Page 463 - SHMOT
P. 463
[453] Shemos—Tezaveh 28:37 æì:çë äåöúZúåîù # Shemos—Tezaveh 28:38–41 àîYçì:çë äåöúZúåîù 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SH
37. Set [fasten] it on a greenish-blue wool cord, ³Óñ flÑ×Ðzñ−¤Ì³Ðt-ñÔ¼ ·B³Òê¥ÖzÐôÔNÐî .ïñ to make them [the sacred-offerings] acceptable ó£ÓíÖñöB'®ÖþÐñ
before Adonoy. :íÒÞÖîíÐ−−'ÑòÐõÌñ
of fine linen. L ߄L
[37] Set it on a greenish-blue cord. 74 .úÆìÅëÀzìéÄúÀt-ìÇò [æì]
Make the turban of fine linen. L¢ÑL³Óõ¤ÓòЮÌôÖ³−£ÌNÖ¼Ðî
But elsewhere it states: ,þÑôBê êeí þÑìÔê óBšÖôÐëe
“Put over it (the ±−Ì®) a greenish-blue cord.” 75 .³ÓñÑ×Ðzñ−̳Ðt î−ÖñÖ¼eòÐzÌiÔî andthesash-beltshallbetheworkofanembroiderer. :ó ÞÑšÒþí'ÑNμÞÔôí£ÓNμÞÔz¬'ÑòÐëÔêÐî
Furthermore, here it is written: ,öêÖkë−̳Ðk ðB¼Ðî 40. For Aharon’s sons, make undershirts, ³ÕflòÏzŠ×í¤ÓNμÞÔz ·öÒþÎíÞÔê−¥Ñ òÐëÌñÐî.ô
“So that it will be on the turban” ,³ÓõÖòЮÌnÔíñÔ¼íÖ−ÖíÐî and [also] make sash-belts for them. ó−¢Ì¬ÑòÐëÔêó£ÓíÖñÖ³−'ÌNÖ¼Ðî
but further on it states: 76 ,þÑôBê êeí íÖhÔôÐñe
Make turban-like hats for them, ó flÓíÖñí¤ÓNμÞÔz ·³B¼ÖaÐèÌôe
“It shall be on Aharon’s forehead”! .öÒþÎíÔêìÔvÑôñÔ¼íÖ−ÖíÐî
for honor and splendor. :³ÓþÞÖêÐõ̳Ðñe ðB£ëÖ×Ðñ
[To solve this dilemma we must refer to the gemara:]
In the Tractate Shechitas Kodoshim 77 we learned: ,eò−ÌòÖLó−ÌLÖðÏš³Ô¬−ÌìÐLÌëe 41.Clotheyourbrother,Aharon,with[thesegarments], E− flÌìÖêöÒ¤þÎíÞÔê-³Óê ·óÖ³Òê¥ÖzÐLÔaÐñÌíÐî .êô
his hair was visible íÓêÐþÌòíÖ−ÖíBþÖ¼ÐN
for it was there that he donned his tefillin. 78 .ö−ÌlÌõÐzÔì−ÌpÔôóÖMÓL
at that time. .íÖ¼ÖLdÖ³BêÐa
We learn from this eòÐðÔôÖñ
According to the opinion that þÑôBêÖí−ÑþÐëÌðÐñe
that the turban was high up on the head LêÒþÖídÔëBèÐëíÖñмÔôÐñ³ÓõÓòЮÌnÔíÓL
[only] when it is on his forehead does it atone þÑtÔ×ÐôBìЮÌôñÔ¼eíÑðB¼
and it was not deep enough íÖweôμdÖò−ÑêÐî
and make the sacrifices acceptable ,íÓvÔþÐôe
for the entire head to fit into it LêÒþÖíñÖkdÖa½ÑòÖk−Ìñ
but, if not, it cannot make the sacrifices acceptable, ,íÓvÔþÐô Bò−Ñê îêÖñóÌêÐî
[all the way down] to the forehead. ,ìÔ®ÓnÔíðÔ¼
then it is expounded as ð−ÌôÖzBìЮÌôñÔ¼, ,ð−ÌôÖzBìЮÌôñÔ¼LÖþÐðÌò
The diadem was beneath [leaving a space ,íÖhÔôÐlÌô±−ÌvÔíÐî
and it teaches that he must [constantly] touch it Ba LÑôÐLÔôÐnÓLðÑnÔñÐô
between it and the turban]. The threads ó−Ìñ−̳ÐtÔíÐî
while it is on his forehead ,BìЮÌôñÔ¼ BðB¼Ðë
were [inserted] into holes ó−ÌëÖšÐòÌëe−Öí
so as not to take his mind off it. 92 :epÓnÌôBzмÔcÔì−ÌqÔ−êHÓL
hanging from it at both ends B ó−ÌLêÖþ−ÑòÐLÌaBaö−Ì−eñгe
[39] Checkered. .ÈzÀöÇaÄLÀå [èì]
and at its middle. C ,B¼Ö®ÐôÓêÐëe
[Meaning:] make it checkered throughout ,³B®ÐaÐLÌô ³B®ÐaÐLÌôóÖ³Bê íÑNμ
Six [threads] at these three places: ,eñÖlÔí ³BôBšÐôíÖLñÐLÌëíÖMÌL
and it should entirely be of linen. :LÑLñÓLdÖñe×Ðî
a thread at the top, íÖñмÔôÐñÌôñ−̳Ðt
one on the outside [of the plate] ±eìÔaÌôðÖìÓê [40] For Aharon’s sons make undershirts. .úÉðÃzËkäÆNÂòÞÇzïÉøÂäÞÇàéÅðÀáÄìÀå [î]
and one on the inside opposite it. ,BcÐèÓòÐkó−ÌòÐõÌaÌôðÖìÓêÐî [Meaning:] these four garments and no more: 93 ,þѳB− êGÐî eñÖlÔíó−ÌðÖèÐëíÖ¼ÖaÐþÔê
He tied the ends of the thread, ó−Ìñ−̳ÐtÔí−ÑLêÖþþÑLBšÐî an undershirt, a sash-belt, ¬ÑòÐëÔêÐî³ÓòBzŠk
all three of them at back of the neck. D ,öÖzÐLÖñÐL¹ÓþB¼Öí−Ñ þBìÎêÑô hats identical to the turban, Z³ÓõÓòЮÌôê−Ìí Z ³B¼ÖaÐèÌôe
Consequently between the length of the plate qÔhÔíCÓþBê ö−ÑëeêЮÐôÌòÐî and pants, which are mentioned later in this section. :íÖLÖþÖtÔaíÖhÔôÐñó−Ìëe³ÐkóÌ−Ô½ÖòÐ×Ìôe
and the threads at its ends, î−ÖLêÖþ−Ññ−̳Ðõe [41] Clothe your brother, Aharon, with these. 94 .ïÉøÂäÞÇà-úÆàíÈúÉàÈzÀLÇaÀìÄäÀå [àî]
his skull was surrounded. ,ðÒšÐðÖwÔí³Óê ö−Ìõ−ÌwÔô [I.e.] those that are mentioned regarding Aharon, ,öÒþÎíÔêÐaö−ÌþeôÎêÖíóÖ³Bê
The middle thread which was on its top BLêÒþÐaÓL−̼֮ÐôÓêÖíñ−̳ÐtÔíÐî the breastplate, the eiphod, the robe, ñ−̼Ðôe ðBõÑêÐîöÓLì
was tied with the ends of the [other] two ,óÌ−ÔòÐMÔí−ÑLêÖþó̼ þeLÖš the checkered undershirt, the turban, ³ÓõÓòЮÌô,±ÑaÐLÔz³ÓòÒ³Ð×e
74 This indicates that the ±−Ì® was on top of the ³ÓñÑ×Ðzñ−̳Ðt. 75 Below, 39, 31. 76 Next verse. 77 Kown to us as 92 Yoma 7b. 93 Whereas Aharon (or the kohein godol) wore these garments as well as an additional four. 94 But,
Tractate Zevachim but the Rishonim (early commentaries) refer to it in the way Rashi does. 78 Zevachim 19a. 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55: