ                                      Her sustenance, her clothing,  dÈúeñÀkdÈøÅàÀL
                        “If it kills a man or a woman,” 228  ,íÖMÌêBêL−Ìê³−ÌôÑíÐî                               and her conjugal rights  dÈúÈðÉ ÞòÀå
                                I might have thought  ñB×Ö−                                                     he must not diminish—  .òÞÈøÀâÄéàG
            that he is liable only for [the deaths of] adults. 229  ,ó−ÌñBðÐbÔíñÔ¼êÖlÓêë−ÖiÔì Bò−Ñê                from the maidservant  íÖôÖêÖíöÌô
                            Therefore the Torah states:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz                           whom he had already designated as his wife. 72  :þÖëÐ×BñðÔ¼ÖiÓL
                    “Whether it is a son that is gored, etc.  ,’BèÐîìÖbÌ−öÑëBê                                        Her sustenance.  .dÈøÅàÀL
          to indicate that he is liable for [the deaths of] minor  ó−ÌpÔ¬ÐwÔíñÔ¼ë−ÑiÔìÐñ                            [dÖþÑêÐL means:] food.  :³BòBïÐô
              just as [he is liable for the deaths of] adults. 230  :ó−ÌñBðÐbÔk                                         Her clothing.  .dÈúeñÀk
                     [32]  If a male or female slave—  .äÈîÈà Bà ,ãÆáÆò-íÄà [áì]                        [dÖ³e½Ðk is translated in] its literal sense.  :B¼ÖôÐLÔôÐk
                                gentile [slaves]. 231 232  :ó−ÌiÌòμÔòÐk                                           Her conjugal rights.  .dÈúÈðÉ Þò
            [Its owner] must give thirty silver shekalim.  .ïÅzÄéíéÄìÈ÷ÀLíéÄLìÀL                          [dÖ³ÖòÒ¼ refers to] marital relations. 73  :L−ÌôÐLÔz
                         This is a decree of the Torah, 233  ,êeí ëe³ÖkÔí³Ôþ−ÑïÐb          [11]  If he does none of these three things to her  .dÈìäÆNÂòÞÇéàGäÆlÅà-LÈìÀL-íÄàÀå [àé]
                    whether he is worth one thousand zuz  ïeï ¹ÓñÓêíÓîÖL êeíÓLö−Ña                If he does none of these three things to her—  ;dÖñíÓNμÔ−êGíÓlÑêLÖñÐMÌô³ÔìÔêóÌê
                           or if he is worth but a dinar.  .þÖò−ÌðêÖlÓêíÓîÖL Bò−ÑêÓLö−Ña          what are the three things [referred to here]? 74  ?LñÖMÔíöÑííÖôe
                  A shekel has the weight of four gold coins  ó−ÌëeíÐïíÖ¼ÖaÐþÔêBñÖšÐLÌôñÓšÓMÔíÐî  [they are:] 1. He should designate her as his wife,  ,Bñ íÖpÓðÖ¼−Ìi
                             which total half an ounce  êÖ−КÐòeê −Ì®ÎìóÑíÓL                                  or, 2. [as the wife] of his son  ,BòÐëÌñBê
                         according to the correct weight  þÖLÖiÔíñÖšÐLÌnÔñ                      or, 3. he shall deduct from her redemption price  dÖòB−ÐðÌtÌô¼ÔþÐèÌ−Bê
                                                                                                               and she would go out free.  .êѮѳÐî
       225 Rabbi Akiva, on the other hand, maintains that the money paid by the owner is, in effect, a substitute for his  But this man has not designated her as a wife,  ,dÖðÖ¼Ð−êGíÓïÐî
       own life, since he should according to Divine decree give up his life as atonement for causing another’s death.  neither for himself, nor for his son  ,BòÐëÌñêGÐîBñêG
       Therefore, it is the worth of the š−ÌfÔô that should be paid out. (Rashi ibid)  226 Mechilta; Makkos 2b; Bava Kamma
       27a.  227 But why would the Torah need to single out that one is responsible for the deaths of minors?  228 Above.  nor did she have the means  dÖðÖ−ÐëíÖ−ÖíêGê−ÌíÐî
       v. 29.  229 Ramban explains that if an ox, whose nature it is to fear grown-ups, gores a grown-up, the owner
       should realize that this is potentially a killer-ox and should take proper precautions. Therefore we might conclude  68 Unlike the latter part of the previous verse, where “he” refers to the father as well as the master.  69 Kiddushin
       that the owner is liable only for the ox’s killing of grown-ups.  230 Mechilta.  231 For were it an −ÌþÐë̼ðÓëÓ¼ the owner  18b.  70 Mechilta.  71 Ibid.  72 Ibid.  73 Ibid; Kesubos 47b.  74 Could it possibly be íÖòB¼Ðî ³e½ÐkþÑêÐL of the previous
       of the ox would be liable to pay þÓõÒk. (M.; S.C.)  232 Mechilta.  233 I.e., we are not given the reason.  verse?                                                                                 #                                                             #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:
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