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[495] Shemos—Ki Sisa 30:29–31 àìYèë:ì àùú éëZúåîù #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-0
Shemos—Tezaveh 29:45–30:3 â:ìYäî:èë äåöúZúåîù
Anything that touches them will become holy. :LÞÖcКÌ−ó£ÓíÖaÔ¼'ÑèÒpÔí-ñÖk 45. I will dwell among the B’nei Yisrael, ñ¢ÑêÖþÐNÌ−−¤ÑòÐaCB£³Ða− flÌzÐòÔפÖLÐî .íô
30. You shall also anoint Aharon and his sons, ì¢ÖLÐôÌzî−£ÖòÖa-³ÓêÐîöÒ'þÎíÞÔê-³ÓêÐî.ñ and I will be their God. :ó−ÞÌíGêÞÑñó£ÓíÖñ−̳−'Ì−ÖíÐî
and sanctify them to serve Me as kohanim.” :−ÞÌñö'ÑíÔ×Ðñó£Ö³Òê 'ÖzÐLÔcÌšÐî 46. They will know that I, Adonoy, am their God ó flÓí−ÑíÕ¤ñÍê ·íÒÖîíÐ−−¥ÌòÎê−¤Ìke †¼ÐðÞÖ−Ðî .îô
31. Speak to the B’nei Yisrael, saying: þ¢ÒôêÑñþ¤ÑaÔðÐzñ£ÑêÖþÐNÌ−−'ÑòÐa-ñÓêÐî .êñ who brought them out of the land of Egypt óÌ−£ÔþЮÌô±Óþ'ÓêÑôó§Ö³Òê−̳ê«Ñ®Bí þ·ÓLÎê
“This shall be sacred anointing oil to Me −£Ìñí§Óïí'Ó−ÐíÌ−LÓðÒ·š-³ÔìÐLÌôöÓôÓL… to dwell among them. I am Adonoy, their God. ô :óÞÓí−Ñí ÞGÍêíÒ'ÖîíÐ−−£ÌòÎêó¢Ö×B³Ðë−¤ÌòÐ×ÖLÐñ
for all your generations. :óÞÓ×−Ñ³Ò ÞþÒðÐñ Shevi’i (Seventh Aliyah) éòéáù
30 1. You shall make an altar to burn incense. ³ÓþҢҬКþ¤Ô¬ÐšÌôÔì£ÑaÐïÌôÖ³−'ÌNÖ¼Ðî.ê ì SHMOT
Make it out of Acacia wood. :B Þ³Òêí'ÓNμÞÔzó−£ÌhÌL−'Ѯμ
concerning the altar. ,ÔìÑaÐïÌôñÓ®Ñê 2. It shall be one amoh long and one amoh wide, ·BaÐìÖþí¥ÖnÔêÐîB•kÐþÖêí·ÖnÔê.ë
From that which is stated: þÔôÍêÓpÓL CBzÌô it shall be a square, and two amohs high. B¢³ÖôÒ ÞšóÌ−£Ô³ÖnÔêÐîíflÓ−ÐíÞÌ−Ô¼e¤ëÖþ
“Whatever touches the altar becomes sanctified,” 69 ,LÖcКÌ−ÔìÑaÐïÌnÔaÔ¼ÑèÒpÔíñÖk
Its horn-like elevations shall be of one piece with it. :î−ÞÖ³ÒòÐþÔšep£ÓnÌô
I might infer that this applies −ÌòÎêÔ¼ÑôBL
3. You shall overlay it with pure gold, þB†íÖ¬ë¤ÖíÖïB•³Òê ·Ö³−ÌtÌ®Ðî.è
whether it is fit [for the altar] −eêÖþö−Ña
on its top, its walls all around, ë−£ÌëÖ½î−§Ö³Òþ− ÞÌš-³Ó êÐîB«bÔb-³Óê
or whether it is not fit. ,−eêÖþ Bò−ÑêÓLö−Ña
The Torah, therefore, says [in the next verse]: þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz and its horn-like elevations, î−¢Ö³ÒòÐþÔš-³ÓêÐî
“sheep”— just as sheep are fit [for the altar], ó−Ì−eêÐþó−ÌNÖëÐkíÔô ,ó−ÌNÖëÐk
This is what Moshe referred to when he said: ,íÓLô þÔôÖêÓLeíÓïÐî
Every anointing of the mishkon, kohanim and kings ó−Ì×ÖñÐôe ó−ÌòÎíÒ×ÐîöÖkÐLÌô³Ôì−ÌLÐôñÖk
“That is what God said, þÒôêÑñ’íþÓaÌcþÓLÎê êeí
is translated by Onkelos as óÖbÐþe³Ðô
‘through those who are near to me −ÔëÒþКÌa
−eaÌþ—“ elevating to a higher status” ,−eaÌþ öBLÐñ
will I be sanctified.’” 96 ,LÑðÖwÓê
because the only purpose of anointing öÖ³Öì−ÌLÐôCÓþB® ö−ÑêÓL−ÌõÐñ
Where did He say this? ?þÑaÌcöÖ×−ÑíÐî
is to elevate to a higher status, ,íÖleðÐèÌñêÖlÓê
[When he said,] −ÌðBëÐ×ÌaLÔcКÌòÐî” 97 :−ÌðÒëÐ×ÌaLÔcКÌòÐî
for so did the King (God) establish CÓñÓnÔíðÔqÌ −öÑ×−Ìk
[46] To dwell among them. .íÈëBúÀáéÄðÀëÈLÀì [åî]
that this [shall be the method] íÓfÓL
I.e., with the stipulation that I dwell among them. 98 :óÖ×B³Ðë−ÌòÎê öBkÐLÌñ³ÖòÐôñÔ¼
of installation to a higher status. ,öÖ³ÖleðÐb CepÌì
[1] To burn incense. 1 .úÆøÉèÀ÷øÇèÀ÷Äî [à]
However, other anointings, ,³Bì−ÌLÐôþÖêÐLe
for example, ó−ÌìeLÐôö−Ìš−ÌšÐþ (anointed wafers), 70 ,ö−ÌìeLÐôö−Ìš−ÌšÐþ öBèÐk [I.e.] to raise up smoke on it— þB¬−Ìš î−ÖñÖ¼ ³BñμÔíÐñ
smoke of incense. :ó−ÌnÔ½öÔLμ
or: “With the important oils shall they anoint (eìÖLÐôÌ−),” 71 ZeìÖLÐôÌ−ó−ÌòÖôÐL³−ÌLêÑþÐî
their Aramaic version öÓíÖa³−ÌôÖþÎê öBLÖñ [3] Its top. .BbÇb-úÆà [â]
is the same as the Hebrew. 72 :³−ÌþÐë̼ öBLÖñÐk This [altar] had a top ,èÔèBñíÖ−ÖííÓï
[31] For all your generations. .íÞÆëéÅúÉ ÞøÉãÀì [àì] whereas the altar of the burnt-offering íÖñB¼ÖíìÔaÐïÌôñÖëÎê
had no top, ,èÔèBñíÖ−ÖíêG 16
From this our Sages deduced that one can state þÔôBñ eò−ѳBaÔþeðÐôÖñöêÖkÌô
that the entire [íÖìÐLÌnÔíöÓôÓL] will be preserved ó−ÖiÔš BlekÓL but its hollow was filled with earth íÖôÖðÎê BñÖñÎìó−ÌêÐlÔôÐôêÖlÓê
for the time yet to come (i.e., after Moshiach comes). 73 :êÒëÖñð−ּ̳Óñ in all their encampments. 2 :öÖ³−ÖiÌòÎìñÖ×Ða
69 Above, 29, 37. 70 See above, 29, 2, where Onkelos translates ó−ÌìŠLÐô ³BvÔô−Ñš−ÌšÐþ as ö−ì−¾ôð ö−þ−¬õ—“ anointed 96 Vayikra 10, 3. 97 Zevachim 115b. 98 I.e., the purpose of being taken out of Egypt was not so much to gain
wafers” and there is no mention of elevating to a higher status. 71 Amos 6, 6. There, too, the Targum is “anoint” their freedom as to have the Shechinah dwell among them. (B.Y., See G.A.). 1 The words ³ÓþҬКþԬКÌô are from the
and not “elevating to a higher status.” 72 Both use a variation of íÖì−ÌLÐô. 73 Horaiyos 11b. word þe¬−Ìš—“smoke.” Accordingly ³ÓþҬКþԬКÌô means . . . 2 Mechilta.
#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black #