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       [331]    #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black   #26
                     Shemos—Mishpatim 22:28–29 èëYçë:áë íéèôùîZúåîù
                                                                                                         Shemos—Mishpatim 22:14–15 åèYãé:áë íéèôùîZúåîù
        and of your terumah-offering’s you must not delay. þ¢ÑìÔêгê¤G £EμÐôÌðÐî          then he [the borrower] need not make restitution. ó¢ÑlÔLÐ−ê¤G
         The first-born of your sons, you shall give to Me. :−ÞÌñ-öÓzÌzE−£ÓòÖaþB'×Ða                          If it was hired, it [the loss] êe flíþ−¤Ì×ÖN-óÌê
               29. You must do likewise with your oxen £EÐþÒ ÞLÐñí'ÓNμÞÔz-öÑk .¬×                          is covered by its rental price. ô :B ÞþÖ×ÐNÌaê£Öa
                              and with your sheep. E¢ÓòêÒ®Ðñ                                                15. If a man seduces a virgin í§Öñe³ÐaL− †Ìêí¤ÓzÔõÐ−-−ÞÌ×Ðî .î¬
              Seven days it shall remain with its mother. B flnÌê-ó̼í¤Ó−ÐíÞÌ− ·ó−ÌôÖ−³¥Ô¼ÐëÌL       who is not betrothed, and lies with her; d¢Ön̼ë¤Ô×ÖLÐîíÖN£ÖþÒê-ê ÞGþ'ÓLÎê
                                                                                            he must give the dowry to acquire her as his wife. :íÞÖMÌêÐñB£líÖp'ÓþÖíÐôÌ−þÒ§íÖô
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                   This refers to ó−ÌþekÌa—“the first fruits.” 50  :ó−ÌþekÌaóÑíÐî                                      If it was hired.  .àeä øéÄëÈN-íÄà
                          And your terumah-offering.  .EÂòÀîÄãÀå                                           [I.e.] if the ox was not borrowed  ñeêÖL Bò−Ñê þBMÔíóÌê
                    [EμÐôÌðÐî refers to] the terumah-offering, 51  ,íÖôeþÐzÔí                                         but rather hired,  ,þe×ÖNêÖlÓê
                  but, I do not know why it is called ¼ÔôÓð. 52  :¼ÔôÓc öBLÐñeíÔôÔ¼ÑðB− −Ìò−ÑêÐî  then, since it (BþÖ×ÐNÌëêÖa) came for its rental fee  B ÞþÖ×ÐNÌaêÖa
                               You must not delay.  .øÅçÇàÀúàG                                                 into the hands of the lessee,  ,íÓfÔíþÑ×BOÔíðÔ−Ðñ
                              [Meaning:] Do not alter  íÓpÔLгêG                                              and not through borrowing,  ,íÖñ−ÌêÐLÌëêGÐî
           their order of separating them 53  [from their fruits],  öÖ³ÖLÖþÐõÔíþÓðѽ                       and the benefit is not his entirely  ,BlÓLíÖêÖòÎíñÖkö−ÑêÐî
          by separating later what should be separated earlier,  ,þÖìeêÐôÔí³Óêó−ÌcКÔíÐñe óÖcКenÔí³ÓêþÑìÔêÐñ  for it is in return for its rental fee  BþÖ×ÐN−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼−ÑþÎíÓL
               i.e., he may not [separate] the terumah before  íÖôeþÐzó−ÌcКÔ−êHÓL                                     that he uses it, 8  ,LÑnÔzÐLÌò
                             [separating] the bikkurim,  ó−ÌþekÌëÐñ                              the rule of the borrower does not apply to him  ñÑêBL ¬ÔtÐLÌôBñö−ÑêÐî
                or the tithe offering before the terumah. 54 55  :íÖôeþгÌñþÑNμÔôe                   —to make him liable even for accidents.  ;ö−̽ÐòBêÐaë−ÑiÔìгÌíÐñ
                                                                                                           The Torah does not make it clear  LÔþ−ÑõêGÐî
        The first-born of your sons, you shall give to Me—  .éÞÄì-ïÆzÄzEéÆðÈa øBëÀa
            by redeeming him for five sela’im from the kohein.  ;öÑíÒkÔíöÌôó−̼ÖñнLÑôÖìÐë B³BcÐõÌñ      what rule applies to him (the hirer),  ,Bò−ÌcíÔô
       But has [the Torah] not given this command elsewhere? 56  ?þÑìÔê óBšÖôÐa î−Ö ñÖ¼íÖeÌ®þÖëÐ×êGÎíÔî  whether [he is considered] a óÖpÌìþÑôBL 9  óÖpÌìþÑôBLÐkóÌê
                     But [the reason it is repeated here is]  êÖlÓê                                                     or a þÖ×ÖNþÑôBL. 10  ,þÖ×ÖNþÑôBLÐ×Bê
                               so as to juxtapose it to:  Bñ CBôнÌñ−ÑðÐ×                      Therefore the Sages of Yisrael disputed this matter:  ,ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−ÑôÐ×Ôì Bë ešÐñÐìÓòCÖ×−Ì õÐñ
                    “You must do likewise with your oxen  Z"EÐþÒLÐñíÓNμÔzöÑk,,                  What manner of restitution does a hirer make?  ?óÑlÔLÐôðÔ®−ÑkþÑ×BN
                               and with your sheep,”  ,EÓòêÒ®Ðñ                                              Rabbi Meir said: as a óÖpÌìþÑôBL.  ,óÖpÌìþÑôBLÐkþÑôBê þ−ÌêÑô−ÌaÔþ
           [thereby teaching that] just as the first-born of man  óÖðÖê þB×ÐaíÔô                        Rabbi Yehudah said: as a þÖ×ÖNþÑôBL.” 11  :þÖ×ÖNþÑôBLÐkþÑôBê íÖðeíÐ−’þ
                 is redeemed after thirty days [from birth],  ,eíÑðBt óB− ó−ÌLñÐLþÔìÔêÐñ                       [15] If [a man] seduces.  .äÆzÇôÀé-éÞÄëÀå [åè]
                                       as it is said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL                                    He speaks “to her heart (softly and kindly)”  dÖaÌññÔ¼þÑaÔðÐô
                    “And those that need to be redeemed,  îÖ−eðÐõe                                              until she consents to him.  ,Bñ ³Ô¼ÔôBMÓLðÔ¼
                                                                                                      Onkelos translates it similarly: ñÑcÔLÐ−−ÑþÎêÔî,  ,ñÑcÔLÐ−−ÑþÎê BôebÐþÔzöÑ×Ðî
                                                                                                     ñeðÌL in Aramaic having the same meaning  −ÌnÔþÎê öBLÖñÐa ñecÌL
       50 I.e., the mitzvah to bring the fruits to the Temple and give them to the kohein.  51 Terumah 4a.  52 Rashi ibid.
       (íôîþ³ îï í"ð) explains ¼ÔôÓc as “mixture,” i.e., terumah that becomes mixed with other fruits requires a ratio of 100  as −ezÌt (seducing) in Hebrew.  :−ÌþÐë̼ öBLÖñÐa −ezÌõÐk
       to 1 of terumah for the terumah to be considered annulled. Gur Aryeh suggests that ¼ÔôÓc refers to the grain after it
                                                                                                              He must give the dowry. 12  .äÈpÆøÈäÀîÄéøÉäÈî
       separates from the chaff as a tear (¼ÔôÓc) drops from the eye. It is at this point that the mitzvah of separating terumah
                                                                                                           He must set aside a dowry for her  þÔíBô dÖñ šB½ÐõÌ−
       occurs. See also Ramban.  53 I.e., the ó−Ìþek−Ìa and the íÖôeþÐz.  54 The sequence of the separation of the various
       offerings from grains and fruits: 1. ó−ÌþekÌa—the first fruits are taken to the Temple and given to the kohein. 2. íÖôeþÐz—a
       fraction of the fruits (either 1/40, 1/50 or 1/60, depending on the owner’s magnanimity) is set aside and given to  8 Hence the hirer is not considered totally benefitting. After all he does pay a fee. The owner also shares in the
       the kohein. 3. þÑNμÔô—a tenth of what remains after the separating of the bikkurim and teruma is given to the levi.  benefits since he is paid the fee.  9 I.e., a watchman who receives no compensation and is not liable for theft or
       4. þÑNμÔô³ÔôeþÐz—the levi then takes 1/10 of the þÑNμÔô which he received and gives it to the kohein.  55 Mechilta.  loss.  10 I.e., a watchman who is compensated for his work and is liable for theft or loss.  11 Bava Metzia 93a.
       56 Above, 13, 13: íÓcÐõÌzE−ÓòÖëÐaóÖðÖê þB×ÐañÖ×Ðî—“ All the first born of man you must redeem.”  12 According to Rashi þÔíÒô refers to the íÖae³Ðk—“the marriage contract.” See Ramban.
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