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 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black
 [381]  Shemos—Terumah 25:32–33 âìYáì:äë äîåøúZúåîù  Shemos—Terumah 26:17  æé:åëäîåøúZúåîù  [400]

 32. Six branches shall extend from its sides, Öí−¢ÓcÌvÌôó−£ÌêЮÒÞ−ó−flÌòÖší¤ÖMÌLÐî .ëñ  exactly parallel to each other. d¢Ö³ÒìÎê-ñÓêí£ÖMÌê³Ò flëÖl·ŠLÐô
 three branches of the menorah from one of its sides, ð flÖìÓêÞÖí ·dÖcÌvÌôí†ÖþÒòÐô−¤ÑòК|í¤ÖLñÐL
 and three branches of the menorah í flÖþÒòÐô−¤ÑòК ·íÖLñÐLe
 from the second side. :−ÞÌòÑMÔíd£ÖcÌvÌô  The pegs of the plank that were inserted  ³B½ÖòÐ×ÌpÔíLÓþÓwÔí ³Bð−Ìî
                         into the opening of the sockets  ó−ÌòÖðÎêÖíñÔñÎìÔa
 33. Three cups, engraved in almond shaped patterns, ó−„ÌðÖwŠLÐôó−…̼ÌëÐè…í¤ÖLñÐL .èñ
                    were cut out on three of their sides. 25  ZöÓí−ÑcÌ®³ÓLñÐMÌô ³B®eþÎì
 on one branch, with a knob and a flower. ›ìÔþ›ÓõÖîþÒ¤zÐ õÔk ‡ðÖìÓêÞÖíí¤ÓòÖwÔa
                   The width of the part that was cut away  ±−ÌþÖìÓíëÔìBþ
 And three cups engraved in almond shaped patterns, ó−§ÌðÖwŠLÐôó− †Ì¼ÌëÐèí¤ÖLñÐLe  corresponds to the thickness  −ÌëB¼Ðk
 on one branch, with a knob and a flower. ìÔþ¢ÖõÖîþÒzÐõÔkð£ÖìÓêÞÖíí'ÓòÖwÔa  of the edge of the socket  ZöÓðÓêÖí³ÔõÐN
 So shall be [the form] of each of the six branches ó−flÌòÖwÔí³ÓL¤ÑLÐñöÑkƒ  so that the plank would cover  LÓþÓwÔííÓqÔ×ÐiÓL
                           the entire top of the socket.  ,öÓðÓêÖíLêÒþñÖk³Óê
 that extend from [the shaft of] the menorah. :íÞÖþÒòÐnÔí-öÌôó−£ÌêЮÒÞiÔí
                              For if this were not so 26  ,öÑ×êGóÌêÓL
                  in a gap between one plank and another  LÓþÓšÐñLÓþÓšö−ÑaìîÔîÓþ
 [32] Shall extend from its sides—  .ÈäéÆcÄvÄîíéÄàÀöÉÞé [áì]
            equal to the thickness of the edges of two sockets  ,ó−ÌòÖðÎêÖí−ÑòÐL³ÔõÐN−ÌëB¼Ðk
 in each direction diagonally  ,öB½Ð×ÔñÎêÔaöêÖ×Ðñe öêÖ×Ðñ
                           which would have separated  eš−̽ÐõÔiÓL
 going upwards until [they reach]  ðÔ¼ ö−ÌñB¼Ðîó−Ì×ÖLÐôÌò
                           between them (the planks). A  ,óÓí−Ñò−Ñë
 the height of the menorah,  íÖþBòÐôñÓLdÖíÐëBb ðÓèÓòÐk
                     This is what is meant when it is said:  ,þÔôÍêÓpÓLeíÓïÐî
 which is the middle branch. 87  ,−̼֮ÐôÓêÖídÖòÖš êeíÓL
            “They must be coupled together [to fit exactly];” 27  ,íÖhÔôÐ lÌôó−ÌôÎêB³ e−ÐíÌ−Ðî
 They extend outward from the middle branch,  −̼֮ÐôÓêÖídÖòÖš CBzÌôö−ÌêЮB−Ðî
                    the sides of the pegs should be cut out  ³BðÖiÔí−ÑcÌ®³Óê ±BþÎìÔiÓL
 one above the other.  ,íÓfÌôíÖñмÔôÐñíÓï     B
             so that the planks be flush next to one another.  :íÓïñÓ®ÑêíÓïó−ÌLÖþÐwÔíeþÐaÔìгÌiÓL−ÑðÐk
 The bottom one is the longest one  ,CBþÖê öBzÐìÔzÔí
                                        Parallel.  .úÉáÈlËLÀî
 and the one above it is shorter  ,epÓô−ÑíþÖ®ÖšíÖñмÔôñÓLÐî
       [³BëÖlŠLÐô means:] made like the (³Bë−ÌñÐL) rungs of a ladder,  ,óÖle½ ³Bë−ÌñÐLö−ÌôÐk ³B−eNμ
 and the top one is even shorter.  ,epÓô−ÑíþÖ®Öš öB−ÐñÓ¼ÖíÐî
                            separated from each other  ,BfÌô Bï ³BñÖcÐëeôe
 [This was so] because the height at their top  öÓí−ÑLêÖþdÔëBè íÖ−ÖíÓL−ÌõÐñ
                              and planed at their ends  óÓí−ÑLêÖþ ö−ÌteLÐôe
 was the same as the height of the seventh middle branch,  ,−̼−ÌëÐMÔí,−̼֮ÐôÓêÖídÖòÖšñÓ LBíÐëBèÐñíÓîÖL
            so as to be inserted into the opening of the socket,  öÓðÓêÖíñÔñÎì CB³Ða½ÑòÖk−Ìñ
 from which extended the six branches.  ;ó−ÌòÖwÔí³ÓLÑLó−ÌêЮB− epÓnÌnÓL
                      like a (íÖë−ÌñÐL) rung which is inserted  ³Ó½ÓòÐ×ÌpÔííÖë−ÌñÐMÔk
 [33] Engraved.  .íéÄãÈwËLÞÀî [âì]
                in the hole of the upright beams of a ladder.  :óÖleqÔí−ÑðenÔ¼ëÓšÓòÐa
 [ó−ÌðÖwŠLÐô is] as Onkelos translates it [ö−Ìþ−Ð−Ô®Ðô]:  ,BôebÐþÔ³Ðk
                                    To each other.  .dÈúÉçÂà-ìÆàäÈMÄà
 They were engraved in the manner  CÓþÓðÐk ,e−Öíó−Ìþ−Öie®Ðô
                    [I.e., the pegs] were lined up [exactly]  ³ÓòÓee×Ðô
 that silver and gold vessels are made,  ëÖíÖïÐî¹Ó½Ó×−ÑñÐ×Ìñö−ÌNB¼ÓL
 called nieler (engraving) [in Old French].  88  :ïÔ¼ÔñÐa þ−"ñ−−ò ó−ÌþBwÓL
 And three cups—  .íéÄòÄáÀâäÈLìÀL
 protruding from each of the branches.  ,íÓòÖšÐîíÓòÖšñÖkÌôö−̬ÐñBa
 A knob and a flower—  çÇøÆôÈåøÉzÀôÇk
 was on each branch.  :íÓòÖšÐîíÓòÖšñÖ×ÐñíÖ−Öí
 87 From this description of Rashi’s it would seem that the branches went out of the center diagonally, in a straight
 line, which is in agreement with the picture drawn by the Rambam himself in his commentary on the Mishnah.  25 I.e., 1. between the planks, 2. the side facing the outside of the mishkon, 3. the side facing the inside of the
 88 Rashbam, on the other hand, interprets ó−ÌðÖwŠLÐô from the word ó−ÌðÑšÐL—“ almonds,” i.e., they were almond-shaped.  mishkon.  26 Instead, the peg would have reached the edge of the plank.  27 Below, v. 24.

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black   #
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