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[493]  Shemos—Ki Sisa 30:25 äë:ì àùú éëZúåîù  Shemos—Tezaveh 30:5–8 çYä:ì äåöúZúåîù  [480]                                                                                         #                                                               26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-E

 25. Make it into sacred anointing oil, LÓðÒ flš-³ÔìÐLÌôöÓôÓLƒB †³ÒêÖ³−¤ÌNÖ¼Ðî .í×  and overlay them with gold. :ëÞÖíÖïó£Ö³Òê 'Ö³−ÌtÌ®Ðî
 a blend made by a [perfume] blender. Ôì¢ÑšÒþí¤ÑNμÞÔô³Ôì £ÔšÐþÌôìÔšÒ'þ  6. Place it in front of the paroches ³Ó×Õ flþÖtÔí−¤ÑòÐõÌñ ·B³Òêí¥ÖzÔ³ÞÖòÐî.î
 It shall be a sacred anointing oil. :íÞÓ−ÐíÞÌ−LÓðÒ£š-³ÔìÐLÌôöÓô'ÓL  that is by the Ark of the Testimony, ³¢ŠðѼÞÖíöÒ¤þÎê-ñÔ¼þ£ÓLÎê
          in front of the covering that is on the Testimony ³ flŠðѼ¤Öí-ñÔ¼ ·þÓLÎê³ÓþÒ†tÔkÔí−¤ÑòÐõÌñ
                     where I will meet with you there. :íÖnÞÖL £EÐñð'ѼÖeÌêþ§ÓLÎê
 the roots were boiled in it.  ;ö−ÌþÖw−̼Öí³Óê ešÐñÖLBa  7. Aharon shall burn upon it incense of spices. ó−¢ÌnÔ½³Ó þÒ¤¬ÐšöÒ£þÎíÞÔêî−§ÖñÖ¼þ−'̬КÌíÐî.ï
 Whereupon Rabbi Yehuda said to him:  ,íÖðeíÐ−−ÌaÔþBñþÔôÖê  Every morning þÓšÒ†aÔaþÓšÒ¤aÔa
 [But it is not so] for even to coat the roots  ö−ÌþÖw−̼Öí³Óê Ce½ÖñêGÎíÔî
              when he cleans the lamps, he shall burn it. :íÖpÞÓþ−̬КÔ−³Ò£þÑpÔí-³ÓêB§ë−̬−ÞÑíÐa
 this amount [of oil] would be insufficient!  !šÑt−̽ Bò−Ñê
                                        Maftir     øéèôî
 But [its purpose was this:]  êÖlÓê
 they soaked them (the roots) in water  óÌ−ÔôÐa óeêÖþÐL  8. And when Aharon lights the lamps in the afternoon, óÌ−£ÔaÐþÔ¼ÞÖíö−'Ña³Ò§þÑpÔí-³ÓêöÒ«þÎíÞÔê³Õ ·ñμÞÔíÐëe .ì
 [so that being saturated with water]
 they would not absorb the oil,  ,öÓôÓMÔí³Óê e¼ÐñÐëÌ−êHÓL
 after which  CÖkþÔìÔêÐî  [6] In front of the paroches. 7  .úÆëÉøÈtÇäéÅðÀôÄì [å]
 he poured the oil upon them  öÓôÓMÔíóÓí−Ññμ¹−Ì®Ñí  Lest you say that it should be somewhat drawn  CeLÖôþÔôêÒ³êÖnÓL
 [and kept it there] until it absorbed the aroma  Ô ì−ÑþÖí¬ÔñÖwÓLðÔ¼  away from being exactly opposite the Ark,  öBþÖêÖíðÓèÓòÐkÌô
 and then skimmed the oil off the roots. 56  :ö−ÌþÖw−̼ÖíñÔ¼ÑôöÓôÓMÔñ BìÐtÌšÐî  to the North or to the South;  ,óBþÖcÔñ Bê öBõÖvÔñ
           therefore the Torah says: “in front of the covering,”  ,³ÓþÒtÔkÔí−ÑòÐõÌñþÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
 [25] A blend made by a [perfume] blender.  .úÇçÇ÷ÀøÄîçÇ÷Éø [äë]
               i.e., exactly opposite the Ark on the outside. 8  :±eìÔaÌô öBþÖêÖíðÓèÓòÐköÖee×Ðô
 ìÔšÒþ is a noun [and not a verb],  ,êeí þÖëÖcóÑLìÔšÒþ
 and the accent’s being on the first syllable indicates this.  ,íÖñмÔôÐñ êeíÓLÔì−Ì×Bô óÔ¼ÔhÔíÐî  [7] When he cleans.  .BáéÄèéÞÅäÀa [æ]
 It is the same as ìÔšÓþ—“ blended,”  ,ìÔšÓþBôÐ× êeí −ÑþÎíÔî  [Meaning:] the cleaning of the cups of the menorah  íÖþBòÐnÔíñÓLö−Ì×−ÌïÖaÔí −ewÌò öBLÐñ
 or ¼ÔèÓþ—“ a moment.” 57  ,¼ÔèÓþ  from the ashes of the wicks  ³Bñ−̳ÐtÔíöÓLÓcÌô
 It is not the same as:  BôÐ× Bò−ÑêÐî  that burnt through the night  ,íÖñÐ−ÔlÔaeõÐþÐNÌpÓL
 óÖiÔí¼ÔèÒþ —“ he stirs up the sea;”  ,óÖiÔí¼ÔèÒþ  and he cleaned them out every morning.  :þÓšÒëÖîþÓšÒañÖ×ÐaöÖë−̬ÑôíÖ−ÖíÐî
 or the same as:  BôÐ×e               The lamps. 9  .úÉøÅpÇä
 ±ÓþÖêÖí¼ÔšÒþ —“ who spreads out the land,” 60  ,±ÓþÖêÖí¼ÔšÒþ  Loces (lamps) in Old French.  ,ïÔ¼ÔñÐa ¾−¾"îñ
 where the accent is on the last syllable. 61  .íÖhÔôÐñóÔ¼ÔhÔíÓL  This is the meaning of ³BþÑò whenever they are mentioned  ³BþeôÎêÖí ³BþÑòñÖköÑ×Ðî
 Anything mixed with another thing  Bþ−ÑëÎìÔaëÖþB¼ÐôÔíþÖëÖcñÖ×Ðî  in connection with the menorah,  ,íÖþBòÐnÔa
 to the degree that one absorbs from the other  íÓfÌôÔìÑõBš íÓfÓLðÔ¼  except those places where it says  óÖLþÔôÍêÓpÓL óBšÖnÌô ±eì
 either smell or taste is called ³ÔìÔšÐþÌô.  :³ÔìÔšÐþÌô −eþÖšóÔ¼Ô¬Bê Ôì−ÑþBê  any form of íÖêÖñμÔí (to cause [the flame] to ascend)  íÖêÖñμÔí
 úÇçÇ÷ÀøÄîçÇ÷Éø  .úÇçÇ÷ÀøÄîçÇ÷Éø  which is a term used for “lighting.” 10  :íÖšÖñÐðÔí öBLÐñ êeíÓL
 [therefore means] a blend made  −eNÖ¼ÓíìÔšÒþ  [8] And when he lights. 11  .úGÂòÞÇäÀáe [ç]
 through skilled craftsmanship and mixing.  :³BëBþμԳÐî ³eòÖneê −ÑðÐ−ñÔ ¼  [I.e.] when he will light them  óÑš−ÌñÐðÔiÓLÐk
 The work of a ÇçÅ÷Bø—  .ÇçÅ÷ÉøäÅNÂòÇî  so that their flame ascends.  :öÖzÐëÔíÔñ ³BñμÔíÐñ
 the name of the craftsman in this field.  :þÖëÖcÔaöÖneêÖíóÑL
       7 Having identified its location as “in front of the paroches,” why also state, “in front of the ³ÓþÒtÔk (the covering)”?
       8 Beraisa deMeleches Hamishkon.  9 The word ³BþÑò sometimes refers to the lamps, i.e., the cups which hold the
 56 Ibid. 5a.  57 In both instances the accent is on the ’þ which is the first syllable since the vowel under the ’þ is  oil and the wicks. Sometimes it refers specifically to the wicks.  10 In which case it refers to the wicks for it is the
 a ñBèÓ½.  58 Yeshaiyahu 51, 15.  59 Ibid. 42, 5.  60 In the latter two cases the vowel of the first letter is a óÖñBì.  wicks that are kindled and not the cups.  11 ³îñ¼íëî is from íêñ¼í—“to cause to ascend.” How does this connote
 61 Which changes them to verbs.  “lighting”?                                                                        #                                                                26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:--
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