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[395] #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black #26
Shemos—Terumah 26:8–12 áéYç:åë äîåøúZúåîù
Shemos—Terumah 25:38–39 èìYçì:äë äîåøúZúåîù
and the width of each drape shall be four amohs. ³¢ÖìÓêÞÖíí£Ö¼−ÌþÐ−Ôíí flÖnÔêÞÖa¼¤ÔaÐþÔê ·ëÔìÒ·þÐî 38. Its tongs and its [ash] scoops Öí−£Ó³ÒzÐìÔôe Öí−'ÓìÖšÐñÔôe .ìñ
The eleven drapes must have the same measure. :³Ò Þ¼−ÌþÐ−í£ÑþÐNÓ¼−'ÑzÐLÔ¼Ðñ³ flÔìÔêí¤ÖcÌô [shall also be made of] pure gold. :þB ÞíÖ¬ë'ÖíÖï
9. Join [sew] together five drapes by themselves, ð flÖëÐñ ·³Ò¼−ÌþÐ−ÔíL¥ÑôÎì-³Óê „ÖzÐþÔaÌìÐî.¬ 39. It shall be made out of a kikar of pure gold d¢Ö³Òêí¤ÓNμÞÔ−þB£íÖ¬ë'ÖíÖïþ§ÔkÌk .¬ñ
and [the other] six drapes by themselves. ð¢ÖëÐñ³Ò£¼−ÌþÐ−ÔíL'ÑL-³ÓêÐî
Let the sixth drape overhang ³− flÌMÌ MÔíí¤Ö¼−ÌþÐ−Ôí-³Óê ·ÖzÐñÔõÞÖ×Ðî
before the entrance of the tent [mishkon]. :ñÓíÒ ÞêÖí−¤ÑòÐtñe £ô-ñÓê [38] Its tongs. .ÈäéÆçÈ÷ÀìÇîe [çì]
[Öí−ÓìÖšÐñÔôe] are the tongs which were made ö−Ì−eNμÖíó−̳ÖëÐvÔíóÑí
10. Make fifty loops ³Ò †êÖñÞŠñó−¤ÌMÌôÎìÖ³− •ÌNÖ¼Ðî.−
to pluck the wicks from the oil ,öÓôÓMÔí CBzÌôíÖñ−̳ÐtÔíóÓíÖaìÔw−Ìñ
on the edge of one drape ³ÖìÓêÞÖí ·íÖ¼−ÌþÐ−Ôí³¥ÔõÐNñ¤Ô¼
to set them up, and to pull them öÖ×ÐLÖôÐñe öÖëÐM−Ô−Ðñ
which is at the [innermost] end of the [first] group, ³Óþ¢ÖëÒìÞÔaí£ÖòÒ®− ÞÌwÔí into the mouths of the lamps. ,³BþÑpÔí−ÌõÐa
and fifty loops on the edge of the drape í flÖ¼−ÌþÐ−Ôí³¥ÔõÐNñÔ¼ƒ³Ò †êÖ ñÞŠñó−¤ÌMÌôÎìÞÔî Since they are used for “taking” (i.e., plucking) óÓíÖaó−ÌìКBlÓLóÑLñÔ¼Ðî
which is on the second group. :³−ÞÌòÑMÔí³Óþ£ÓëÒìÞÔí they are called óÌ−ÔìÖšÐñÔô (from ìÖšÐñ—“ take”). ;óÌ−ÔìÖšÐñÓôó−Ì−eþК
The word êÖíÖ³ÐëÌ® with which Onkelos translates ½eñКÐòeê óÑbÐþÌzÓLêÖíÖ³ÐëÌ®Ðî
11. Make fifty copper clasps. ó−¢ÌMÌôÎì³ÓL£ìÐò−'ѽÐþÔšÖ³−§ÌNÖ¼Ðî .ê−
is from the word ³ÖëЮ—tena´lies in Old French. 95 :ïÔ¼ÔñÐa ¾"ñ−−ò¬ ,³ÖëЮ öBLÐñ
Bring the clasps into the loops, ³Ò flêÖñ¤ŠlÔa ·ó−̽ÖþÐwÔí-³Óê¥Ö³êÑëÞÑíÐî
And its scoops. .ÈäéÆúÉzÀçÇîe
and join the tent together, making it one. :ðÞÖìÓêí'Ö−ÖíÐîñÓíÒ£êÖí-³Óê 'ÖzÐþÔaÌìÐî
They were like small receptacles ó−ÌpԬКö−Ì×−ÌïÖaö−ÌôÐkóÑí
12. The overlapping excess [from what is left over] ¹ flÑðÒ¼ÞÖ í ·ìÔþ·Ó½Ðî .ë− which were used to rake out the ashes from the lamp þÑpÔaÓLþÓõÑêÖí³ÓêöÓíÖëíÓ³BìÓL
[in the breadth] of the drapes of the tent— ñÓí¢ÒêÖí³Ò£¼−Ìþ−ÞÌa every single morning, ,þÓ šÒaÔaþÓšÒaÔa
when he would clean the lamps ³BþÑpÔí³Óêë−̬Ñô êeíÓLÐk
from the ashes of the wicks ³Bñ−̳ÐtÔíþÓõÑêÑô
for the sockets were one amoh high. 5 :íÖnÔêöÖíÐëÖbó−ÌòÖðÎêÖíÓL which had burned during the night íÖñÐ−ÔlÔí ešÐñÖcÓL
[9] Let the sixth drape overhang. .úéÄMÄMÇääÈòéÄøÀéÇä-úÆàÈzÀìÇôÞÈëÀå [è] and were extinguished. ,eëÖ×Ðî
[I.e.] the additional one of these upper [drapes], ³BòB−ÐñÓ¼ÖíelÑêÐa³ÓõÓðB¼Öí The word íÖzÐìÔô is puisedoire in Old French, 96 ,ïÔ¼ÔñÐa ê−"þ¾−−îõ íÖzÐìÔô öBLÐñe
over and above the lower [drapes].— :³BòBzÐìÔzÔíöÌôþѳB− as in: “(³BzÐìÔñ) to rake fire from the oven.” 97 :ðešÖiÌôLÑê ³BzÐìÔñBôÐk
[. . . shall overhang] before the entrance of the tent. .ìÆäÉ ÞàÈäéÅðÀt ìeî-ìÆà [39] A kikar of pure gold. .øBäÈèáÈäÈæøÇkÄk [èì]
Half of its width hung and folded ñeõÖ×Ðî −eñÖ³íÖ−ÖídÖaÐìÖþ−Ì®Îì Its weight, including all its vessels, 98 Ö í−Óñ−ÑkñÖkó̼dÖñÖšÐLÌôíÓ−ÐíÌ−êHÓL
over the curtain on the eastern side, ìÖþÐïÌnÔaÓLCÖ½ÖnÔíñÔ¼ should be only a kikar, no more and no less. .þѳB− êGÐî ³BìÖõêG,þÖkÌ×êÖlÓê
The kikar [used to measure] mundane things ñBì ñÓLþÖkÌkÔíÐî
before the entrance, ,ìÔ³ÓtÔíðÓèÓòÐk
was the equivalent of sixty manehs, ,íÓòÖôó−ÌMÌL
similar to a modest bride íÖ¼eòЮíÖlÔ×ÐñíÓôBc
whose face is covered by a veil. :í−ÓòÖtñÔ¼¹−̼֮ÐëíÖqe×ÐôÔí whereas the one [used to measure] holy things LÓðBš ñÓLÐî
was double that—120 manehs. ,íÓòÖô μ"š ,ñeõÖ×íÖ−Öí
[12] The overlapping excess çÇøÆñÀå [áé]
A maneh is the equivalent of a litra êÖþЬ−Ìñ êeí íÓòÖnÔíÐî
of the drapes of the tent— .ìÆäÉàÈäúÉòéÄøéÞÄaóÅãÉòÞÈä
which is used to weigh silver ¹Ó½ÓkdÖa ö−ÌñКBMÓL
over and above the [lower] curtains of the mishkon. ;öÖkÐLÌnÔí ³B¼−ÌþÐ−ñÔ¼
according to the weight of Cologne. ,êÖ−ÐòBñBš ñÔšÐLÌôÐñ
The “drapes of the Tent” ñÓíÒêÖí ³B¼−ÌþÐ−
This is equal to one hundred zehuvim (dinars), Zó−ÌëeíÐïíÖêÑôóÑíÐî
refer to the upper ones made of goats’ hairs ,ó−Ìf̼ñÓL ³BòB−ÐñÓ¼ÖíöÑí
equal to twenty five sela’im, ,ó−̼ÖñнíÖMÌôÎìÔîó−ÌþÐNÓ¼
which are referred to [in the Torah] as ñÓíÒê, ,ñÓíÒêó−Ì−eþÐwÓL
a sela being four zehuvim (dinars). :ó−ÌëeíÐïíÖ¼ÖaÐþÔê¼ÔñÓqÔíÐî
as it says, regarding them: ,óÓíÖaþÔôÖêÓLBôÐk
5 Shabbos 98b. 95 Meaning “tongs.” 96 Meaning a “scoop for fire.” 97 Yeshaiyahu 30, 14. 98 I.e., the cups, knobs and flowers.