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#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black
[321] Shemos—Mishpatim 22:13–14 ãéYâé:áë íéèôùîZúåîù Shemos—Mishpatim 22:29–30 ìYèë:áë íéèôùîZúåîù [332]
13. If a man borrows something from his neighbor, eí£Ñ¼Ñþó'̼ÑôL−§Ìêñ'ÔêÐLÌ−-−ÞÌ×Ðî .è− On the eighth day you must give it to Me. :−ÞÌñ-BòÐzÌz−£Ìò−ÌôÐMÔíóB'iÔa
and it becomes broken or dies; ³¢Ñô-Bê þ¤ÔaÐLÌòÐî 30. You shall be men of holiness to Me. −¢Ìñöe¤−ÐíÌzLÓðÒ £š-−ÑLÐòÔêÐî.ñ
if the owner is not [involved] with it, B £n̼-ö−ÞÑêî−'ÖñÖ¼Ða
he [the borrower] must make full restitution. :óÞÑlÔLÐ−ó'ÑlÔL
14. If the owner is [involved] with it, B £n̼î−'ÖñÖ¼Ða-óÌê .ð− you shall redeem from a month old.” 57 ,íÓcÐõÌzLÓðÒìöÓaÌô
So, too, regarding the first-born of the smaller cattle: íÖwÔðíÖôÑíÐa þB×Ða¹Ôê
and, afterwards, gives it to the kohein. 58 :öÑíÒkÔñBòгBò CÖkþÔìÔêÐî
lion, bear, or snake, he need not pay. 1 ;óÑlÔLÐô Bò−ÑêLÖìÖòÐî ëBðÐî−ÌþÎê
[29] Seven days it shall remain with its mother. 59 .BnÄà-íÄòäÆéÀäÞÄéíéÄîÈéúÇòÀáÄL [èë]
But who whispered to you EÐLÖìÐñ−Ìôe
This is a warning to the kohein 60 ,öÑíÒkÔñíÖþÖíÐïÔêBï
to come to these conclusions? 2 ?öÑk öeðÖñ that if he wishes to hurry his sacrifice [of the þB×Ða] BòÖaÐþÖš³ÓêþÑíÔôÐñêÖaóÌêÓL
Because it is written: ëe³Ö×−ÑþÎíÓL he may not rush to do so before the eighth day ,íÖòÒôÐLóÓðBš þÑíÔôÐ−êG
“and it dies, or is injured, or is captured.” 3 ZíÖaÐLÌòBêþÔaÐLÌòBê³Ñôe because it is “lacking in time” (i.e., premature). :öÖôÐïþÔ½eìÐô êeíÓL−ÌõÐñ
Just as [the animal’s] dying naturally íÖ³−ÌôíÔô
On the eighth day you must give it to Me. .éÞÄì-BðÀzÄzéÄðéÄîÀMÇä íBiÇa
is something he cannot prevent, ,ñ−ÌvÔíÐñ ñB×Ö−ö−ÑêÓL
One might think that it is obligatory on that day! 61 !óBiÔë BëÐñíÖëBì êÑíÐ− ñB×Ö−
so, too, the case of injury and captivity [must be such] 4 íÖiÌëÐLe þÓëÓL¹Ôê
[This is not so for] it states here: öêÖkþÔôÍêÓò
that he had no way of preventing it. 5 :ñ−ÌvÔíÐñ ñB×Ö−ö−ÑêÓL
“the eighth day”, and it states further on: öÖlÔíÐñþÔôÍêÓòÐî−Ìò−ÌôÐL
[13] If [a man] borrows. .ìÇàÀLÄé-éÞÄëÀå [âé] “and from the eighth day onward it shall be accepted.” 62 ,íÓ®ÖþÑ−íÖêÐñÖíÖî−Ìò−ÌôÐMÔí óBiÌôe
[This section] comes to teach you regarding the borrower ñÑêBMÔíñÔ¼ðÑnÔñÐñêÖa Just as “the eighth day” mentioned later öÖlÔíÐñ þeôÖêÖí−Ìò−ÌôÐMíÔô
that he is liable even for accidents. :ö−̽ÐòBêÐaë−ÖiÔìÓL intends to declare [the animal] fit [for sacrifice] þ−ÌLÐ×ÔíÐñ
If the owner is not with it. .BnÄò-ïéÞÅàåéÈìÈòÀa from the eighth day and on, ,öÖlÔíÐñe −Ì ò−ÌôÐMÌô
[Meaning:] if the owner of the ox þBL ñÓL î−ÖñÖ¼ÐaóÌê so, too, “the eighth day” mentioned here öêÖk þeôÖêÖí−Ìò−ÌôÐL¹Ôê
is not employed by the borrower to do his work. 6 :BzÐ×êÔñÐôÌañÑêBMÔíó̼ Bò−Ñê intends to declare [the animal] fit þ−ÌLÐ×ÔíÐñ
[14] If the owner is with it. 7 .BnÄòåéÈìÈòÀa-íÄà [ãé] from the eighth day and on. .öÖlÔíÐñe −Ìò−ÌôÐMÌô
[This teaches that] whether [he is employed] êeíÓLö−Ña Hence, this is the intended meaning of it: 63 ,B¼ÖôÐLÔôöÑ×Ðî
in that work (i.e., the same work as the animal) íÖ×êÖñÐôdÖ³BêÐë “And on the eighth day you are permitted −êÔMÔþíÖzÔê−Ìò−ÌôÐMÔí óB−Ôëe
or whether he [is employed] in other work, ,³ÓþÓìÔêíÖ×êÖñÐôÌë êeíÓLö−Ña to give it to Me” (i.e., to sacrifice it). 64 :−ÌñBòÐz−Ìñ
as long as he was employed by him Bn̼íÖ−Öí [30] You shall be men of holiness to Me. .éÄì ïeéÀäÞÄzLÆãÉ÷-éÅLÀðÇàÀå [ì]
at the time he borrowed [the ox], ,íÖñ−ÌêÐL³Ô¼ÐLÌë [This is meant as a promise:] “If you will be holy ó−ÌLBðКóÓzÔêóÌê
he need not be employed by him Bn̼ ³B−ÐíÌñC−ÌþÖ® Bò−Ñê and abstain from the abhorrence of −Ñ®ewÌMÌôó−ÌLeþÐõe
at the time of ³Ô¼ÐLÌë [eating] neveilah 65 and tereifah, 66 ³BõÑþЬe ³BñÑëÐò
the injury to, or the death [of, the animal]. :íÖ³−Ìôe íÖþ−ÌëÐL then you are (−Ìñ) Mine. ,−ÌlÓLóÓzÔê−ÑþÎí
But if not, then you are not Mine. 67 :−ÌlÓLóÓ×Ðò−Ñê îêÖñóÌêÐî
1 These are circumstances that are beyond the watchman’s control. 2 I.e., what is your basis for distinguishing
between different kinds of beasts? Does not the phrase ¹ÑþÖhÌ−¹ÒþÖ¬óÌê seem to include an animal torn apart by another 57 Bamidbar 18, 16. 58 Mechilta; Bechoros 26b. 59 This should not be taken to mean that the þB×Ða cannot be
animal? (S.C.) 3 V. 9. The Torah intends, by its juxtaposing all these ways of the animal’s death, to have you given to the kohein before the eighth day. But rather . . . 60 But, not to the owner, for it is the kohein, and not the
compare them to each other. The method of expounding is called LÑš−Óí. 4 So that he not be held responsible. owner, who sacrifices the þB×Ða. (G.A.) 61 I.e., that the kohein must sacrifice the þB×Ða on the eighth day and no later.
5 Mechilta. 6 Bava Metzia 95b. See next Rashi. 7 The previous verse made it clear that the borrower is held 62 Vayikra 22, 27. The common use of “the eighth day” is intended as a êÖîÖLíÖþÑïÐb. 63 I.e., of the words: −Ìò−ÌôÐMÔí óBiÔa
liable only where the lender is not employed in the work of the borrower. What additional information does the −ÌñBòÐzÌz. 64 Mechilta. 65 íÖñ−ÑëÐò=a non-ritually-slaughtered dead animal. 66 íÖõ−ÑþЬ=an animal with a wound to a
statement óÑlÔLÐ−êGBn̼ î−ÖñÖ¼ÐaóÌê—“if the owner is employed by him, then he need not pay,” impart to us? vital organ. 67 Mechilta.