Page 484 - SHMOT
P. 484

[499]  Shemos—Ki Sisa 30:35–36 åìYäì:ì àùú éëZúåîù  Shemos—Tezaveh 29:37–40 îYæì:èë äåöúZúåîù  [474]

 35. Make it into incense, ³ÓþÒ fl¬Ðš ·dÖ³ÒêÖ³−¥ÌNÖ¼Ðî .íñ  Anything that touches the altar becomes sacred. ô :LÞÖcКÌ−Ôì£ÑaÐïÌnÔaÔ¼'ÑèÒpÔí-ñÖk
 a blend blended by a blender, Ôì¢ÑšBþ í¤ÑNμÞÔôìÔšÒ£þ  Shishi (Sixth Aliyah)  éùù
 thoroughly blended, pure and holy. :LÓðÒ ÞšþB'íÖ¬ì£ÖlŠôÐô  38. And this is what you shall offer upon the altar: Ôì¢ÑaÐïÌnÔí-ñÔ¼í£ÓNμÞÔzþ'ÓLÎêí–ÓïÐî .ìñ
 36. Pulverize some of it very finely ›šÑðÖí ‡íÖp‡ÓnÌô ¤ÖzКÔìÞÖLÐî .îñ  two yearling lambs each day, continually. :ð−ÞÌôÖzóB£iÔñóÌ−'ÔòÐLí§ÖòÖL-−ÞÑòÐaó−«ÌNÖëÐk
 and place it before the [Ark of] Testimony ·³ŠðѼÞÖí−¥ÑòÐõÌñíÖp•ÓnÌôí·ÖzÔ³ÞÖòÐî  39. Offer one lamb in the morning þÓš¢ÒaÔëí¤ÓNμÞÔzð£ÖìÓêÞÖíNÓë'ÓkÔí-³Óê .¬ñ
 in the Tent of Meeting, where I will meet with you. íÖn¢ÖL £EÐñð'ѼÖeÌ êþ§ÓLÎêð flѼBô ñÓíÒ¤êÐa  and offer the second lamb in the afternoon. :óÌ−ÞÖ aÐþÔ¼ÞÖíö−'Ñaí£ÓNμÞÔz−flÌòÑMÔíNÓë¤ÓkÔí ·³ÑêÐî
              40. And a tenth [of an ephah] of fine flour ³ÓñÒ•½öÒ·þÖO̼Ðî.ô
 [íÓ−ÐíÌ−ðÔëÐaðÔa—therefore has the meaning:]
 “they shall be one for one”  e−ÐíÌ−ðÖìÓêÐaðÖìÓê
              something whose disqualification did not occur  Bñe½ÐtíÖ−ÖíêHÓLþÖëÖc
 [i.e.,] one like the other.  :íÓï ³BôÐ×íÓï
                              within the holy place, 73  ,LÓðÒwÔë
 [35] Thoroughly blended.  .çÈlËîÀî [äì]
                     such as an animal used for bestiality,  ¼ÖaÐþÌpÔíÐîÔ¼ÑëBþÖí öBèÐk
 As Onkelos translates it: “mixed,”  ,ëÔþB¼Ðô BôebÐþÔ³Ðk
                   or one set aside [as a korbon for an idol],  íӮКeôe
 [i.e.] the particles must be mixed thoroughly  íÓõÖ−íÓõÖ−öÖ³Öš−ÌìÐLëÑþÖ¼ÐiÓL
                         or one worshipped [as an idol],  ðÖëͼÓòÐî
 with one another.  ,íÓïó̼íÓï
                   or one that is injured in a critical organ,  íÖõ−ÑþÐhÔíÐî
 It is my opinion that similar to this (i.e., ìÖlŠôÐô) is:  ,Bñ íÓôBcÓL−ÌòÎêþÑôBêÐî
                                      and the like.  ZöÓíÖëêÑ®BiÔ×Ðî
 “(ó−ÌìÖñÔnÔí) the sailors were frightened” 91  ,ó−ÌìÖlÔnÔíeêÐþ−ÌiÔî
                            The Torah therefore states:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
 [or:] “(CÌ−ÔìÖñÔô) your sailors and your pilots.” 92  CÌ−ÖñÐëÒìÐîCÌ−ÔìÖlÔô
             “And this is what you shall offer [on the altar],”  íÓNμÔzþÓLÎêíÓïÐî
 [They are so called] because  óÑLñÔ¼Z
                    which follows immediately after this; 74  ,î−ÖþÎìÔê CeôÖqÔí
 they keep turning the water over (mixing) with oars  ³B¬BLÐôÌaóÌ−ÔnÔí³Óêö−Ì×ÐtÔíÐnÓL
            Just as the burnt-offering [of the next verse] is fit,  ,íÖ−eêÐþíÖñB¼ íÖô
 when they move the ship,  ,íÖò−ÌõÐqÔí³Óêó−Ìè−ÌíÐòÔnÓLÐk
                 so, too, [in this verse] only that which is fit  −eêÖþñÖk¹Ôê
 similar to a person who stirs beaten eggs with a spoon  ³BõeþЬó−Ì®−Ña¹Ô×ÐaCÑtÔíÐôÔíóÖðÖêÐk
                           [i.e.] that it was fit earlier on  þÖëÐ×BñíÖêÐþÌpÓL
 in order to mix them with water.  ,óÌ−ÔnÔíó̼öÖëÐþÖ¼Ðñ
                 and became unfit only after being brought  êÖaÓMÌôñÖ½ÐõÌòÐî
 Anything that a person wants to mix thoroughly  íÓõÖ−íÓõÖ −ëÑþÖ¼ÐñíÓ®Bþ óÖðÖêÓLþÖëÖcñÖ×Ðî
         into the courtyard [of the Beis Hamikdosh or mishkon],  ,íÖþÖïμÖñ
 he turns over (stirs up) with a finger or a spoon.  :CÖïÖëÐëBê¼ÔaЮÓêÐë B×ÐtÔíÐô
                                      for example,  öBèÐk
 Thoroughly blended, pure and holy.  .LÆãÉ Þ÷ øBäÈèçÈlËîÀî  [intestines that were off the altar] overnight, 75  öÖlÔí
 Thoroughly blended shall it be,  íÓ−ÐíÌ−ìÖleôÐô  or if they [the intestines] were taken out  êÑ®BiÔíÐî
 pure shall it be, and holy shall it be.  :íÓ−ÐíÌ−LÓðÒšÐîíÓ−ÐíÌ− þBíÖ¬Ðî  [of their designated place],
 [36] And place it, etc.  .'åâå äÈpÆnÄîäÈzÇúÞÈðÀå [åì]  or if they [the intestines] became ritually unclean,  êÑôÖhÔíÐ î
 This refers to the daily incense burning  óB−Öî óB− ñÖ×ÐaÓL³ÓþҬКê−Ìí  or if it was slaughtered with the thought  ³ÓëÓLÎìÔôÐa¬ÔìÐLÌpÓLÐî
 which [was done] on the inner altar  ,−Ìô−ÌòÐtÔíÔìÑaÐïÌôñÔ¼ÓL  [of eating it] outside the time allotted for it  BpÔôÐïÌñ ±eì
 which is inside the Tent of Meeting.  :ðѼBô ñÓíÒêÐë êeíÓL  or outside the place allotted for it  BôBšÐôÌñ ±eìÐî
 Where I will meet with you.  .äÈnÈLEÀìãÅòÈeÄàøÆLÂà  and the like. 76 77  :öÓíÖaêÑ®BiÔ×Ðî
 “All appointments that I will set up to speak with you  ,EÐñ¼ÔaКÓêÓLþÒeaÌð−ÑðμBô ñÖk
 I shall set up in that place.”  :óBšÖô B³BêÐñóÖ¼ÐëBš −ÌòÎê  73 Rather it is invalid prior to its being brought into the Sanctuary.  74 Next verse; the ’î of íÓïÐî indicates a connection
       between the two verses.  75 I.e., blood or fat of a sacrifice which had been left off the altar overnight until the
       morning without having been placed on the altar.  76 In all these instances, since the ñe½Ðt occurred after the animal
 91 Yonah 1, 5.  92 Yechezkel 27, 27.  SHMOT  16  was in the íÖþÖïμ, the intestines, once having been put on the altar, are left to burn there.  77 Zevachim 83a.  #               #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- |
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