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[337]  Shemos—Mishpatim 23:3–5 äYâ:âë íéèôùîZúåîù  Shemos—Mishpatim 22:6–8 çYå:áë íéèôùîZúåîù  [316]

 3. Do not show favor [even] to the poor in his dispute. ô :B Þë−ÌþÐaþ£ÔcÐíÓ³êÕ'ññ–ÖðÐî.è  6. If a man gives his neighbor eí•Ñ¼Ñþ-ñÓêL−·Ìê »öÑzÌ−-−ÞÌk.î
 4. If you come across your enemy’s ox §EÐëÌ−Ò ÞêþB «L¼„ÔbÐõ̳−¤Ìk.ð  money or articles to safeguard þÒ flôÐLÌñ ·ó−ÌñÑ×-Bê ¹Ó½¥Ók
 or his donkey going astray, í¢Ó¼ÒzB£þÒôÎìB'ê  and they are stolen from the house of the [watch]man, L−¢ÌêÖí³−¤ÑaÌôë£ÔpŠèÐî
 bring it back to him. ô :B Þñep£Óë−ÌLÐzë'ÑLÖí  if the thief is found, he must pay double. :óÌ−ÞÖòÐLó'ÑlÔLÐ−ë£ÖpÔbÔíê'Ñ®ÖnÌ−-óÌê
 5. If you see the donkey of your enemy †EÎêÞÔòN þB¤ôÎìí„ÓêÐþ̳-−ÞÌk.í  7. If the thief is not found, ëflÖpÔbÔí ·êÑ®ÖnÌ−ê¥G-óÌê.ï
 lying under its burden, B flêÖOÔô³Ôì¤Ôz ·±ÑëÒþ  the owner of the house [the watchman] must come ³Ì−£ÔaÔí-ñÔ¼ÞÔaë'ÔþКÌòÐî
                 before the judges [Beis Din], [to swear] ó−¢ÌíGÍêÞÖí-ñÓê
       on his neighbor’s possessions [for his personal use]. :eíÞѼÑþ³Ó×ê'ÓñÐôÌa
 Do not follow the majority to do evil.  úÉòÈøÀì íéÄaÇø-éÞÅøÂçÞÇàäÆéÀäÞÄú-àG
                     8. In every question of dishonesty ¼ÔLÓ”t-þÔëÐc-ñÖk-ñÔ¼.ì
 If you see wicked men distorting justice,  ,¬ÖtÐLÌôö−ÌhÔôó−̼ÖLÐþÖ³−ÌêÖþóÌêZ
 do not say: “since they are the majority  óÑíó−ÌaÔþÐîñ−ÌêBí ,þÔôêÒ³êG  whether it involves an ox, a donkey, a sheep, í·ÓN-ñÔ¼þB…ôÎì…-ñÔ¼þB ”L-ñÔ¼
 I may as well lean towards them.” 11  ,óÓí−ÑþÎìÔêíÓ¬Bò −ÌòÐòÌí  a garment, or anything that was [allegedly] lost í†ÖðÑëÎê-ñÖk-ñÔ¼í•ÖôÐñÔN-ñÔ¼
 Do not respond, in dispute, to lean, etc.  ,'åâå úÉèÀðÄìáÄÉø-ìÇòäÆðÂòÞÇú-àGÀå
 [your opinion] regarding that judgment,  ,¬ÖtÐLÌnÔí B³Bê ñÔ¼
 do not respond to him, about the dispute,  ë−ÌþÖíñÔ¼eòÓòμÔzñÔê  [6] And they are stolen  áÇpËâÀå [å]
 with a statement that leans towards the majority opinion,  ó−ÌaÔþöÖ³Bê −ÑþÎìÎêíÓ¬BpÔíþÖëÖc  from the house of the [watch]man— 17  .LéÄàÈä úéÅaÄî
 thereby distorting the judgment from the truth.  ,Bz−ÌôÎêÑô¬ÖtÐLÌnÔ í³Óê ³BhÔíÐñ  according to his own testimony. 18  :î−ÖþÖëÐð−ÌõÐñ
 But rather render the decision as it really is  ,êeí þÓLÎêÔk¬ÖtÐLÌnÔí³Óê þBôÍêêÖlÓê  If the thief is found he must pay—  íÅlÇLÀéáÈpÇbÇäàÅöÈnÄé-íÄà
 and let the collar (i.e., the responsibility) hang  −eñÖ³þÖñBwÐî  the thief shall pay two-fold to the owners. 19  :ó−ÌñÖ¼ÐaÔñ.óÌ−ÞÖòÐLëÖpÔbÔí
 from the necks of the majority.  :ó−ÌaÔþÖíþêÔeÔ®Ða
                       [7] If the thief is not found—  .áÈpÇbÇäàÅöÈnÄé àG-íÄà [æ]
 [3] Do not show favor.  .øÇcÀäÆú-àG [â]  then this watchman, who is the owner of the house—  ,³Ì−ÔaÔíñÔ¼Ôa êeíÓL,íÓfÔíþÑôBMÔíêÖëe
 Do not show special regard for him  ðBëÖ× Bñ šBñÎìÔ³êG  must come—  .áÇøÀ÷ÄðÀå
 by finding in his favor in a lawsuit,  ö−ÌcÔë B³BkÔïÐñ  to the judges,  ,ö−Ìò−ÖiÔcÔíñÓê
 and say, “He is poor.  êeí ñÔc,þÔôBñÐî  so as to adjudicate the case between him (the watchman)  öeðÖñ
 I will find in his favor and show him regard.”  :epÓðÐaÔ×ÎêÔîepÓkÔïÎê  and the other (the original owner of the object),  íÓïó̼
 [5] If you see the donkey of your enemy, etc. 12  .'åâå EÂàÞÇðN øBîÂçäÆàÀøÄú-éÞÄk [ä]  and he must swear to him  Bñ ¼ÔëÖM−ÌñÐî
 Here you have the word −Ìk being used  LÑnÔLÐô−Ìk−ÑþÎí  that he did not in any way misappropriate his property. 20  :BlÓLÐëBðÖ−ìÔñÖLêHÓL
 to mean: “perhaps” (or “possibly”),  ,êÖôÐñÌc öBLÐñ
                  [8] In every question of dishonesty.  .òÇLÆt-øÇáÀc-ìÈk-ìÞÇò [ç]
 which is one of the four meanings  ³BòBLÐñ¼ÔaÐþÔêÑô êeíÓL  Where he is found to have lied under oath—  ZB³Ö¼eëÐLÌaöÖþКÔLêÑ®ÖnÌiÓL
 that the word −Ìk is used to express.  ,−Ìk−ÑLenÌLñÓL  where witnesses testify that he (the watchman)  êeíÓLó−ÌðѼ eð−̼ÖiÓL
 This is, then, how [the verse] is to be interpreted:  ,BòBþгÌõíÒ×Ðî  stole it himself  ZBëÖòÐèBôЮԼ
 It is possible that you might see his donkey  BþBôÎìíÓêÐþ̳êÖnÓL  and the court finds him guilty [of perjury],  ó−ÌíGÍê eíe¼−ÌLÐþÔ−Ðî
 lying under its burden—  BêÖOÔô³ÔìÔz±ÑëBþ
            based on the testimony of the witnesses, [then—]  ,ó−ÌðѼÖí−ÌtñÔ¼

 11 Since, ultimately, my opinion will make no difference.  12 However, Rashi does not explain it according to our  17 We could not possibly know this as a fact for the watchman must swear to this! (S.C.)  18 I.e., L−ÌêÖí³−ÑaÌôëÔpŠèÐî is
 English translation.  not a given fact, but, rather, the claim made by the watchman.  19 Bava Kamma 63b.  20 See Ramban.  #                                                        #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:--
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