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       [319]          Shemos—Mishpatim 22:9–10 éYè:áë íéèôùîZúåîù                      #                   Shemos—Mishpatim 23:1–2 áYà:âë íéèôùîZúåîù   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SH

                       or any animal for safeguarding; þ¢ÒôÐLÌñí£ÖôÑíÐa-ñÖ×Ðî                          23 1. Do not accept a false report. êÐî¢ÖL¼Ôô¤ÑLê£ÖO̳ê'G.ê âë
                 and it dies, or is injured, or is captured, í£ÖaÐLÌò-B Þêþ'ÔaÐLÌò-B Þ곧Ñôe         Do not join hands with a wicked man ¼ flÖLÖþ-ó̼ ·EÐðÞÖ−³ÓLÖ¥z-ñÔê
                          and there is no eyewitness, :íÞÓêÒþö−'Ñê                                         to be a corrupt [false] witness. :½ÞÖôÖìð'Ѽ³Ò£−ÐíÞÌñ
           10. an oath to Adonoy shall be between them, ó flÓí−ÑòÐLö−¤Ña ·íÓ−ÐíÞÌzí†ÖîÒíÐ−³¤Ô¼ŠëÐL.−  2. Do not follow the majority to do evil. ³¢Ò¼ÖþÐñó−£ÌaÔþ-−ÞÑþÎìÞÔêí'Ó−Ðí̳-ê ÞG.ë


                                                                                                                         To teach you  EÐcÓôÔñÐñ
                     He is, therefore, not held responsible  Ba þÔ¬ÖtCÖ×−ÌõÐñ
                                                                                                     that the dog gets more respect than he. 77  ,eòÓnÌôðÖaÐ×ÌòëÓñÓkÔíÓL
                for theft (i.e., if the item is stolen from him),  ,íÖë−ÑòÐbÔí³Óê
                                                                                                              And the verse [also] teaches  ëe³ÖkÔíEÐðÓnÌñÐî
              as is written: “[If a man gives his neighbor...]  ,ëe³ÖkÓLBôÐk
                                                                                                               that God does not withhold  Ô ìÑtÔšÐôí"ÖaÖwÔíö−ÑêÓL
       and they are stolen from the house of the watchman.” 29  .L−ÌêÖí³−ÑaÌôëÔpŠèÐî
                                                                                                       the reward that is due to any creature.  ,í−ÖiÌþÐañÖkþÔ×ÐN
                              “If the thief is not found  ëÖpÔbÔíêÑ®ÖnÌ−êGóÌê
                                                                                                 [And the dog has a reward coming] for its said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL
         then the house-owner (the watchman) must come,” 30  Z³Ì−ÔaÔíñÔ¼ÔaëÔþКÌòÐî
                                                                                                         “But against any of the B’nei Yisrael  ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−ÑòÐañÒ×Ðñe
                                         to swear.  ,íÖ¼eëÐLÌñ
                                                                                                    no dog wagged its tongue (i.e., barked),” 78  ,BòBLÐñëÓñÓk±ÔþÍìÓ−êG
       You learn from this that he (the watchman) frees himself  BôЮԼþѬBtÓLÖzÐðÔôÖñ
                                                                                                       so God said, “Give it its due reward.” 79  :BþÖ×ÐNBñeòÐz ,í"ÖaÖwÔíþÔôÖê
                   [from any responsibility] with this oath.  ;Bï íÖ¼eëÐLÌë
                               But this section 31  deals  íÖþeôÎêBïíÖLÖþÖõe                            [1] Do not accept a false report.  .àÀåÈLòÇîÅLàÈOÄúàG [à]
       with a þÖ×ÖÒ¾þÑôBL (a watchman compensated for his work),  ,þÖ×ÖNþÑôBLÐë                                  As Onkelos translates it:  ,BôebÐþÔ³Ðk
                      who is not freed from responsibility  þe¬Öõ Bò−ÑêμÖ×−ÌõÐñ                              “Do not accept a false report.”  ,þÖšÐLÐc¼ÔôÐLñÑaԚгêÖñ
                     if [the item to be watched] is stolen,  ,íÖëÐòÐèÌòóÌê                                         This is an admonition  íÖþÖíÐïÔê
                                      as is written:  ,ëe³ÖkÓLBôÐk                                  directed to one who accepts (i.e., believes)  ñÑaÔšÐôÌñ
                     “But if it was indeed stolen from him  Bn̼ÑôëÑòÖbÌ−ëÒòÖbóÌêÐî                                    slanderous talk, 1  ¼ÖþÖí öBLÐñ
                         he must make restitution.” 32 33  ,óÑlÔLÐ−                                                     and to a judge,  ö−ÖiÔðÐñe
        However, for something over which he has no control,  ,½Ó òBêÖíñÔ¼ñÖëÎê                     that he not listen to the claims of one party  ö−ÌcñÔ¼Ôa−ÑþÐëÌc¼ÔôÐLÌ−êHÓL
               as in a case where it (an animal) died of itself,  BôЮԼÑô³Ñô öBèÐk                         until the other party arrives. 23  :BþÑëÎìö−ÌcñÔ¼ÔaêÒëÖiÓLðÔ¼
             or was injured, or was forcibly taken by robbers,  ,ó−̬нÌñ−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼íÖšÐïÖìÐëíÖaÐLÌòBêþÔaÐLÌòBê  Do not join hands with a wicked man.  òÈLÈø-íÄòEÀãÈéúÆLÈz-ìÇà
                   and there is no one who saw it happen  íÓêBþ ö−ÑêÐî                            One who makes a demand on his fellow man  Bþ−ÑëÎì³ÓêöѼBhÔí
            so as to be able to testify about the matter, then—  ZþÖëÖcÔað−̼ÖiÓL                               by means of a false claim,  ,þÓšÓL³Ô¼−ÌëÐz
                   [10] An oath to Adonoy shall be. 34  .äÆéÀäÞÄz'äúÇòËáÀL [é]                                     and you promise him  eíÑì−̬ÐëÔzÓL
                      He shall swear that it is as he claims  ,î−ÖþÖëÐðÌ× êeí öÑkÓL¼ÔëÖMÌ−                that you will be a corrupt witness. 4  :½ÖôÖìðѼ Bñ ³B−ÐíÌñ
                      and that he did not lay a hand on it  ðÖ−dÖaìÔñÖL êG êeíÐî                 [2] Do not follow the majority to do evil.  .úÉòÈøÀì íéÄaÇø-éÞÅøÂçÞÇàäÆéÀäÞÄú-àG [á]
                        to make any personal use of it. 35  ,BôЮԼÐñdÖaLÑnÔzÐLÌíÐñ                          Regarding this verse, there are  íÓïêÖþКÌôÐaLÑ−
                           For had he laid a hand on it  ðÖ−dÖaìÔñÖLóÌêÓL                            various expositions by the Sages of Yisrael  ,ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−ÑôÐ×Ôì−ÑLÐþÐðÌô
                 and afterwards an accident happened to it  ,íÖ½ÐòÍêÓòCÖkþÔìÔêÐî                but they do not fit the arrangement of the verse:  .î−ÖòÐõÖêñÔ¼öÓíÖaëÖMe−ÐôêÖþКÌnÔí öBLÐñö−ÑêñÖëÎê
                        he is liable for those accidents. 36  :ó−̽ÐòBêÐaë−ÖiÔì
                                                                                          77 For a gentile has to buy the neveilah, whereas the dog gets his tereifah free. (S.A.)  78 Above 11, 7.  79 Mechilta.
       30 V. 6.  31 V. 9.  32 V. 9–12.  33 V. 11.  34 Bava Metzia 94b.  35 He takes two separate oaths.  36 If a þÖ×ÖNþÑôBL  1 Mechilta; Pesachim 118.  2 This would constitute êÐîÖL¼ÔôÑL—“ a false report,” because one is more brazen to lie
       uses without authorization the item that he was hired to watch, he is deemed to be a ³Ô¼ÔcÌôêGÓLñÑêBL—“ one who  when not in the presence of his adversary. (Rashi Shvuos ,êî¾ ¼ô¾ í"ð 31a)  3 Ibid.  4 Just for assuring someone
       borrows without the owner’s permission,” who is considered a öÖñÐïÔè—“ a robber,” and thereby becomes responsible  that you will testify falsely for him is a transgression of: ½ÖôÖìðѼ ³B−ÐíÌñ¼ÖLÖþó̼EÐðÖ−³ÓLÖzñÔê. Actually testifying falsely is a
       even for ó−̽ÐòBê—accidents over which he has no control.                         26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan   #2601

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