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#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black
 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black
       [323]         Shemos—Mishpatim 22:16–19 èéYæè:áë íéèôùîZúåîù                 11 SHMOT             Shemos—Mishpatim 22:25–28 çëYäë:áë íéèôùîZúåîù       [330]
        16. If her father utterly refuses to give her to him, B¢ñd¤Öz̳ÐñÖí−£ÌëÖêö§ÑêÖôÐ−ö«ÑêÖô-óÌê .ï¬  you must return it to him till sunset; :B Þñep'Óë−ÌLÐzLÓô£ÓMÔíêÒ'a-ðÔ¼
            he must give [the father] the weight of silver ñÒ flšÐLÌ−¹Ó½¤Ók                               26. For this alone is his covering, d flÖcÔëÐñ ·íÒ³e½Ð×êî¥Ìí−¤Ìk .î×
             equal to the dowry usually given to virgins. ô :³ ÞGe³ÐaÔíþÔíÒ £ôÐk                          the garment [to cover] his skin. B¢þÒ¼ÐñB£³ÖñÐôÌNêî'Ìí
                 17. You shall not allow a witch to live. :íÞÓiÔìгêÕ'ñí£ÖõÑMÔ×Ðô .ï−               With what shall he lie down [to sleep]? ë flÖkÐLÌ−í¤ÓnÔa
       18. Whoever lies with an animal must be put to death. ñ :³ÞÖôe− ³B 'ôí£ÖôÑíÐa-ó̼ë'Ñ×ÒL-ñÖk .ì−  If it happens that he cries out to Me, − flÔñÑꚤԼЮÌ−-−ÞÌk ·íÖ−ÖíÐî
                       19. Whoever sacrifices to a god ó−£ÌíGÍêÞÖñÔì'ÑëÒï .¬−                        I will hear [his cry] for I am gracious. ô :−ÌòÞÖêöe'pÔì-−ÞÌk−£ÌzмÔôÞÖLÐî
                                                                                                             Revi’i (Fourth Aliyah)   éòéáø
                                                                                                                27. Do not curse judges. ñ¢ÑlԚгêÕ¤ñó−£ÌíGÍê .ï×
                 as is the law regarding a man and his wife,  ZBzÐLÌêÐñL−Ìê¬ÔtÐLÌôÐk                  Do not curse a leader of your people. :þÒ ÞêÖ³ê'G £EÐnÔ¼Ðëê−'ÌNÖòÐî
             i.e., he must write a kesubah (marriage contract)  íÖae³ÐkdÖñëѳBkÓL                                 28. [Your offering of]
                               and then marry her. 13  :íÖpÓêÖOÌ−Ðî                            the fullness [of your newly ripened produce] 'EгÞÖêÑñÐô .ì×
                           [16] Equal to the dowry  øÇäÉîÀk [æè]
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                           usually given to virgins—  .ú ÞGeúÀaÇä
                       which is set at fifty silver shekalim  ¹Ó½Ókó−ÌMÌôÎì ëe®Öš êeíÓL            and return it, take it [again] and return it.) 42  :(!ëÑLÖíÐî ñB¬ ,ëÑLÖíÐî
             in regard to someone who forcibly takes a virgin  íÖñe³ÐaÔí³Óê½ÑõBzÔíñÓ®Ñê                   You must return it till sunset. 43  .B Þì epÆáéÄLÀzLÆîÆMÇäàÉa-ãÇò
                       and lies with her against her will,  ,½ÓòBêÐadÖn̼ëÑ×BLÐî                         Return it to him [for] the entire day  Bñ epÓë−ÌLÐz óBiÔíñÖk
                                       as it is said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL                                          [so that he may have it] till sunset.  ,LÓôÓMÔíêÒaðÔ¼
                    “The man that lay with her must give  íÖn̼ëÑ×ÒMÔíL−ÌêÖíöÔ³ÖòÐî                      And when the sun sets take it again  epÓñÐh̳Ðî þBïÎìÔzLÓôÓMÔíêÒëÐ×e
              to the maiden’s father fifty silver shekalim.” 14 15  :¹Ó½Ökó−ÌMÌôÎìíÖþμÔpÔí−ÌëÎêÔñ     until the morning of the following day.  ;þÖìÖôñÓLþÓšÒëêÒëÖiÓLðÔ¼
               [17] You shall not allow a witch to live.  .äÞÆiÇçÀúàGäÈôÅMÇëÀî [æé]                This verse deals with a garment worn by day  ,þÑaÔðÐô ëe³ÖkÔí óB− ³e½Ð×Ìëe
                 But she must be put to death by the court.  ;ö−Ìc³−ÑëÐa³Ôôez êÖlÓê          which he (the borrower) does not need at night. 44 45  :íÖñÐ−ÖñÐadÖñC−ÌþÖ®ö−ÑêÓL
              [This applies] whether they are male or female  ,³BëÑšÐòðÖìÓêÐîó−ÌþÖ×ÐïðÖìÓêÐî              [26] For this is his covering. 46  .BúeñÀëàåÄäéÄk [åë]
           but the Torah [uses the feminine] because it speaks  ëe³ÖkÔíþÓaÌcÓLêÖlÓê                        This refers to the outer-garment.  :³−ÌlÔ¬Bï
                                   of what is usual,  ,íÓîBíÔa
                                                                                                                        His garment.  .BúÈìÀîÄN
            for it is women who are most commonly witches.  :³BõÑMÔ×Ðô ³B−e®Ðôó−ÌLÖpÔíÓL            This refers to the shirt [worn on the flesh].  :šeñÖìBï
                    [18] Whoever lies with an animal  äÈîÅäÀa-íÄòáÅëÉL-ìÈk [çé]                            With what shall he lie down?  .áÈkÀLÄéäÆnÇa
                             must be put to death—  .úÞÈîeé úBî                                                                  47
                                                                                                           This includes the bed-covering.  :¼ÖvÔnÔí³Óê ³BaÔþÐñ
                                       by stoning.  ,íÖñ−̚нÌa
                                                                                                       [27] Do not curse judges (or God).  .ìÅlÇ÷ÀúàGíéÄäGÁà [æë]
           Both man and woman [who are guilty are stoned],  ,³Ô¼ÔaÐþÌòÐkÔ¼ÑëBþ
                                                                                                    Here is the prohibition against cursing God  óÑMÔí³ÔkÐþÌëÐñíÖþÖíÐïÔêBï−ÑþÎí
                           for it is written about them:  ,óÓíÖa ëe³ÖkÓL
                                                                                             as well as the prohibition against cursing judges. 48 49  :ö−ÖiÔc³ÔñÐñÌšÐñíÖþÖíÐïÔêÐî
                          “Their blood is upon them.” 16  :óÖaóÓí−ÑôÐc
                                                                                                                   [28] Your fullness.  .EÀúÞÈàÅìÀî [çë]
                                   [19] To a god.  .íéÄäGÁàÞÈì [èé]
                                                                                              [Meaning:] the obligation that was placed upon you  E−ÓñÖ¼³ÓñÓ¬enÔííÖëBì
                                 [Meaning:] to idols.  ;íÖþÖïíÖðBëμÔñ
                                                                                                    when your grains reach their full ripeness.  ,ñÑMÔaгÌíÐñEгÖêeëгêÑlÔôгÌzÓLÐk
                If it were vocalized ó−ÌíGêÑñ [instead of ó−ÌíGÍêÖñ]  ,ó−ÌíGêÑñ ðešÖòíÖ−ÖíelÌê
                                                                                          42 Tanchuma 16; Bava Metzia 114b.  43 This could mean: 1. Return it to him before sunset. 2. Return it to him so
                                                                                          that he may have it till sunset. Rashi assumes the latter.  44 Regarding a íÖñÐ−Ôñ ³e½Ðk—“a night garment,” the Torah
       13 Mechilta.  14 Since there are four zuzim to a shekel, fifty silver shekels are therefore equal to 200 zuzim which  writes (Devarim 24, 10–13): LÓôÓMÔí êBëÐk ¬BëμÖí³ÓêBñë−ÌLÖzëÑLÖí—“Return the security to him at sunset.”  45 Mechilta.
       is the amount written into a kesubah. (R.A.K. from Sechel Tov)  15 Kesubos 10a.  16 Vayikra 20, 16. And Rashi  46 What is the distinction between íÒ³e½Ð× and B³ÖñÐôÌN?  47 Mechilta.  48 Judges are referred to as ó−ÌíGÍê. See above v.
       (above, 21, 17) explains that wherever the term óÖaóÓí−ÑôÐc and the like appear, it refers to death by stoning.  8.  49 Sanhedrin 66a.
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