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[327]         Shemos—Mishpatim 22:22–24 ãëYáë:áë íéèôùîZúåîù                SHMOT  11             Shemos—Mishpatim 22:20–22 áëYë:áë íéèôùîZúåîù        [326]                                                                                                    #                                                               26015

                           when he cries out to Me, − flÔñÑê ·šÔ¼Ð®Ì−šÒ¥¼Ö®-óÌê−¤Ìk               for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. :óÌ−ÞÖþЮÌô±Óþ'ÓêÐaó£Ó³−Ì−Ííó−'ÌþÑè-−ÞÌk
                           I will indeed hear his cry. :B ޳֚μÞÔ®¼£ÔôÐLÓêÔ¼Ò 'ôÖL         21. You must not mistreat any widow or orphan. :öeÞpԼгê'GóB£³Ö−Ðîí'ÖòÖôÐñÔê-ñÖk .ê×
                 23. Then I will cause My anger to flare, − flÌtÔêí¤ÖþÖìÐî .è×                           22. If you do mistreat him [them], B¢³Òêí£ÑpԼгí'ÑpÔ¼-óÌê .ë×
                      and I will kill you by the sword. ëÓþ¢ÖìÓaó£Ó×гÓê−'ÌzÐèÔþÞÖíÐî
                    and your children will be orphans. ô :ó−ÞÌôÒ³Ð−ó£Ó×−ÑòÐëe
                                                                                                   contralier (to taunt, aggravate) in Old French.  ,ïÔ¼ÔñÐa þ"−þêþ¬òîš
               24. When you lend money to My people, − †ÌnÔ¼-³Óêí¤ÓîÐñÔ z|¹Ó½¤Ók-óÌê .ð×
                                                                                                 as in: “I will feed (CÌ−ÔòBô ³Óê) those that abuse you  CÌ−ÔòBô ³Óê−ÌzÐñÔ×ÎêÔíÐîBôÐk
                                                                                                                  with their own flesh.” 24  :óÖþÖNÐa³Óê
                                                                                                                  Do not oppress him.  .epÆöÈçÀìÄúàGÀå
                                           Why?  ?íÖnÖñ                                             [This refers to] robbing him of his money. 25  :öBôÖô³Ôñ−ÑïÐèÌa
                         “when he cries out to Me, etc.”  :’Bèî −ÔñÑêšÔ¼Ð®Ì−šÒ¼Ö®óÌê−Ìk                         For you were strangers.  .íÆúéÄéÁäíéÄøÅâ-éÞÄk
                [23] Your wives will become widows.  .úBðÈîÀìÇàíÆëéÅLÀðeéÈäÀå [âë]                                    If you abuse him,  ,B³−ÑòBí óÌê
                                                                                                           he, too, is capable of abusing you  EгBòBíÐñ ñB×Ö− êeí ¹Ôê
                  From that which is implied by its saying:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL¼ÖôÐLÔnÌô
                                                                                                                      by saying to you:  ,EÐñþÔôBñÐî
                                 “and I will kill you,”  ,óÓ×гÓê−ÌzÐèÔþÖíÐî
                                                                                                         “You, too, descend from strangers.”  ,Ö³êÖaó−ÌþÑbÌôíÖzÔê¹Ôê
       would I not know myself that “your wives will be widows  ³BòÖôÐñÔêóÓ×−ÑLÐpÓLÔ¼ÑðB− −Ìò−Ñê
                     and your children will be orphans”?  ?ó−ÌôB³Ð−óÓ×−ÑòÐëe                                With a fault which is your own  EÐaÓL óeô,,
           But the answer is that this is an additional curse: 32  ,³ÓþÓìÔêíÖñÖñКBï−ÑþÎíêÖlÓê           do not reproach your fellow man. 26  ;"EÐþÑëÎìÔñþÔôêÒzñÔê
                         that the women will be bound  ³BþeþЮó−ÌLÖpÔíe−ÐíÌiÓL                       Wherever the term þÑè is used [it denotes]  þÑè öBLÐññÖk
                                as living widows— 33  ,³BiÔì ³BòÖôÐñÔêÐk                            a person who was not born in that country,  ,íÖò−ÌðÐôdÖ³BêÐaðÔñBò êHÓLóÖðÖê
                                                                                                  but came from another land to reside there. 27  :óÖL þeèÖñ³ÓþÓìÔêíÖò−ÌðÐnÌôêÖëêÖlÓê
              that there will be no witnesses who can testify  ó−ÌðѼe−ÐíÌ−êHÓL
                          to the death of their husbands  öÓí−ÑñмÔa³Ô³−ÌôÐñ                  [21] Do not mistreat any widow or orphan. 28  .ïeÞpÇòÀú àG íBúÈéÀåäÈðÈîÀìÇà-ìÈk [àë]
            and they will thus be prohibited from remarrying.  ,êÑNÖpÌíÐñ ³Bþe½ÎêíÖò−Ó−Ðí̳Ðî               The same applies to any person  ,óÖðÖêñÖ×Ðñö−ÌcÔí êeí
                       And the children will be orphans,  ,ó−ÌôB³Ð−e−ÐíÌ−ó−ÌòÖaÔíÐî                     but the Torah speaks of what is usual,  ,íÓîBíÐa ëe³ÖkÔíþÑaÌcÓLêÖlÓê
                    [i.e.] the Beis Din will not allow them  ö−Ìc³−Ña óeì−ÌpÔ−êHÓL                                    for they are weak  Ô ìÒ×−ÑLeLÐzóÑíÓL−ÌõÐñ
                   to take possession of the fathers’ estates,  ,óÓí−ÌëÎê−ѽÐ×ÌòÐñðÑþ−Ññ                    and are frequently mistreated. 29  :óÖ³BpÔ¼Ðñ −e®ÖôþÖëÖðÐî
                                for they do not know  ó−̼ÐðB− ö−ÑêÓL−ÌõÐñ                                 [22] If you do mistreat him.  .BúÉàäÅpÇòÀúäÅpÇò-íÄà [áë]
                  whether they died or were taken captive.  :eaÐLÌòóÌêe³ÑôóÌê                                  This is a shortened verse. 30  ,þÖ®ÖšêÖþКÌôíÓï−ÑþÎí
                       [24] When 34  you lend money.  .éÄnÇò-úÆàäÆåÀìÇzóÆñÆk-íÄà [ãë]        It threatens but does not make clear his punishment,  BLÐòB¼ LÔþ−ÑõêGÐîóÑfÌb
                                Rabbi Yishmael said:  ,þÑôBê ñêѼÖôÐLÌ−−ÌaÔþ                          as in: “Therefore whoever kills Kayin.” 31  ,öÌ−ÔšèÑþÒíñÖköÑ×ÖñBôÐk
                Each and every time óÌê appears in the Torah  íÖþBzÔaÓLóÌêÐîóÌêñÖk                            [There, too] there is a threat  óÑfÌb
                        [it refers to] something optional  ³eLÐþ                                      but does not make clear his punishment.  ,BLÐòÖ¼LÔþ−ÑõêGÐî
                            except in three instances 35  ,íÖLñÐMÌô ±eì                                   Here, too: “If you do mistreat him”  "B³ÒêíÑpԼгíÑpÔ¼óÌê,, öêÖk¹Ôê
                               of which this is one. 36  :öÓíÑôðÖìÓêíÓïÐî                                             conveys a threat,  ,óefÌb öBLÐñ
                                                                                                        [i.e.] “In the end you will get yours.”  !EÐlÓL³Óê ñBh−ÌñEÐõB½ þÔôBñÐk
       32 I.e., in addition to the husbands’ dying and widowing their wives, the women will suffer an additional curse.
       33 I.e., widows whose husbands are still alive.  34 Usually the word óÌê means “if”!  35 Where the word óÌê is
       obligatory and takes on the meaning of “when,” for there is an obligation to lend money to someone in need of a  24 Yeshaiyahu 49, 26.  25 Mechilta.  26 Mechilta; Bava Metzia 59b.  27 Which was also the condition of the B’nei
       loan.  36 Mechilta. The other two instances are, 1. ó−ÌþekÌa³ÔìÐòÌôë−ÌþКԳóÌêÐî (Vayikra 2, 14), 2. −ÌñíÓNμÔzó−ÌòÖëÎêìÔaÐïÌôóÌêÐî.  Yisrael when they came down to Egypt.  28 May anyone else be mistreated?!  29 Mechilta.  30 The verse begins
       (Above 20, 22)                                                                     with “If you do mistreat him” and then does not immediately tell us what will happen.  31 Bereishis 4, 15.     #                                                               26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-
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