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       [311]          Shemos—Mishpatim 21:36–37 æìYåì:àë íéèôùîZúåîù                                     Shemos—Mishpatim 23:11–12 áéYàé:âë íéèôùîZúåîù       [342]

                                 The dead [animal] ³£ÑnÔíÐî                               Do the same with your vineyard and your olive [trees]. :EÞÓ³−ÑïÐñ £EÐôÐþÔ×Ðñí'ÓNμÞÔz-öÞÑk
                remains in the possession [of its owner]. ô :B Þl-íÓ−ÐíÞÌ−                            12. You may do your work six days, E− flÓNμÞÔôí¤ÓNμÞÔz ·ó−ÌôÖ−³ÓL¥ÑL .ë−
                   37. If a man steals an ox or a sheep, í flÓN-Bê þB ¤L ·L−Ìê-ëÒÞòÐèÌ−−¥Ìk .ïñ      but on the seventh day you must cease; ³¢ÒaÐLÌz−£Ì¼−ÌëÐMÔíóB'iÔëe
                        and then slaughters or sells it, B¢þÖ×ÐôB¤êB£ìÖëЬe                      so that your ox and your donkey may rest, E flÓþÒôÎìÞÔî ·EÐþB ÞLÔìe†òÖ−öÔ¼¤ÔôÐñ
                    he must pay five oxen for each ox, þB flMÔí³Ôì¤Ôz ·óÑlÔLÐ−þ†ÖšÖëí¤ÖMÌôÎì

                                                                                                     Just as the wild beast eats without tithing  ,þÑNμÔôêGÐa³ÓñÓ×Bê íÖiÔìíÔô
                        The dead animal shall be his.  .B Þl-äÆéÀäÞÄéúÅnÇäÀå                          so, too, do the poor eat without tithing.  ;þÑNμÔôêGÐa ó−ÌñÐ×Bê ó−ÌòB−ÐëÓê¹Ôê
                  [I.e., shall belong] to the damaged party,  .šÖf−ÌpÔñ                              It is from here that they (the Sages) stated  ,eþÐôÖêöêÖkÌô
                                                                                                           that there is no obligation to tithe  þÑNμÔôö−Ñê
              and the one causing the damage shall add to it  š−ÌfÔnÔí ó−ÌñÐLÔ− î−ÖñÖ¼Ðî
                                                                                                                during the seventh year. 36  :³−̼−ÌëÐMÔa
          until the damaged party will have been compensated  šÖf−ÌòóÑlÔzÐLÌiÓLðÔ¼
                               for his full damages. 262  :BšÐïÌòñÖk                                   Do the same with your vineyard. 37  .EÀîÀøÇëÀìäÆNÂòÞÇz-ïÞÅk
                               [37]  Five oxen, etc.  .'åâå øÈ÷ÈáäÈMÄîÂç [æì]                     But the beginning of the verse [dÖzÐLÔ¬Ðòe íÖpÓ¬ÐôÐLÌz]  êÖþКÌnÔí³ÔlÌìгe
                      Said Rabbon Yochanan ben Zakkai:  ,−êÔkÔïöÓaöÖòÖìB− öÖaÔþþÔôÖê                            deals with a grain-field, 38  ,öÖëÖlÔííÑðÐNÌaþÑaÔðÐô
                   God respects the honor of his creatures:  Z ³BiÌþÐañÓLöÖðBëÐkñÔ¼ óBšÖnÔí½Öì                   as it says, preceding that:  ,epÓô−ÑííÖñмÔôÐñ þeôÖêÓLBôÐk
                                                                                                              “You may sow your land.” 39  :EÓ®ÐþÔê³Óê¼ÔþÐïÌz
                     An ox, which walks on its own legs,  î−ÖñÐèÔþÐaCÑñBíÓL þBL
           [when it is stolen] and the thief was not demeaned  ëÖpÔbÔíBëíÖfÔaгÌòêGÐî        [12] But on the seventh day you must cease. 40  .úÉaÀLÄzéÄòéÄáÀMÇä íBiÇáe [áé]
                    by having to carry it on his shoulders,  ,BõѳÐkñÔ¼BêÐNBòÐñ                              Even during the shemittah-year  ³−̼−ÌëÐMÔííÖòÖMÔa¹Ôê
                            he must pay back fivefold.  ;íÖMÌôÎìóÑlÔLÐô                                   do not cancel the weekly Shabbos  ³−ÌLêÑþÐa³ÖaÔLþњּѳêG
                         [Whereas, if he steals] a sheep,  íÓN                                                     from its rightful place.  ,dÖôBšÐnÌô
                   which he has to carry on his shoulders,  ,BõѳÐkñÔ¼BêÐNBpÓL              Do not say that since the entire year is called Shabbos  ³ÖaÔLíÖ−eþКíÖòÖMÔíñÖ×Ðîñ−ÌêBí ,þÔôêÒ³êHÓL
                           he must pay [only] fourfold,  íÖ¼ÖaÐþÔêóÑlÔLÐô                                 there is no need for you to observe  íÖaèÔíÐò̳êG
                    since he was demeaned in the process.  .Bë íÖfÔaгÌòÐîñ−ÌêBí                                 the weekly Shabbos. 41 42  :³−ÌLêÑþÐa³ÖaÔL
                                   Said Rabbi Meir:  ,þ−ÌêÑô−ÌaÔþþÔôÖê                           So that your ox and your donkey may rest.  .EÆøÉîÂçÞÇåEÀøB ÞLÇçeðÈéïÇòÇîÀì
              Come and see how great is the power of work:  ZíÖ×êÖñÐôñÓLdÖìÒk ñBðÖèíÖnÔkíÑêÐþe êBa   [Meaning:] allow it to relax, permitting it  þ−ÌzÔíÐñ ,ì−Ö−ÐòBñöÑz
       [The thief, who by stealing] an ox, kept it from its work,  ,BzÐ×êÔñÐnÌôBñÐhÌaÓL þBL      to tear up and eat the grass from the ground. 43  ;¼ÔšÐþÔwÔíöÌôó−ÌëÖNμñÑ×BêÐîLÑñB³ êÑíÐiÓL
                                  must pay five fold.  ;íÖMÌ ôÎì                                                 Or perhaps this is not so,  Bò−ÑêBê
                         [whereas, if he steals] a sheep,  íÓN                                      but rather he must tie it within the house.  ?³Ì−ÔaÔí CB³ÐëepÓLÐaÐìÔ−êÖlÓê
                 whereby he did not keep it from its work,  ,BzÐ×êÔñÐnÌôBñÐhÌaêHÓL
                            [he pays only] fourfold. 263  :íÖ¼ÖaÐþÔê
                                                                                          36 Mechilta.  37 Is the vineyard not included in dÖzÐLÔ¬Ðòe íÖpÓ¬ÐôÐLÌz—“ You shall let it rest and abandon it”?!  38 −ÑðÐN
                      For each ox ....for each sheep.  .äÞÆOÇäúÇçÇz ,øBMÇäúÇçÇz
                                                                                          öÖëÖlÔí, lit. a “white field,” so called because the grain turns bright (or white) as it ripens. Also, because it is entirely
                  The Torah repeats them, (i.e., þBL and íÓN)  ,ëe³ÖkÔíöÖêÖòÐL            covered by sunlight, having no shady areas, since there are no trees. An orchard or any field of trees is called a íÑðÐN
             to indicate that the payments of four or five fold  íÖMÌôÎìÔîíÖ¼ÖaÐþÔê−ÑôeñÐLÔz³ÔcÌôö−ÑêÓLþÔôBñ  öÖñ−Ìê.  39 Above, v. 10. Therefore the prohibition at the beginning of the verse only included things that are sown,
                                                                                          i.e., grains and vegetables. Now fruits, too, are added to the prohibition.  40 What is the connection between the
                         apply only to an ox or a sheep.  :ðÖëÐñÌëíÓNÖî þBLÐëêÖlÓê³ÓèÓíBò
                                                                                          prohibition against working on Shabbos and shemittah?  41 You might mistakenly think that since both, the weekly
                                                                                          Shabbos and the Shabbos-year of shemittah represent God’s creating of the world, observing the weekly Shabbos is
                                                                                          superfluous. Therefore the Torah makes it clear that this is not so. (Malbim)  42 Mechilta.  43 ÔìeòÖ−—“ rest,” here
       262 Bava Kamma 53b.  263 Mechilta; Bava Kamma 79b.                                 should not be construed as not allowing the animal to do íÖ×êÖñÐô—“ labors prohibited to man on Shabbos.”

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