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[341]  Shemos—Mishpatim 23:9–11 àéYè:âë íéèôùîZúåîù  #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-
                       Shemos—Mishpatim 22:1–2 áYà:áë íéèôùîZúåîù

 9. Do not oppress a stranger. ±¢ÖìÐñ̳ê¤Gþ£ÑèÐî.¬  22 1. If the thief is found [caught] while breaking in, ë£ÖpÔbÔíê'Ñ®ÖnÌ−³Óþ§ÓzÐìÔnÔa-óÌê.ê áë
 You [should] know the soul [feelings] of the stranger, þflÑbÔíLÓõ¤Óò-³Óê ·óÓzмÔðÐ−ó †ÓzÔêÐî  and is struck and killed, ³¢ÑôÖîí¤ÖkŠíÐî
 for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. :óÌ−ÞÖþЮÌô±Óþ'ÓêÐaó£Ó³−Ì−Ííó−'ÌþÑè-−ÞÌk  there is no liability for his blood. :ó−ÞÌôÖcB£ñö−'Ñê
 10. You may sow your land for six years, E¢Ó®ÐþÔê-³Ó꼤ÔþÐïÌzó−£ÌòÖLL'ÑLÐî.−  2. If the sun shone on him, î−£ÖñÖ¼LÓô§ÓMÔíí'ÖìÐþÞÖï-óÌê.ë
 and gather its crops. :dÞÖ³Öêe ÞëÐz-³Óê £ÖzÐõÔ½ÞÖêÐî  there is liability for his blood. B¢ñó−¤ÌôÖc
 11. But on the seventh [year] you must let it rest, íÖp¤Ó¬ÐôÐ LÌz³„̼−ÌëÐMÔíÐî .ê−
 and abandon it [by not eating its produce], d †ÖzÐLÔ¬Ðòe
                           [1] If while breaking in.  .úÆøÆzÀçÇîÇa-íÄà [à]
 and let the needy among your people eat it. E flÓnÔ¼−¤ÑòÒ−ÐëÓê ·eñÐ×ÞÖêÐî
                 If he was actually in the act of breaking in.  :³Ì−ÖaÔí³ÓêþѳBì íÖ−ÖíÓLÐk
 What they leave over, the beasts of the field can eat. í¢ÓðÖOÔí³¤ÔiÔìñ£Ô×êÒzó–ÖþгÌ−Ðî
                     There is no liability for his blood.  .íéÞÄîÈcBìïéÅà
               It is as if he (the thief) had already been dead.  :BþÖw−̼Ñô³ÑôÐk êeí −ÑþÎí
 [9] Do not oppress a stranger. 30  .õÈçÀìÄúàGøÅâÀå [è]  Here the Torah teaches:  ,íÖþB³ EгÖðÐnÌñöêÖk
 In many places,  ³BôBšÐôíÑaÐþÔíÐa  if someone comes to kill you, kill him first.  ."BèÐþÖíÐñóÑkÐLÔí,EÐèÖþÎíÔñêÖaóÌê,,
 the Torah issues warnings regarding the þÑè  þÑbÔíñÔ¼íÖþB³ íÖþ−ÌíÐïÌí  This [thief] came with the intention of killing you  ,êÖëEÐèÖþÎíÔñíÓïÐî
 because his inclination 31  is bad. 32  :¼Öþ BþeqÓL−ÑòÐtÌô  for he knows full well  ,êeí Ô¼ÑðB− −ÑþÎíÓL
                        that man cannot control himself  BôЮԼð−ÌôμÔôóÖðÖêö−ÑêÓL
 The soul of the stranger.  .øÅbÇäLÆôÆð-úÆà
             while seeing his property being taken from him,  î−ÖòÖõÐë BòBôÖô ö−ÌñЬBpÓLíÓêBþÐî
 How hard it is for him when he is oppressed.  :B³Bê ó−Ì®ÎìBlÓLÐkBñíÓLÖšíÖnÔk
                                  and remain silent.  ,šÑ³BLÐî
 [10] And gather its crops.  .dÞÈúÈàe ÞáÀz-úÆàÈzÀôÇñÞÈàÀå [é]
              Therefore it is with this intention that he came  ,êÖaöÑk³ÖòÐôñÔ¼CÖ×−ÌõÐñ
 [ÖzÐõÔ½ÖêÐî is] a term for “bringing into the house,”  ,³Ì−ÔaÔñíÖ½ÖòÐ×Ôí öBLÐñ
            —that if the owner of the property will resist him  BcÐèÓòÐk öBôÖnÔíñÔ ¼Ôa ðBôμÔ−óÌêÓL
 “You shall gather it into your house.” 33  :EÓ³−Ña CBz ñÓê BzÐõÔ½ÎêÔîBôÐk
                                   he will kill him. 1  :epÓèÐþÔíÔ−
 [11] You must let it rest—  .äÈpÆèÀîÀLÄz [àé]
                        [2] If the sun shone on him.  .åéÈìÈòLÆîÆMÇääÈçÀøÈæ-íÄà [á]
 from working [the fields]—  :íÖðBëμÑô
                         This is nothing but an allegory:  :ñÖLÖôö−ÌôÐ×êÖlÓêíÓïö−Ñê
 and abandon it—  .dÈzÀLÇèÀðe
                             If the issue is clear to you  þÖëÖcÔíEÐñ þeþÖaóÌê
 from eating [its crops] after “the time of removal.” 34  .þe¼−ÌaÔíöÔôÐïþÔìÔêíÖñ−Ì×ÎêÑô
                that his intentions towards you are peaceful  ,EÐn̼ óBñÖLBñLÑiÓL
 An alternate explanation [of dÖzÐLÔ¬Ðòe íÖpÓ¬ÐôÐLÌz]:  ,þÑìÔêþÖëÖc
              —just as this sun represents peace in the world  ,óÖñB¼Öa óBñÖL êeíÓLíÓfÔíLÓôÓMÔk
 “You must let it rest” from real work,  ,íÖþeôÐèíÖðBëμÑôZíÖpÓ¬ÐôÐLÌz
                           so, too, if it is obvious to you  EÐñ ¬eLÖtCÖk
 such as plowing and sowing;  ,íÖ¼−ÌþÐïe íÖL−ÌþÎì öBèÐk
            that he has not come with the intention of killing,  èBþÎíÔñêÖë Bò−ÑêÓL
 “and abandon it” from fertilizing and hoeing. 35  LÑšÐLÔšÐlÌôe ñÑaÔïÐlÌôZdÖzÐLÔ¬Ðòe
               even should the owner of the property resist,  ,BcÐèÓòÐk öBôÖnÔíñÔ¼Ôa ðBôμÔ− el−ÌõÎê
 What they leave over, beasts of the field can eat.  .äÆãÈOÇäúÇiÇçìÇëàÉzíÈøÀúÄéÀå  for example: a father who breaks in  þѳBìÔíëÖê öBèÐk
 This is to compare the food of the poor  öB−ÐëÓêñÔ×ÎêÔôL−ÌwÔíÐñ  to steal the property of the son,  ,öÑaÔí öBôÖô ëBòÐèÌñ
          where it is known that a father has pity for his child  öÑaÔíñÔ¼ëÖêÖí−ÑôÎìÔþÓLÔ¼eðÖ−Ða
 30 This seems a repetition of eòÓ®ÖìÐñ̳êGÐîíÓòB³ êG þÑèÐî—“ You must not abuse or oppress a stranger!” (22, 20)  31 1. Bþe½
        and has not come with any intentions of taking a life—  :³BLÖõÐò−њн̼ñÔ¼êÖë Bò−ÑêÐî
 is understood as eþeê−̽ or BþBêÐN (lit. his yeast) because the ¼þí þ®−—the evil inclination—is compared to yeast; they
 both sour their hosts. Hence do not provoke or antagonize the þÑè for he will easily be pushed into evil ways (G.A.).  [then] there is liability for his blood.  .Bì íéÄîÈc
 2. Bþe½ has the same root as öÓõÓbÔí−Ñþe½—“ the roots of the vineyard” (Yirmiyahu 2, 21). Do not antagonize the þÑè  [I.e.,] he is considered alive  ,ëeLÖì êeí −ÔìÐk
 because he will go back to his bad roots. (Moshav Z’keinim)  32 Bava Metzia 59b.  33 Devarim 22, 2.  34 Once
 there was no food left in the fields for the cattle from the seventh-year (shmittah) crops, all the shmittah crops stored  and it would be murder  ê−ÌííÖì−Ì®Ðþe
 in the house had to be left out in the field so as to be available to both man and animal. See Rashi Vayikra 25, 7.
 35 Mo’ed Kattan 3a.  1 Sanhedrin 72a.

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black   #
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