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[295]         Shemos—Mishpatim 21:19–20 ëYèé:àë íéèôùîZúåîù                 SHMOT  10               Shemos—Mishpatim 21:19 èé:àë íéèôùîZúåîù           [294]                                                                                                    #                                                               26015

                   and must pay for his complete cure. ñ :êÞÑtÔþÐ−êÒ'tÔþÐî                 19. If he gets up and is able to walk on the outside ±e§ìÔaC'ÑlÔíгÌíÐîóe„šÖ−-óÌê .¬−
                         Sheini (Second Aliyah)    éðù                                                              on his own power, B£zÐòÔ¼ÐLÌô-ñÔ¼
                                20. If a man strikes L−·Ìê »íÓkÔ−-−ÞÌ×Ðî.×                       the one who struck him shall be acquitted. í¢ÓkÔnÔíí¤ÖwÌòÐî
                   his male or female slave with a rod, ¬Óë flÑMÔa ·B³ÖôÎê-³ÓêB¥êB•cÐëÔ¼-³Óê           Still he must pay for his loss of work, ö£ÑzÌ−B§zÐëÌLš'Ôþ

                                                                                                            “And he will fall into idleness,”  ZöÖñЬeëÐññÑtÌ−Ðî
                  And must pay for his complete cure.  .àÞÅtÇøÀéàÉtÇøÀå
                                                                                                [i.e.,] to illness that will keep him from his work.  :BzÐ×êÔñÐnÌôBñÐhÔëÐnÓL−ÌñBìÐñ
                   As Onkelos translates it: [óÑlÔLÐ−êÖ−нÖêþÔèÎêÔî]  ,BôebÐþÔ³Ðk
                                                                                                              [19]  On his own power.  .BzÀðÇòÀLÄî-ìÇò [èé]
                       —he must pay the doctor’s fee. 151  :êÑõBþÖíþÔ×ÐNóÑñÔLÐ−
                                                                                                   [Meaning:] on his health and his strength. 143  :BìÒ×ÐîB−Ðþea ñÔ¼
                              [20]  If a man strikes  LéÄàäÆkÇé-éÞÄëÀå [ë]
                                                                                                The one who struck him shall be acquitted.  .äÆkÇnÇääÈwÄðÀå
                            his male or female slave.  .BúÈîÂà-úÆà Bà BcÀáÇò-úÆà
                                                                                                                Would it enter your mind  EÐzмÔcñÔ¼íÓñμԳ−Ì×Ðî
                      This verse speaks of a gentile slave.  ,þÑaÔðÐô ëe³ÖkÔí−ÌòμÔòÐkðÓëÓ¼Ða
                                                                                             that this person, who has not killed would be killed?!  ?èÔþÖíêHÓLíÓïèÑþÖíÑiÓL
                  Or perhaps it speaks of a Hebrew [slave]?  ?−ÌþÐë̼ÐëêÖlÓê Bò−ÑêBê
                                                                                                        But here you are taught [by íÓkÔnÔííÖwÌòÐî]  öêÖ×EÐðÓnÌñêÖlÓê
                            Therefore the Torah states:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
                                                                                                    that he is imprisoned until it becomes clear  íÓêÐþÌpÓLðÔ¼ B³Bê ó−ÌLÐëBìÓL
                        “For he is his master’s property.”  ,êeí BtнÔ×−Ìk
                                                                                                whether the other one (the victim) will recover.  ;íÓïêÑtÔþгÌ−óÌê
                        Just as his property is his forever  ,³−ÌôÖñB¼ Bñ −eòÖšBtнÔkíÔô
                                                                                                       And this is the meaning [of this verse]:  ,B¼ÖôÐLÔôöÑ×Ðî
                        so too the slave [discussed here]  ðÓëÓ¼¹Ôê
                                                                                                           When the other (the victim) rises  íÓïóÖwÓLÐk
                         is the one that is his forever. 152  ;³−ÌôÖñB¼ Bñ −eòÖwÔí
                                                                                               and walks “with his cane” (i.e., his health returns)  ,BzÐòÔ¼ÐLÌôñÔ¼CÑñBíÐî
                 But he was included in [the general rules]:  ñÔñÐ×ÌëíÖ−Öí−ÑþÎíÔî
                                                                                                then the one who struck the blow is acquitted 144  ,íÓkÔnÔííÖwÌòïÖê
                              “Whoever strikes a man  L−ÌêíÑkÔô
                                                                                                        but as long as the other has not risen,  íÓï óešÖ−êHÓLðÔ¼ñÖëÎê
                     who dies [shall be put to death]!” 153  ?³ÑôÖî
                                                                                          then the one who struck the blow is not acquitted. 145 146  :íÓkÔôÔííÖwÌòêG
                  But [the answer is:] that this verse comes  ëe³ÖkÔíêÖëêÖlÓê
                   and singles him out of the general rule,  ,ñÖñÐkÔíöÌô Bê−Ì®BíÐî                   Still he must pay for his loss of work.  .BzÀáÄL÷Çø
           to indicate that he (the struck slave) is to be judged  öBðÖò ³B−ÐíÌñ                          His loss of work due to the illness.  .−ÌñBìÔí³ÔôÎ ìÑôBzÐ×êÔñÐô ñehÌa
                          by the rule of “a day or two,”  ,óÌ−ÔôB− Bê óB− ö−ÌðÐa                    [E.g.,] if he cut off the other’s hand or foot,  ,BñÐèÔþBêBðÖ−¼Ô¬ÖšóÌê
                                                                                                              we calculate his loss of work  BzÐ×êÔñÐô ñehÌaö−ÌêBþ
                    that if he did not die beneath his hand  BðÖ−³ÔìÔz³ÑôêGóÌêÓL
                                                                                                       due to the illness [caused by his injury]  −ÌñBìÔí³ÔôÎìÑô
              but lingered for a period of twenty-four hours,  ,³Ñ¼Ðñ³Ñ¼Ñ ôíÖíÖLÐî
          [then the master is] free [from the death penalty]. 154  :þe¬Öt                             as if he wore a watchman over gourds 147  ,ö−ÌêeMÌšþÑôBL el−ÌêÐk
                                                                                                            for even after his illness is over  −ÌñBìÔíþÔìÔêÐñ¹Ôê−ÑþÎíÓL
                                      With a rod.  .èÆáÅMÇa
                                                                                             he will not be fit for work that requires hands or feet  ,ñÓèÓþÖîðÖ−³Ó×êÓñÐôÌñ −eêÖþ Bò−Ñê
              When it (the rod) is capable of causing death—  ³−ÌôÖíÐñ−ÑðÐ×BaLÑiÓLÐk
                                                                                                        and he has already compensated him,  Bñ öÔ³ÖòþÖëÐ× êeíÐî
                                the Torah is speaking.  ,þÑaÔðÐô ëe³ÖkÔí
                                                                                                    as a result of [his paying him] his damages,  BšÐïÌò³ÔôÎìÑô
                      Or perhaps it refers even to [a rod]  el−ÌõÎêBê
                                                                                                            the value of his hand or foot, 148  ,BñÐèÔþÐîBðÖ−−ÑôÐð
                   which is incapable of causing death? 155  ?³−ÌôÖíÐñ−ÑðÐ×Baö−Ñê
                                                                                                                          as it is said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL
                              Therefore the Torah says  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
                                                                                                    “A hand for a hand, a foot for a foot.” 149 150  :ñÓèÖþ³ÔìÔzñÓèÓþðÖ−³ÔìÔzðÖ−
       151 Even if the one who caused the injury is himself a physician the victim can demand to choose his own physician.  143 Ibid.  144 And he is released from prison.  145 And he is not released from prison.  146 Kesubos 33b.  147 Work
       (Bava Kamma 85a)  152 I.e., a gentile slave, who is not freed after 6 years, nor during the Jubilee year, as is a  that can be performed without a hand or foot.  148 I.e., the loss of the victim’s ability to earn the wages that he
       Hebrew slave.  153 Above, v. 12. And why is the death penalty repeated here specifically for the killing of a gentile  earned prior to his injury has already been calculated into the payment of “damages.”  149 Below, v. 24. See Rashi.
       slave?  154 Mechilta.  155 Yet somehow complications set in whereby the slave died.  150 Bava Kamma 86b.                                                                                          #                                                               26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-
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