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#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black
#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 15 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black
[451] Shemos—Tezaveh 28:32–34 ãìYáì:çë äåöúZúåîù 15 SHMOT Shemos—Tezaveh 28:43–29:1 à:èëYâî:çë äåöúZúåîù [458]
like there is around the opening of a coat of armor, B£l-íÓ−ÐíÞÌ−ê§ÖþÐìÔ³−'ÌõÐk 43. These [garments] must be worn »e−ÖíÐî .èô
so that it will not be torn. :Ô¼ÞÑþÖwÌ−ê'G by Aharon and his sons î−•ÖòÖa-ñÔ¼ÐîöÒ·þÎíÞÔê-ñÔ¼
33. On its [lower] hem you shall make î− †ÖñeL-ñÔ¼Ö³−¤ÌNÖ¼Ðî .èñ whenever they come into the Tent of Meeting, ð †Ñ¼Bô ñÓíÒ¤ê-ñÓê| ó¤ÖêÒëÐa
pomegranates of greenish-blue wool, dark red wool, ·öÖôÖbÐþÔêÐî³Óñ¥Ñ×Ðz ·−ÑòÒnÌþ or approach the altar to serve the Holy [sanctuary], LÓðÒ flwÔa³¤ÑþÖLÐñ ·Ôì·ÑaÐïÌnÔí-ñÓêó¥ÖzÐLÌèÐëB¤ê
and crimson wool—around its [lower] hem. ë−¢ÌëÖ½î−£ÖñeL-ñÔ¼−flÌòÖL³Ô¼¤ÔñB³Ðî in order that they not bear iniquity and die. e³¢ÑôÖîöÒ£îÖ¼e'êÐNÌ−-ê ÞGÐî
There shall be gold bells between them, all around. :ë−ÞÌëÖ½ó£Ö×B³Ðaë§ÖíÖï−'ÑòÒôμÞÔõe This is an everlasting statute for him B£ñó§ÖñB¼ ³'ÔwŠì
34. A gold bell and a pomegranate, öB flnÌþÐî ·ëÖíÖïöÒ¥ ôμÞÔt .ðñ and his descendants after him. ô :î−ÞÖþÎìÞÔêB'¼ÐþÔïÐñe
a gold bell and a pomegranate, öB¢nÌþÐîë£ÖíÖïöÒ 'ôμÞÔt Revi’i (Fourth Aliyah) éòéáø
on the [lower] hem of the robe all around. :ë−ÞÌëÖ½ñ−£Ì¼ÐnÔí−'ÑñeL-ñÔ¼ 29 1. This is what you must do for them ó§ÓíÖñí'ÓNμÞÔzþ·ÓLÎêþ•ÖëÖcÔíí·ÓïÐî.ê èë
Take one young bull þ§ÖšÖa-öÓað«ÖìÓêþ¤Ôtì…ÔšÐñ…
and not by needle (i.e., not sewn). :¬ÔìÔôÐëêGÐî
Like the opening in a coat of armor. .àÈøÀçÇúéÄôÀk
We learn from this that their coats of armor óÓíÖlÓLó−ÌòB−ÐþÌMÔíÓLeòÐðÔôÖñ [43] These [garments] must be worn by Aharon. .ïÉøÂäÞÇà-ìÇòeéÈäÀå [âî]
had their openings folded inward. :ñeõÖkóÓí−Ìt I.e., all these garments ,íÓlÑêÖíó−ÌðÖèÐaÔíñÖk
So that it will not be torn. .ÇòÞÅøÈwÄéàG on Aharon: those that apply to him— ,Bñ ö−Ì−eêÐþÖíöÒþÎíÔêñÔ¼
Meaning: so that it will not be torn. ;¼ÑþÖwÌ−êHÓL−ÑðÐk and on his sons— .åéÈðÈa-ìÇòÀå
If one tears it, he transgresses a negative precept, 67 ,îêÖñÐaþÑëB¼ B¼ÐþBwÔíÐî those that are mentioned in connection with them— :óÓíÖaö−ÌþeôÎêÖí
for this is one of the [365] negative precepts in the Torah. ,íÖþBzÔaÓLö−ÌîêÖñöÔ−ÐòÌnÌôíÓfÓL whenever they come into the Tent of Meeting— .ãÅòBî ìÆäÉà-ìÆàíÈàÉáÀa
Similarly: “so that the breastplate does not move.” 68 ,öÓLìÔíìÔfÌ−êGÐîöÑ×Ðî into the Sanctuary 97 ñÖ×−ÑíÔñ
So, too: “they shall not be removed from them” 69 ,epÓnÌô eþe½Ö−êGöÑ×Ðî as well as into the mishkon. :öÖkÐLÌnÔñöÑ×Ðî
which was said regarding the poles of the ark. 70 :öBþÖêÖí−ÑcÔëÐaþÖôÍêÓpÔí
And die. .eúÅîÈå
[33] Pomegranates. .éÅðÉnÄø [âì] Thus you learn that one who performs a korbon service LÑnÔLÐôÔíÓLÖzÐðÔôÖñêÖí
They were round and hollow-like pomegranates ó−ÌòBnÌþö−ÌôÐk ,e−Öí ó−ÌñeñÎìÔî ó−Ìleèμ lacking any of the garments ó−ÌðÖèÐaþÔqeìÐô
which are shaped like a hen’s egg. :³ÓñBèÐòÐþÔz³Ô®−ÑëÐk− ó−Ì−eNμÖí [is liable to] the death penalty. .íÖ³−ÌôÐa
Gold bells. .áÈäÈæéÅðÉîÂòÞÇôe An everlasting statute for him. .Bì íÈìBò úÇwËç
Bells with the clappers inside of them. :óÖ×B³ÐaÓL ö−ÌñÖaÐò̼ó̼ö−ÌèÖï Wherever óÖñB¼ ³ÔwŠì is said óÖñB¼ ³ÔwŠìþÔôÍêÓpÓL óBšÖôñÖk
Between them all around. .áéÞÄáÈñíÈëBúÀa it is a decree for the immediate present ðÖiÌôíÖþ−ÑïÐè êeí
[Meaning:] between them all around. ,ë−ÌëÖ½óÓí−Ñò−Ña and for [future] generations [and if the statute is ignored] ,³BþBcÔñÐî
Between two pomegranates, one bell ðÖìÓê öBôμÔtó−ÌòBnÌþ−ÑòÐLö−Ña it will render [the mitzvah] invalid. 98 :Ba ëÑkÔ¼Ðñ
was attached and hung at the bottom of the robe. :ñ−̼ÐnÔí−ÑñeLÐa −eñÖ³Ðî šeëÖc [1] Take. .çÇ÷Àì [à]
[34] A gold bell and a pomegranate, etc. ïBnÄøÀåáÈäÈæïÉîÂòÞÇt [ãì] [ìÔšÐñ means] the same as ìÔš. ,ìÔšBôÐk
A gold bell and next to it a pomegranate. 71 :BñЮÓê .öBnÌþÐîëÖíÖïöÒôμÞÔt They are of two different roots ,öÑí ³Bþ−ÑïÐè−ÑzÐLe
one in the form of íÖì−Ìš (i.e., no ’ñ) íÖì−ÌšñÓL³ÔìÔê
67 Though Ô¼ÑþÖwÌ−êG, in its plain sense is a reason for the first part of the verse, nevertheless, since it should then
have said Ô¼ÑþÖwÌ−êGþÓLÎê—“so that it will not be torn,” we also give it the meaning of Ô¼ÑþÖwÌ−êG—“ it shall not be torn”— a and the other in the form of íÖì−ÌšÐñ (with a ’ñ), ,íÖì−ÌšÐññÓL³ÔìÔêÐî
negative precept. (S.C.) 68 Above, v. 28. It too is meant as a îêÔñ not to move the breastplate away from the eiphod. [but] both having the same meaning. :ðÖìÓê öBþгÌtöÓíÖñÐî
69 Above, 25, 15. 70 Yoma 72a. 71 Not as the Ramban understood it that there was a gold bell inside the hollow
of the pomegranate. 97 As evidenced by óÖñB¼ ³ÔwŠì—“ an everlasting statute.” (N.Y.) 98 Menachos 19a.