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 [459]  #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black   #26015-EYAL
 Shemos—Tezaveh 29:1–3
 âYà:èë äåöúZúåîù
                        Shemos—Tezaveh 28:30–32 áìYì:çë äåöúZúåîù
 and two unblemished rams, :óÞÌô−ÌôÐzóÌ−£ÔòÐLó'Ìñ−ÑêÐî  and they will be over Aharon’s heart öÕ flþÎíÞÔêë¤Ññ-ñÔ¼ ·e−ÖíÐî
 2. [also] unleavened bread, ³B †vÔôóÓì¤ÓñÐî.ë  when he comes before Adonoy. íÒ¢ÖîíÐ−−¤ÑòÐõÌñB£êÒëÐa
 unleavened loaves mixed with [olive] oil. öÓô flÓMÔa³¤GeñÐa ·³ÒvÔô³¥HÔìÐî  Aharon will carry the judgment of the B’nei Yisrael ñ«ÑêÖþÐNÌ−-−ÞÑòÐa¬·ÔtÐLÌô-³ÓêöÒ…þÎíÞÔê…ê¤ÖNÖòÐî
 and unleavened wafers anointed with oil. öÓô¢ÖMÔaó−¤ÌìŠLÐô³B£vÔô−'Ñš−ÌšÐþe  over his heart, before Adonoy always. ñ :ð−ÞÌôÖzíÒ£ÖîíÐ−−'ÑòÐõÌñB§aÌñ-ñÔ¼
 You must make them with fine wheat flour. :óÞÖ³Òêí'ÓNμÞÔzó−£ÌhÌì³ÓñÒ'½  Sh’lishi (Third Aliyah)  éùéìù
 3. Place them in one basket ð flÖìÓêñ¤Ô½-ñÔ¼ ·óÖ³Bê¥ÖzÔ³ÞÖòÐî.è  31. Make the robe of the eiphod ðB£õÑêÞÖíñ−'̼Ðô-³ÓêÖ³−§ÌNÖ¼Ðî .êñ
 and bring them in the basket ñ¢ÖqÔaó£Ö³Òê 'ÖzÐëÔþКÌíÐî  completely out of greenish-blue wool. :³ÓñÞÑ×Ðzñ−'ÌñÐk
         32. Its opening at the top shall be turned inward. B¢×B³ÐaB £LêÒþ-−ÞÌõí'Ö−ÖíÐî .ëñ
              Its opening shall have a border all around, ë−•ÌëÖ½î−·ÌõÐñ »íÓ−ÐíÌ−í”ÖõÖN
 One bull—  .ãÈçÆàøÇt  [this border shall be] of woven work, è†ÑþÒêí¤ÑNμÞÔô
 to atone for the act of [worshipping the golden] calf  ñÓèѼÖííÑNμÔôñÔ¼þÑtÔ×Ðñ
 [2] Unleavened bread, unleavened loaves  ,úÉvÇîúHÇçÀå úBvÇîíÆçÆìÀå [á]  The judgment of the B’nei Yisrael.  .ìÅàÈøÀNÄé-éÞÅðÀaèÇtÀLÄî-úÆà
 mixed with oil, and unleavened wafers.  .úBvÇîéÅ÷éÄ÷Àøe  Anything for which they required to be judged  ó−̬ÖtÐLÌòóÑíÓLþÖëÖc
 Thus you have here three kinds:  ,ö−Ìò−Ìô’èelÑê−ÑþÎí  or admonished,  ,BðÖ−ñÔ¼ó−ÌìÖ×BòÐî
 scalded dough, loaves, and wafers. 4  .ó−Ìš−ÌšÐþe ³BlÔìÐîíÖ×eëÐþ  whether or not to do a particular thing.  ;³BNμÔñêGBêþÖëÖc ³BNμÔñóÌê
 ³BvÔôóÓìÓñ is referred to  íÖ−eþÐwÔíê−Ìí ³BvÔôóÓìÓñ  According to the midrashic explanation  íÖðÖbÔêLÔþÐðÌô−ÌõÐñe
 later on in this section as:  ,öÖ−Ðò̼ÐëíÖhÔôÐñ  that the breastplate atones for miscarriages of justice, 64  ,ö−ÌcÔí−ѳîÐeÔ¼ÐôñÔ¼þÑtÔ×ÐôöÓLìÔíÓL
 öÓôÓLóÓìÓñ³ÔlÔì—“ a loaf of oiled bread,” 5  ,öÓôÓLóÓìÓñ³ÔlÔì  it is called ¬ÖtÐLÌô—“ judgment”  ¬ÖtÐLÌôêÖþКÌò
 so called because oil is added to the scalded dough  íÖ×eëÐþÖaöÓôÓLöѳBpÓLóÑLñÔ¼  on account of its  óÑLñÔ¼
 equivalent [to the total oil added to]  ðÓèÓòÐk  pardoning [sins dealing with] judgment. 65  :¬ÖtÐLÌnÔí³Ôì−Ìñн
 the loaves and wafers. 6  ;ö−Ìš−ÌšÐþÖíÐî ³BlÔìÔí  66
                       [31] The robe of the eiphod.  .ãBôÅàÞÈäìéÄòÀî-úÆà [àì]
 There were ten loaves brought of each kind. 7  :³BlÔìþÓNÓ¼ó−ÌêÖaö−Ìò−ÌnÔíñÖ×Ðî
                          [So-called] because the eiphod  ðBõÑêÖíÓL
 Mixed with oil.  .ïÆîÆMÇa úGeìÀa  was put on over it as a wrap around.  :íÖþBèÎìÔñ î−ÖñÖ¼ öe³Öò
 While they were still flour, oil was poured into them  öÓôÓLöÓíÖašÑ®B− ìÔôÓšöÑíÓLÐk
                                        úÆìÅëÀzìéÄìÀk.  .úÆìÞÅëÀzìéÄìÀk
 and mixed together. 89  :öÖñÐñBëe  [Meaning:] completely of greenish-blue wool,  ,³ÓñÑ×г Blek
 Anointed with oil.  .ïÆîÈMÇaíéÄçËLÀî  with no other kind [of material] mixed into it.  :Ba ëÖþB¼ÐôþÑìÔêö−Ìôö−ÑêÓL
 After they were baked he anointed them  öÖìÐLBô öÖ³−ÖiÌõÎêþÔìÔê
                         [32] Its opening at the top.  .BLàÉø-éÞÄôäÈéÈäÀå [áì]
 in the form of the Greek letter chi  ,[³−ÌòîÖîÐ−¹Ö×] −Ì×ö−ÌôÐk
              [Meaning:] the opening of the robe at the top.  ,BíÐëÖèÐaÓLñ−̼ÐnÔí−Ìt
 which is formed like our nun. 10  :eòÖlÓL ö"eòÐ×íÖ−eNμê−ÌíÓL
                      which is the opening for the neck—  :þêÖeÔvÔí³−Ña³Ôì−̳Ðõ êeí
 [3] And bring them—  .íÈúÉàÈzÀáÇøÀ÷ÄäÀå [â]
                           [shall be] turned inward.  .BëBúÀa
 to the courtyard of the mishkon  öÖkÐLÌnÔíþÔ®ÎìñÓê
                        As Onkelos translates it: dÑîÔèÐñ ñ−ÌõÐk,  ,d−ÑeÔèÐñ ñ−ÌõÖk BôebÐþÔ³Ðk
                        [which means:] “folded inward”  ,B×B³Ðñ ñeõÖk
 1 Tanchuma 10.  2 The flour is first scalded with boiling water and then baked. After that it is fried in a pan.
                        so that its fold shall form a hem.  ,B³Öñ−ÌõÐ×íÖõÖNÐñ Bñ ³B−ÐíÌñ
 (Menachos 78a)  3 The flour is mixed with oil, kneaded and then baked. (Ibid)  4 They are baked as flour and
 water with no oil. After the baking they are annointed with oil. (Ibid.)  5 V. 23.  6 Menachos 89a.  7 Ibid. 76a.  It was done by a weaving process  èÑþBê íÑNμÔôíÖ−ÖíÐî
 8 Unlike the ö−Ìš−ÌšÐþ—“ loaves,” which had no oil during the kneading.  9 Ibid. 75a.  10 Ibid 74b. There Rashi says
 that it was formed like our ’¬. (Rashi may have the same thing in mind in both places; it is just a matter of the  64 Rashi above, v. 15 ö¾ì í"ð.  65 Vayikra Rab. 10, 6.  66 The eiphod and the robe are two distinct garments. Why,
 perspective from which the letter is viewed. (M.S.T.)  then, is it referred to as “the robe of the eiphod”? (S.C.).
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