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 [491]  #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black   #26015-EYAL
 Shemos—Ki Sisa 30:20–23 âëYë:ì àùú éëZúåîù
                           Shemos—Tezaveh 30:10 é:ì äåöúZúåîù
 or whenever they approach the Altar ·Ôì·ÑaÐïÌnÔí-ñÓêó¥ÖzÐLÌèÐëB¤ê  he shall make atonement on it once each year ·î−ÖñÖ¼þ¥ÑtÔ×Ð− ·íÖòÖMÔa³¥ÔìÔê
 for Divine service, or to burn a fire-offering to Adonoy. :íÒÞÖîí−ÞÔñí£ÓMÌêþ−'̬КÔíÐñ³ flÑþÖLÐñ  for your generations. ó flÓ×−ѳҤþÒðÐñ
 21. They must wash their hands and their feet ó£Óí−ÑñÐèÔþÐîó'Óí−ÑðÐ−e§®ÎìÞÖþÐî .ê×  It is Holy of Holies to Adonoy. ô :íÒÞÖîí−ÞÔñêe£íó−'ÌLÖð ÞÖš-LÓðÒ Þš
 and they will not die. e³¢ŠôÖ−ê¤GÐî
                          One hundred and one verses.  öô−½ ñê×−ô ,ó−šî½õ ê"š
 This is a perpetual statute for them, ó§ÖñB¼-šÖìó«ÓíÖñí·Ö³Ð−ÞÖíÐî  Haftarah: Yechezkel 43:10–27.  .è"ô öô−½ ñêšïì−ë ,óðê öë í³ê ,ö−þ−¬õôî
 for him [Aharon] and his descendants B£¼ÐþÔïÐñe B'ñ
 for all their generations.” ô :óÞÖ³ÒþÒ ÞðÐ ñ
                        which atone for the uncleanness  ³ÔêÐôe¬ ñÔ¼ó−ÌþÐtÔ×ÐôÔí
 22. Adonoy spoke to Moshe, saying: :þÒ ÞôêÑlí'ÓLô-ñÓêíÒ£ÖîíÐ−þ'ÑaÔðÐ−Ôî .ë×
             of the mikdosh and its holy things (korbonos). 17 18  :î−ÖLÖðÖšÐîLÖcКÌô
 23. “You shall take the finest spices, LêÒþó−¤ÌôÖNÐa ‡EÐñ-ìÔší¤ÖzÔêÐî .è×
                                   Holy of Holies.  .íéÄLÈã ÞÈ÷-LÆãÉ Þ÷
 five hundred [shekels] of pure myrrh, ³B flêÑôL¤ÑôÎì ·þBþÐc-þÖô
           This altar is sanctified exclusively for these things 19  ðÔëÐñÌa eñÖlÔíó−ÌþÖëÐcÔñLÖcešÐôÔìÑaÐïÌnÔí
 half portions of fragrant cinnamon, B£³−Ì®ÎìÞÔôóÓN'Óa-öÖôÐpÌšÐî  and for no other service.  :³ÓþÓìÔêíÖðBëμÔñêGÐî
 things intended to be understood by inference.  ,³BñÖñÐ×
 Hence from the inference of the negative  îêÖññÔñÐkÌôe
 you may derive the positive. 48  :öÑíÔ¼ÑôBL íÖzÔê
 The altar.  .ÇçÅaÀæÄnÇä-ìÆà
 [I.e.,] the outer [altar]  ,öB®−ÌìÔí
 for in this case there is no  öêÖkö−ÑêÓL
 entering into the Tent of Meeting,  ðѼBô ñÓíÒê³Ôê−Ìa
 but only into the courtyard.  :þÑ®ÖìÓëêÖlÓê
 [21] And they will not die. 49  .eúËîÈéàGÀå [àë]
 This intends to make liable to the death penalty  íÖ³−Ìôë−ÑiÔìÐñ
 someone who performs a korbon service  LÑnÔLÐôÔíñÔ¼
 on the [outer] altar  Ô ìÑaÐïÌnÔa
 without having washed his hands and feet;  ,óÌ−ÔñÐèÔþÐîóÌ−ÔðÖ−±ÑìBþ Bò−ÑêÐî
 for from the earlier mention of the death penalty  íÖòBLêÌþÖííÖ³−ÌnÔíÓL
 we can derive only that it applies  êÖlÓêeòмÔôÖLêG
 to someone who enters the Sanctuary. 50  :ñÖ×−ÑíÔñ½ÖòÐ×ÌpÔíñÔ¼
 [23] The finest spices.  .LàÉøíéÄîÈNÀa [âë]
 [Meaning:] the finest.  :ó−ÌëeLÎì
 Fragrant cinnamon. 51  .íÆNÆa-ïÈîÀpÄ÷Àå
 Since cinnamon is the bark of a tree,  ,êeí ±Ñ¼³Ôt−ÌñК öBôÖpÌwÔíÓL−ÌõÐñ

 48 Here, too, from the inference of the negative i.e., e³eôÖ−êGÐîóÌ−Ôôe®ÎìÐþÌ−—“ they will wash with water and not die,” you  17 I.e., when the kohein, in a state of impurity enters the Beis Hamikdosh without realizing where he is, or ate of a
 may derive the positive: if they do not wash they will die.  49 Was this not already stated in the previous verse?!  korbon not realizing what it was.  18 Shavuos 2b.  19 I.e., burning the incense morning and afternoon and placing
 50 And performs the service there.  51 Why the need to identify the cinnamon?  the blood of the Yom Kippur korbonos.
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