Page 400 - SHMOT
P. 400

[391]  Shemos—Terumah 26:5  ä:åë äîåøúZúåîù  SHMOT  13  Shemos—Terumah 26:4–5 äYã:åë äîåøúZúåîù  [390]                                                                             #                                                               26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-E

                  Do the same on the edge of the drape í flÖ¼−ÌþÐ−Ôí³¤ÔõÐNÌa ·íÓNμÞÔzö¥Ñ×Ðî
       which is at the [innermost] end of the second group. :³−ÞÌòÑMÔí³Óþ£ÓaÐìÔnÔaíflÖòB®−¤ÌwÔí
 from north to south,  óBþÖcÔñ öBõÖvÔíöÌô
           5. Make fifty loops on [the edge of] one drape, ›³ÖìÓêÞÖíí¤Ö¼−ÌþÐ−Ôa ‡íÓNμÞÔz³Ò †êÖñÞŠñó−¤ÌMÌôÎì.í
 was ten amohs, as it is said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL ,³BnÔêþÓNÓ¼
 “For the western side of the mishkon, etc., 12  ’BèÐîíÖnÖ−öÖkÐLÌnÔí−ѳÐkÐþÔ−Ðñe  and make fifty loops ·íÓNμÞÔz³Ò †êÖñÞŠñó−¤ÌMÌôÎìÞÔî
 and make two planks for the corners.” 13  ,³B¼Ð®ešÐôÌñó−ÌLÖþК−ÑòÐLe  on the edge of the drape í flÖ¼−ÌþÐ −Ôíí¤Ñ®ÐšÌa
 Hence [the eight planks]  −ÑþÎí
 [For two of the amohs covered
                 Do the same on the edge of the drape  äÈòéÄøÀéÇäúÇôÀNÄaäÆNÂòÞÇzïÅëÀå
 the thickness of the plank on each side]. 15
               which is at the end of the second group.  .úéÞÄðÅMÇäúÆøÆaÀçÇnÇaäÈðBöéÄwÇä
 I will explain these verses in their places.  .eñÖlÔí ³BêÖþКÌôÐñóÑLÐþÖõÎêóÖôBšÐôÌëe
                   [I.e.] on that drape which is at the end.  ,íÖòB®−Ìšê−ÌíÓLíÖ¼−ÌþÐ−dÖ³BêÐa
                              íÖòB®−Ìš is from íÓ®Öš (end),  ,íÓ®Öš öBLÐñ
 The drapes were placed [so that]  ³B¼−ÌþÐ−ÔíöѳBò
                          that is, at the end of the group.  :³ÓþÖëBìÔí ¹B½ÐñþÔôBñÐk
 their length was across the width of the mishkon,  ,öÖkÐLÌôñÓLBaÐìÖþÐñöÖkÐþÖê
           [5] The loops shall be opposite one another.  .dÞÈúÉçÂà-ìÆàäÈMÄàúÉàÈìËlÇä úGéÄaÀ÷Çî [ä]
 ten of their middle amohs covering  èÔèÐñ ³Bi̼֮ÐôÓê ³BnÔêþÓNÓ¼
                       Take care that you make the loops  ³BêÖñelÔííÓNμÔzÓL þBôÐL
 the interior of the width of the mishkon.  ,öÖkÐLÌnÔíëÔìBþ ñÔñÎì
                    exactly equidistant from one another.  ,BfÌôBïöÖ³ÖñÖcÐëÔí³ÓòÓee×Ðô,³ÔìÔêíÖcÌôÐa
 An additional amoh on each side  öêÖkÌôíÖnÔêÐîöêÖkÌôíÖnÔêÐî
 [covered] the thickness of the top of the planks D  ó−ÌLÖþÐwÔí−ÑLêÖþ−ÌëB¼Ðñ  And the measurements used for one drape  Bï íÖ¼−Ìþ−ÌaöÖ³ÖcÌôÐ×e
 whose width was one amoh. 16  ,íÖnÔêó−Ö−ÐëB¼ÓL  shall be the same as in the other one,  ,dÖzÐþÓëÎìÔëêÑíÐ−öÑk
                           so that when you spread out  NBþÐõÌzÓLÐk
 This left 16 amohs:  ,íÖnÔê ï"¬ eþ−ÐiÔzÐLÌò
                           one group next to the other  ,³ÓþÓëBì ñÓ®Ñê³ÓþÓëBì
 eight [amohs] on the northern side  öBõÖvÔñ’ì
                         the loops of one drape [should]  Bï íÖ¼−ÌþÐ−ñÓL ³BêÖñelÔíe−ÐíÌ−
 and eight [amohs] on the southern side  ,óBþÖcÔñ ’ìî
             line up exactly opposite the loops of the other. 10  ,Bï ñÓL ³BêÖñeñ ðÓèÓòÐk ³BòÖee×Ðô
 covered the height of the planks  ó−ÌLÖþÐwÔí³ÔôBš ³BqÔ×Ðô
                     And that is the meaning of ³Bñ−ÌaКÔô—  Z ³Bñ−ÌaКÔô öBLÐñeíÓïÐî
 which were ten amohs high.  ,þÓNÓ¼öÖíÐëÖbÓL
 Consequently,  eêЮÐôÌò  “one opposite the other” [as indicated by]  ,Bï ðÓèÓòÐ×Bï
                 Onkelos’ translation of ðÓèÓò (opposite)is ñÑëÏšÖñ.  .ñÑëÏšÖñðÓèÓòñÓL BôebÐþÔz
 the bottom two [amohs of the planks]  ³BòBzÐìÔzÔí ³BnÔê−ÑzÐL
 remained uncovered.  ;³BleèÐô
                  [Each of] the drapes was 28 [amohs] long  ì"× öÖkÐþÖê ³B¼−ÌþÐ−Ôí
 The width of the drapes [totalled]  ³B¼−ÌþÐ−ñÓLöÖaÐìÖþ
                               and four [amohs] wide.  ,¼ÔaÐþÔêöÖaÐ ìÖþÐî
 40 amohs when they were all joined—  ,³BþÖaeìÐôöÑíÓLÐkíÖnÔêó−̼ÖaÐþÔê
              And when the five drapes were joined together  ðÔìÔ− ³B¼−ÌþÐ−LÑôÖìþÑaÔìÐzÓLÐ×e
 20 amohs for each group.  ,³ÓþÓëBìÐñíÖnÔêó−ÌþÐNÓ¼
                         their width totalled 20 [amohs].  ,ó−ÌþÐNÓ¼öÖaÐìÖþêÖ®ÐôÌò
 Thirty of the total [amohs] covered  èÔèÐñöÓíÑôó−ÌLñÐL
 the interior of the length of the mishkon;  ,BkÐþÖêÐñöÖkÐLÌnÔíñÔñÎì  The same was true for the second group [of drapes].  ,³−ÌòÑMÔí³ÓþÓëBìÔíöÑ×Ðî
           The [interior] length of the mishkon was 30 amohs A  ó−ÌLñÐLBkÐþÖêöÖkÐLÌnÔíÐî
 one amoh corresponded to the thickness  −ÌëB¼ ðÓèÓòÐ×íÖnÔêÐî
                          from east to west, as it is said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL,ëÖþμÔôÔñìÖþÐïÌnÔíöÌô
 of the tops of the planks on the western side  ,ëÖþμÔnÔaÓLó−ÌLÖþÐwÔí−ÑLêÖþ
                   “twenty planks for the southern side” 11  ,íÖòÖô−ÑzëÓèÓò³ÔêÐõÌñó−ÌLÖþКó−ÌþÐNÓ¼
 and an additional amoh [was needed] to cover  ³BqÔ×ÐñíÖnÔêÐî
                      and similarly for the northern side,  ,öBõÖvÔñöÑ×Ðî
                       each plank being 12 amohs wide. B  ,íÖnÔêÖí−Ì®ÎìÔîíÖnÔêLÓþÓšñÖ×Ðî
                     So you have 30 [amohs] east to west.  ;ëÖþμÔnÔñìÖþÐïÌnÔíöÌôó−Ì LñÐL−ÑþÎí
 12 . . . make six planks . . .  13 Below, vv. 22 and 23.  14 And, although eight planks at 12 amohs each should
 equal 12 amohs, nevertheless they totalled only ten.  15 I.e., each of the corner planks stood partially behind the  The [interior] width of the mishkon,  öÖkÐLÌnÔíëÔìBþ
 thickness of the last of the northern and southern planks—D.  16 This accounts for 12 of the 28 amohs the length
 of the drape.  10 These loops are then attached by the clasps (v. 6). (S.C.)  11 Below, v. 18, “running from east to west.”  #                                                       26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:--
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