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 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black
 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 13 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black
       [387]         Shemos—Terumah 25:39–26:1 à:åëYèì:äë äîåøúZúåîù                13 SHMOT                Shemos—Terumah 26:6–8   çYå:åë äîåøúZúåîù         [394]
                      [together] with all these vessels. :íÓlÞÑêÖíó−£ÌñÑkÔí-ñÖk³'Ñê             and join the drapes [of each group] together ·dÖ³ÒìÎê-ñÓêí¥ÖMÌê³Ò•¼−ÌþÐ−Ôí-³Óê ·ÖzÐþÔaÌìÐî
       40. Observe [carefully] and make them like the pattern ó flÖ³−ÌòÐë·Ô³Ðaí¢ÑNμÞÔîí£ÑêÐþe .ô  with the clasps, so that the mishkon is one. :ðÞÖìÓêö£ÖkÐLÌnÔíí'Ö−ÖíÐîó− fl̽ÖþÐwÔa
             that will be shown to you on the mountain. ñ :þÞÖíÖaí£ÓêÐþÖôí'ÖzÔê-þÓLÎê                       7. Make drapes of goats’ hair ó−flÌf̼³Ò¤¼−ÌþÐ− ·Ö³−·ÌNÖ¼Ðî.ï
                          Sh’lishi (Third Aliyah)  éùéìù                                                  for a covering over the mishkon. ö¢ÖkÐLÌnÔí-ñÔ¼ñÓíÒ£êÐñ
       26 1. You shall [then] make the mishkon (Tabernacle) í£ÓNμÞÔzö'ÖkÐLÌnÔí-³ÓêÐî.ê åë                        Make eleven drapes. :óÞÖ³Òêí'ÓNμÞÔz³Ò£¼−ÌþÐ−í'ÑþÐNÓ¼-−ÞÑ zÐLÔ¼
                      out of ten drapes, [consisting of] ³Ò¢¼−ÌþÐ−þÓN¤Ó¼                    8. The length of each drape shall be thirty amohs, í flÖnÔêÞÖa ·ó−ÌLñÐL³†ÔìÔêÞÖíí¤Ö¼−ÌþÐ−Ôí|CÓþ¤Òê.ì
               fine twined linen, greenish blue, dark red ·öÖôÖbÐþÔêÐî³Óñ¥Ñ×гe þ†ÖïÐLÖôL¤ÑL
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                               and crimson [wool]. −flÌòÖL³Ô¼¤ÔñÒ³Ðî
                                                                                                             [7] Drapes of goats’ [hair].  .íéÄfÄòúÉòéÄøÀé [æ]
                       [40] Observe and make them.  .äÅNÂòÞÇåäÅàÀøe [î]
                                                                                                           [ó−Ìf̼ here means:] of goats’ hair. 1  :ó−Ìf̼ñÓLíÖ®BpÌô
                             See here in the mountain  þÖíÖaöêÖ×íÑêÐþ
                                                                                                         For a covering over the mishkon.  .ïÈkÀLÄnÇä-ìÇòìÆäÉàÀì
                          the pattern which I show you.  .EгBê íÓêÐþÔô−ÌòÎêÓL³−ÌòÐëÔz
                                                                                                      I.e., to be spread over the lower drapes. 2  :³BòBzÐìÔzÔí ³B¼−ÌþÐ−ÔíñÔ¼öÖ³Bê LBþÐõÌñ
                    This tells us that Moshe had difficulties  íÓLô íÖMԚгÌpÓLð−ÌbÔô
                    with the constructing of the menorah  íÖþBòÐnÔííÑNμÔôÐë                                      [8] Thirty amohs— 3  .äÈnÇàÞÈaíéÄLìÀL [ç]
                               until God showed him  í"ÖaÖšÔíBñíÖêÐþÓíÓLðÔ¼                           so that when they are placed lengthwise  öÖkÐþÖêöѳBpÓLÐkÓL
                       a menorah [model] made of fire. 99  :LÑêñÓLíÖþBòÐô                                   across the width of the mishkon,  ,öÖkÐLÌnÔíëÔìBþÐñ
                                                                                                    in the same way he placed the first [³B¼−ÌþÐ−],  ,³BòBLêÌþÖí³ÓêöÔ³ÖpÓLBôÐk
                        That will be shown to you. 100  .äÆàÀøÈîäÈzÇà-øÆLÂà
                                                                                            it follows that they will overhang an [additional] amoh  íÖnÔê ³BõÐðB¼ elÑêeêЮÐôÌò
                              As Onkelos translates it:  ,BôebÐþÔ³Ðk
                                                                                                    on this side and an amoh on the other side,  öêÖkÌôíÖnÔêÐîöêÖkÌô
                 “that you will be shown in the mountain.”  .êÖþe¬Ða−ÌïÎìгÌôÐzÔêÌc
                                                                                                         so as to cover one of the two amohs  ³BnÔê−ÑzÐMÌô³ÔìÔê ³BqÔ×Ðñ
                    If it were vocalized íÓêÐþÔô with a patach,  ,ìÔzÔõÐa,íÓêÐþÔô ðešÖòíÖ−ÖíelÌê
                                                                                                      of the planks that remained uncovered. 4  ,ó−ÌLÖþÐwÔíöÌô ³BleèÐôeþÎêÐLÌpÓL
                               its meaning would be:  BòBþгÌõíÖ−Öí
                                                                                                             The lowest amoh of the plank,  LÓþÓšñÓLíÖòBzÐìÔzÔííÖnÔêÖíÐî
                            “you will show to others.”  ,ó−ÌþÑìÎêÔñíÓêÐþÔôíÖzÔê
                                                                                                      which was left uncovered by the drape,  B³Bê íÖqÔ×ÐôíÖ¼−ÌþÐ−Ôíö−ÑêÓL
            But, now that it is vowelized with a kometz (íÓêÐþÖô),  ,±ÔôÖš¹Ö¬ÎìÔ a ðešÖpÓLî−ÖLÐ×Ô¼
                                                                                                                is the amoh that is inserted  íÖëeìÐzÔííÖnÔêÖíê−Ìí
                 its meaning is: “that you will be shown”—  −ÌïÎìгÌôÐzÔêÌc BòBþгÌt
                                                                                                            into the opening of the socket, A  ,öÓðÓêÖíëÓšÓòÐë
                               that others show you.  :EÐñó−ÌêÐþÔôó−ÌþÑìÎêÓLZ
                      [1] You shall make the mishkon  äÆNÂòÞÇzïÈkÀLÄnÇä-úÆàÀå [à]
                                out of ten drapes—  .úÉòéÄøÀéøÆNÞÆò
                         to serve as a roof and partitions  ³B®−ÌìÐôÌñÐîèÔèÐñ Bñ ³B−ÐíÌñ
                           on the outside of the planks,  ó−ÌLÖþÐwÔñ ±eìÌô
                    for the drapes were hung behind them  öÓí−ÑþBìÎêÑô ³B−eñÐz ³B¼−ÌþÐ−ÔíÓL
                                     to cover them.  :öÖ³BqÔ×Ðñ
                                Fine twined linen,  øÈæÀLÈîLÅL
                  greenish-blue, dark red and crimson.  .éÄðÈLúÇòÇìÉúÀåïÈîÈbÀøÇàÀåúÆìÅëÀúe
             Thus you have four kinds [of material] together  ö−Ìò−ÌôíÖ¼ÖaÐþÔê−ÑþÎí
                             in each and every thread,  Z ¬eìÖî ¬eì ñÖ×Ða
                         one of linen and three of wool.  ZþÓôÓ®ñÓLíÖLñÐLe öÖzÐLÌtñÓLðÖìÓê  1 Shabbos 99a; Beraisa deMeleches Hamishkon.  2 The lower drapes are referred to as the mishkon. See v. 1: ³ÓêÐî
                                                                                          ³B¼−ÌþÐ−þÓNÓ¼íÓNμÔzöÖkÐLÌnÔí—“You shall make the mishkon out of ten drapes.  3 The lower ³B¼−ÌþÐ− were only 28 amohs long
       99 Menachos 29a. See Rashi above, v. 31 í¾¼−³ í’ð.  100 Usually the word would be íÓêÐþÔô. Why, then, is it íÓêÐþÖô?  (v. 2).  4 See Rashi above, v. 5.
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