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[333]            Shemos—Mishpatim 22:30 ì:áë íéèôùîZúåîù                                          Shemos—Mishpatim 22:10–12 áéYé:áë íéèôùîZúåîù        [320]                                                                                                    #                                                               26015

       You must not eat flesh that was torn off in the field. eñ flÑ×êÒ³êÕ¤ñ ·íÖõÑþЬí¥ÓðÖOÔaþ·ÖNÖëe  that he [the watcher] did not lay his hand B£ðÖ−ì§ÔñÖLê'G-óÌê
                               Throw it to the dog. ô :B Þ³Òêöe'×ÌñÐLÔzëÓñ£ÓkÔñ            on his neighbor’s possession [for his personal use]. eí¢Ñ¼Ñþ³Ó×ê¤ÓñÐôÌa
                                                                                                      The owner must accept it [the oath], î−£ÖñÖ¼Ðaì'ÔšÖñÐî
                                                                                                   11. But if it was indeed stolen from him, B¢n̼ÞÑôë£ÑòÖbÌ−ëÒ'òÖb-óÌêÐî .ê−
                  Flesh that was torn off in the field. 68  .äÈôÅøÀèäÆãÈOÇaøÈNÈáe
                                                                                                     he must make restitution to its owner. :î−ÞÖñÖ¼ÐëÌñó£ÑlÔLÐ−
                Actually the same applies within the house,  ,öÑk³Ì−ÔaÔa¹Ôê
                 but [the reason “the field” is mentioned is]  êÖlÓê                           12. If it was torn apart [killed by wild beasts], ¹£ÑþÖhÌ−¹Ò'þÖ¬-óÌê .ë−
                    the Torah speaks of what is common—  ZíÓîBíÐa ëe³ÖkÔíþÑa−ÌcÓL                 he [the watcher] must provide witnesses. ð¢Ñ¼eí¤ÑêÌëÐ−
                    the place where it is usual for animals  ³BôÑíÐaCÓþÓcÓL óBšÖô         He then need not pay for that which was torn apart. ô :óÞÑlÔLÐ−ê'Gí£ÖõÑþÐhÔí
                       to be torn apart [by wild beasts]. 69  ;¹ÑþÖh−Ìñ
                 Similarly: “For he found her in the field,” 70  ,dÖêÖ®ÐôíÓðÖOÔë−ÌköÑ×Ðî
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                         Similarly: “One who is unclean  þBíÖ¬íÓ−ÐíÌ−êGþÓLÎêöÑ×Ðî
                     as a result of a nocturnal emission,” 71  ,íÖñÐ−ÖñíÑþÐwÌô
                                                                                                              The owner must accept it.  .åéÈìÈòÀaçÇ÷ÈìÀå
                       where the same rule would apply  ö−ÌcÔí êeí
                                                                                                           [I.e., he must accept] the oath. 37  ,íÖ¼eëÐMÔí
                          to an emission during the day.  ,óB− íÑþКÌôÐñ
            The Torah just speaks of what is most common. 72  .íÓîBíÐa ëe³ÖkÔíþÓa−ÌcÓLêÖlÓê            And he need not make restitution.  óÑlÔLÐ−êGÐî
            However, Onkelos translates [íÖõ−ÑþЬíÓðÖÒ¾ÔaþÖNÖëe] as:  óÑbÐþÌz ½eñКÐòeêÐî   [I.e., the watchman need not make restitution] to him.  :óeñÐkþÑôBMÔíBñ
                       “Flesh torn from a living animal,”  ,êÖiÔìêÖî−ÑìöÌô L−ÌñÐzþÔNÐëe                           [12] If it was torn—  .óÅøÈhÄéóÉøÈè-íÄà [áé]
                            i.e., flesh that was torn off  LÔñÐ³Ì pÓLþÖNÖa                                            by a wild animal.  :íÖ¼ÖþíÖiÔì−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼
                   as a result of an attack by a wolf or lion  −ÌþÎêBêëÑêÐï³ÔõÑþЬ−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼                   He must provide witnesses.  .ãÅòeäÅàÄáÀé
             from a permitted beast, or from permitted cattle,  íÖþÑLÐ×íÖôÑíÐaÌôBêíÖþÑLÐ×íÖiÔìöÌô        [I.e.,] he shall bring [two] witnesses  ó−ÌðѼê−ÌëÖ−
                  while it was alive [“you must not eat”]. 73  :Öí−ÓiÔìÐë                                          that it was torn apart  íÖõÐþЬÌpÓL
                               Throw it to the dog.  .B ÞúÉà ïeëÄìÀLÇzáÆìÆkÇì                          [in a way that was] beyond his control  ½ÓòBêÐa
                       [You may sell it] also to a gentile.  ;ëÓñÓkÔk −BbÔí¹Ôê                   and he will then not be liable to pay restitution.  :þe¬Öõe
                       Or perhaps it refers only to a dog?  ?B¼ÖôÐLÔôÐkëÓñÓkêÖlÓê Bò−ÑêBê    He need not pay for that which was torn apart.  .íÞÅlÇLÀéàGäÈôÅøÀhÇä
                The Torah therefore says regarding neveilah:  ,íÖñÑëÐòÌaþÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz                It does not say: óÑlÔLÐ−êGíÖõÑþЬ (he need not  óÑlÔLÐ−êGíÖõÑþЬþÑôBê Bò−Ñê
                              “or sell it to a gentile.” 74  ,−ÌþÐ×ÖòÐñ þB×ÖôBê             pay for [any] one which was torn): but, rather, it says:  êÖlÓê
          [Then we may assume] a fortiori regarding tereifah: 75  íÖõÑþЬÌñþÓôBìÖîñÔš                      íÖõÑþÐhÔí [for this one that was torn).  ,íÖõÑþÐhÔí
                          that all benefits are permitted  .³BêÖòÎíñÖ×Ða³ÓþÓzenÓL                      [This indicates that] there is a torn one  íÖõÑþЬLÑ−
                        [including selling to a gentile]. 76                                                      for which he must pay,  óÑlÔLÐô êeíÓL
                     If so, why does it state: “to the dog”?!  ?ëÓñÓkÔñþÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔzíÔôöÑkóÌê                     and there is a torn one  íÖõÑþЬLÑ−Ðî
                                                                                                               for which he need not pay:  ;óÑlÔLÐô Bò−ÑêÓL
       68 Only in the field?!  69 But the animal still lived to be slaughtered. Otherwise, it would be neveilah. See note  For one that was torn apart by a cat, fox, or marten  íÖiÌôÐòe ñÖ¼eLÐî ñe³Öì³ÔõÑþЬ
       65.  70 “And no one was there to help her” (Devarim 22, 27) and she is not liable to any punishment since she  he must pay restitution. 38  ,óÑlÔLÐô
       was taken by force. Here, too, if she was helpless within the city the same rule would apply. The only reason “the           ,ëÑêÐï³ÔõÑþЬ
                                                                                                 Whereas, for one that was torn apart by a wolf,
       field” is mentioned is because there it is common for her to shout without anyone coming to her aid.  71 Devarim
       23, 11.  72 Mechilta.  73 This prohibition is called −ÔìÔíöÌôþÖNÖÖa—“ flesh from a living animal.”  74 Devarim 14, 21.
       75 Which is more lenient than neveilah.  76 The þÓôÒìÖîñÔš is formulated thus: If neveilah which is more stringent than
       tereifah in that it renders ritually unclean anyone touching, or even carrying it, yet may be sold to a gentile, then,  37 Bava Kamma 106a.  38 In these instances the watchman could have taken precautions to prevent the animal
       certainly, tereifah, which does not cause ritual uncleanness, may be sold to a gentile.  in his charge from being killed.                                                                         #                                                               26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-
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