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 [297]  #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black   #26015-EYAL
 Shemos—Mishpatim 21:21–22 áëYàë:àë íéèôùîZúåîù
                     Shemos—Mishpatim 21:16–17 æéYæè:àë íéèôùîZúåîù
 [his death] is not avenged, ó flÔwŠ−ê¤G  if he is found in his hand, he shall be put to death. ñ :³ÞÖôe− ³B 'ôB£ðÖ−Ðëê'Ö®ÐôÌòÐî
 for he [the slave] is his [master’s] property. ô :êe ÞíB£tнÔ×−'Ìk  17. Whoever curses his father or his mother B £nÌêÐîî−§ÌëÖêñ'ÑlÔšÐôe .ï−
 22. If men will fight ó− †ÌLÖòÎêe¤®ÖpÌ−-−ÞÌ×Ðî .ë×
 and they strike a pregnant woman, ·íÖþÖíí¥ÖMÌêe•õÐèÖ·òÐî
 causing her to miscarry, Öí− flÓðÖñÐ−e¤êЮÞÖ−Ðî  It is for this reason that both [verses] are necessary,  ,óÓí−ÑòÐLe×ÐþЮeí CÖ×Ðñ
 but there is no fatal injury [to the woman], öB¢½Öêí£Ó−ÐíÞÌ−êÕ'ñÐî  what one omits the other reveals. 124  :íÓïíÖl−ÌbíÓïþÑq−ÌìÓLíÔô
 he [the guilty one] is to be punished LB¤òÖ¼  If he is found in his hand. 125  .BãÈéÀáàÈöÀîÄðÀå
                      [Meaning:] that witnesses saw him  ó−ÌðѼ eíeêÖþÓL
 with a [monetary] penalty L†ÑòÖ¼ÞÑ−
                           stealing him and selling him  ,BþÖ×Ðôe BëÖòÐbÓL
             and he was already in his (the thief’s) possession  BðÖ−ÐaþÖëÐ×êÖ®ÐôÌòÐî
                          He shall be put to death—  .úÞÈîeé úBî
 [The death] is not avenged for he is his property.  .àe ÞäBtÀñÇëéÄkíÇwËéàG
                                   by strangulation.  ;šÓòÓìÐa
 But if another person 166  would strike him,  ,eíÖkÌíÓLþÑìÔêêÖí
           Wherever the Torah mentions an unspecified death  ,óֳнíÖþBzÔaíÖþeôÎêÖííÖ³−ÌôñÖk
 then even were he to linger for 24 hours  ³Ñ¼Ðñ³Ñ¼ÑôíÖíÖMÓL−ÌtñÔ¼¹Ôê
                            it refers to strangulation. 127  ê−ÌíšÓòÓì
 before dying,  ,³ÑnÓLóÓðBš
            (It [the Torah] interrupted the context and wrote:  ëÔ³Ö×ÐîöÖ−Ðò̼Öíš−̽ÐõÌíÐî)
 he (the one who struck the slave) would be liable. 167  :ë−ÖiÔì
                              “Whoever steals a man”  "L−ÌêëÑòÒèÐî,,
 [22]  If men will fight—  .íéÄLÈðÂàeöÈpÄé-éÞÄëÀå [áë]  between “Whoever strikes his father or mother”  "BnÌêÐîî−ÌëÖêíÑkÔô,, ö−Ña
 with one another, 168  ,íÓïó̼íÓï  and “Whoever curses his father or mother.” 128  ,"î−ÌëÖêñÑlÔ šÐô"Ìñ
 and one intended to strike the other  BþÑëÎì³Óê ³BkÔíÐñöîÑeÔkгÌòÐî  It seems to me that this is the basis for the dispute  ,êÖzÐèeñÐõ eò−Ð−Ôí−ÌñíÓêÐþÌòÐî
 and [inadvertently] struck the woman. 169  :íÖMÌêÖí³ÓêíÖkÌíÐî  [between the Sages], 129  where one maintains  þÔëÖ½þÔôÐc
 And they strike.  .eôÀâÈðÀå  that we compare striking to cursing  íÖñÖñКÌñíÖêÖkÔíöÖò−ÌLКÔô
 íÖõ−ÌèÐò always has the meaning of “shoving” and “striking,”  ,íÖêÖkÔíÐîíÖõ−ÌìÐc öBLÐñêÖlÓêíÖõ−ÌèÐòö−Ñê  and the other holds that we do not compare them 130 131 )  (:öÖò−ÌLКÔôêÖñþÔëÖ½þÔôe
 as in: “Lest you strike your foot against a rock,” 170  ,EÓñÐèÔþöÓëÓêÖa ¹BbÌzöÓtBôÐk  [17]  Whoever curses his father or his mother.  .úÞÈîeé úBî BnÄàÀå åéÄáÈàìÅlÇ÷Àîe [æé]
 [or:] “before your feet are struck,” 171  ,óÓ×−ÑñÐèÔþeõÐbÔòгÌ−óÓþÓ¬Ðëe  Why is this said?  ?þÔôÍêÓòíÖnÖñ
 [or:] “For a stone for striking.” 172  :¹ÓèÓòöÓëÓêÐñe  Since it states:  ,þÑôBê êeíÓL−ÌõÐñ
 but there is no fatal injury—  .ïBñÈàäÆéÀäÞÄéàGÀå  “If a man curses his father” 132  ,î−ÌëÖê³ÓêñÑlÔšÐ−þÓLÎêL−ÌêL−Ìê
 to the woman.  :íÖMÌêÖa  I might think that only a man  L−ÌêêÖlÓê−Ìñö−Ñê
 He is to be punished—  .LÅðÈòÞÅé LBðÈò  who cursed his father [is liable].  ,î−ÌëÖê³ÓêñÑlÌwÓL
 by paying for the value of the offspring  ³BðÖñÐî−ÑôÐcóÑlÔLÐñ  But if a woman cursed her father,  Ö í−ÌëÖê³ÓêíÖñÐlÌwÓLíÖMÌê
 to the husband. 173  ;ñÔ¼ÔaÔñ  how would we know [that she is liable]?  ?öÌ−ÔpÌô
 [How is their value determined?]  The Torah therefore says:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
 we evaluate what her price would be  íÖ−eêÐþíÖ³Ð−ÖííÖnÔkdÖ³Bê ö−ÌôÖL  “Whoever curses his father or mother,”  BnÌêÐîî−ÌëÖêñÑlÔšÐôe
 if she were sold in the market place [as a slave],  šeMÔaþÑ×Ön−Ìñ
       124 Mechilta; Sanhedrin 85b.  125 If he sold the victim then how could he be found in his hand?!  126 Whereas
       if he sells the victim before actually taking possession of him he is not liable. Hence the witnesses must also testify
 166 Who is not the slave’s master.  167 Mechilta.  168 I.e., this should not be misconstrued as meaning that they  that the kidnapper had the victim in his possession prior to selling him. (M., B.Y.)  127 Mechilta; Sanhedrin 84b.
 intend to fight against the woman. Rather, we are dealing with the case where a person, aiming to kill one  128 And it would be expected that the laws of transgressing against one’s parents immediately follow one another!
 person, inadvertently kills another. (Mechilta)  169 Sanhedrin 79a.  170 Tehillim 91, 12.  171 Yirmiyahu 3, 16.  129 Whether striking one’s parents after their death is punishable by death as in the case when cursing them.
 172 Yeshaiyahu 8, 14.  173 But there is no death penalty for the killing of the fetus.  130 Since the Torah interrupts between the two.  131 Sanhedrin 85b.  132 Vayikra 20, 9.
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