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[497]  Shemos—Ki Sisa 30:33–34 ãìYâì:ì àùú éëZúåîù  Shemos—Tezaveh 29:41–42 áîYàî:èë äåöúZúåîù  [476]

 he shall be cut off [spiritually] from his people. ñ :î−ÞÖnÔ¼ÞÑô³£ÔþÐ×ÌòÐî  41. Offer the second lamb in the afternoon. óÌ−¢ÖaÐþÔ¼ÞÖíö−¤Ñaí£ÓNμÞÔz−flÌòÑMÔíNÓë¤ÓkÔí ·³ÑêÐî .êô
 34. Adonoy said to Moshe, í •ÓLô-ñÓêí·ÖîÒíÐ− »þÓôêÒ»iÔî .ðñ  As the meal-offering of the morning þÓšÒ¥aÔí³·ÔìÐòÌôÐk
 Take for yourself spices, stacte, onycha and galbanum, íflÖòÐaÐñÓìÐî ·³Óñ·ÑìÐLe | ¹¥Ö¬Öòó− †ÌnÔ½ ¤EÐñ-ìÔš  together with its libation, shall you offer it, d flÖl-íÓNμÞÔz ·dÖkнÌòÐ×e
 spices and pure frankincense. í¢ÖkÔïí¤ÖòÒëÐñe ó−£ÌnÔ½  for a pleasing fragrance, a fire-offering to Adonoy. :íÒÞÖîí−ÞÔñí£ÓMÌêÔìÒ flì−ÌòÔì−¤ÑþÐñ
              42. This shall be a continual burnt-offering ·ð−ÌôÖz³¥ÔñÒ¼ .ëô
                    [It shall be offered] at the entrance ìÔ³'Ót
 Upon an unauthorized person.  .øÈæ-ìÇò
 [I.e.,] when it is not for the need of the priesthood  íÖpeíÐkCÓþB® Bò−ÑêÓL  of the Tent of Meeting, ð£Ñ¼Bô-ñÓíÒ Þê
 or kingdom (i.e., anointing a king). 81 82  :³e×ÐñÔôe  before Adonoy, where I will meet with you, íÖn flÖL ·óÓ×Öñð¥Ñ¼ÖeÌêþ·ÓLÎêíÒ¢ÖîíÐ−−¤ÑòÐõÌñ
 [34] stacte.  .óÈèÈð [ãì]
 ¹Ö¬Öò is balsam,  ,−ÌþЮ êeí
 but since it is only the sap  ¹ÖþÐNêÖlÓê Bò−ÑêÓLñÔ¼Ðî  [41] For a pleasing fragrance. 85  .ÇçÉçéÄðÇçéÞÅøÀì [àî]
 that drips from the balsam trees  ¹Ö¬ÐwÔí−ѮμÑô¹Ñ¬BpÔí  This refers to the minchah [as well]  ,þÔôÍêÓòíÖìÐòÌnÔíñÔ¼
 it is called ¹Ö¬Öò (from ¹Ñ¬Bò—“ drips”). 83  ,¹Ö¬Öò −eþÖš  because the minchah of the libations  ó−Ì×Ö½Ðò³ÔìÐòÌnÓL
 In Old French it is called gome (tree sap)  ,ê"ôîè ïÔ¼ÔñÐëe  is entirely consumed on the altar.  ,ñ−ÌñÖkdÖlek
 and the balsam is called theriake.  :íšê"−þ¬ Bñ ö−ÌþBš −ÌþÐvÔíÐî  The order of their sacrifice is as follows:  ,öÖ³ÖëÖþКÔíþÓðѽÐî
 Onycha.  .úÆìÅçÀLe       first the limbs [of the animal]  íÖlÌìÐzÔaó−ÌþÖë−ÑêÖí
 It is a smooth fragrant root,  šÖñÖìóÓNÒaLÓþBL  followed by the minchah  ,íÖìÐòÌnÔíCÖkþÔìÔêÐî
 translucent like a fingernail.  ,öÓþBtÌ®Ðkþ−ÌíЮÔôe  for it states: “the burnt-offering and the minchah.” 86  :íÖìÐòÌôe íÖñÒ¼þÔôÍêÓpÓL
 In mishnaic Hebrew it is called öÓþBtÌ®. 84  ,öÓþBtÌ® −eþÖšíÖòÐLÌnÔí öBLÐñÌëe  [42] Continual—  .ãéÄîÈz [áî]
 And that is the intent of Onkelos when he translates it:  ½eñКÐòeê óÑbÐþÌzÓLeíÓïÐî  on a daily basis  ,óB− ñÓê óBiÌô
 êÖþÐõe¬Ðî (êÖþÐõe¬ being Aramaic for öÓþBtÌ®).  :êÖþÐõe¬Ðî  without ever interrupting for a day. 87  :óÌ−Ö³Ðò−Ña óB− š−̽ÐõÔ−êG
 Galbanum.  .äÈðÀaÀìÆçÀå  Where I will meet with you—  .íÆëÈìãÅòÈeÄàøÆLÂà
 A spice with a bad odor,  ,¼Ôþ Bì−ÑþÓLóÓNa  “when I will set a time of meeting to speak to you  ,E−ÓñÑêþÑaÔðÐñðѼBô ¼ÔaКÓêÓLÐk
 which is called galbanum.  ,ê"òëñè Bñ ö−ÌþBšÐî  that is where I will set it.” 88  .êÒëÖñepÓ¼ÖaКÓêóÖL
 Scripture counts it among the spices of the incense  ³ÓþÒ¬ÐwÔí−ÑòÖnÔ½ö−Ña ëe³ÖkÔídÖêÖ òÐôe  Some of our Sages derive from here 89  ,öêÖkÌôó−ÌðÑôÐñ eò−ѳBaÔþÑôLÑ−Ðî
 to teach us not to look with contempt  eò−Ñò−ѼÐañÔšÑ−êHÓLeòÑðÐnÔñÐñ  that it was from the copper altar  ³ÓLBìÐpÔíìÔaÐïÌôñÔ¼ÑnÓL
 at including in our gatherings for fasts and prayers  eò−ѳBlÌõгe eò−ѳBiÌòμÔz³ÔceèÎêÔaeòÖn̼¹ÑþÖ®Ðñ  that God spoke to Moshe  íÓLô ó̼þÑaÔðÐôí"ÖaÖwÔííÖ−Öí
 the sinners among the Israelites,  ,ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−ѼÐLBt ³Óê  once the mishkon was erected.  ,öÖkÐLÌnÔíóÔšeíÓMÌô
 that they should be counted (i.e., united) with us.  85  :eòÖn̼ö−ÌòÐôÌòe−ÐíÌiÓL
 Spices.  .íéÄnÇñ  85 ÔìBì−ÌòÔì−ÑþÐñ—“for a pleasing fragrance” only applies to a korbon, which is entirely consumed on the altar. This might
       lead us to conclude that ÔìBì−ÌòÔì−ÑþÐñ in this case must refer only to the sheep of the korbon tomid, since they are
 [I.e.,] other spices.  :ó−ÌþÑìÎê
       ³BñB¼—“burnt-offerings,” and are totally consumed, whereas regarding the menachos, only a fistful is consumed on
 And pure frankincense.  .äÈkÇæäÈðÉáÀìe  the altar, with the rest being eaten by the kohanim and thus ÔìBì−ÌòÔì−ÑþÐñ would not apply. Rashi, therefore, explains
 From here our Sages derived  ,eò−ѳBaÔþeðÐôÖñöêÖkÌô  that this is not the case here because ó−Ì×Ö½Ðò³ÔìÐòÌô—the menachos brought with the libations, which accompany the
       animal sacrifice—are completely consumed and thus the entire minchah is consumed.  86 Vayikra 23, 37.  87 See
       Rashi above, 27, 20.  88 See Rashi above, 25, 22 −³ð¼òî í"ð.  89 I.e., from the words íÖnÖL and óÖL—“there,” which
 81 Any use other than the anointing of a kohein godol or a king is considered þÖïñÔ¼—“ upon a stranger,” even upon a  refer to the entrance of the Tent of the Meeting and the Copper altar was placed directly in line with the entrance
 common kohein, and even more so upon a kohein godol or king who had already previously been anointed. (S.C.)  (R.M.). Alternately, from the words ð−ÌôÖz³ÔñB¼—“a continual burnt-offering” at the beginning of the verse, i.e., íÖnÖL
 82 Kerisos 5b.  83 Ibid. 6a.  84 Kerisos 6a.  85 Ibid. 6b.  refers to the place where the ð−ÌôÖz³ÔñB¼ was burnt—the copper altar. (M.)  #                                          #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:--
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