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 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black
       [477]            Shemos—Tezaveh 29:42–44 ãîYáî:èë äåöúZúåîù                                          Shemos—Ki Sisa 30:32–33 âìYáì:ì àùú éëZúåîù       [496]

                              to speak to you there. :óÞÖLE−£ÓñÑêþ'ÑaÔðÐñ                  32. It must not be poured on the flesh of any man, C flÖ½−Ì−êÕ¤ñ ·óÖðÖêþ¥ÔNÐa-ñÔ¼ .ëñ
       43. It is there that I will meet with the B’nei Yisrael, ñ¢ÑêÖþÐNÌ−−¤ÑòÐëÌñíÖn£ÖL−'ÌzÐðÔ¼ÒÞòÐî .èô  and its formula must not be duplicated. eí¢ÒôÖke £NμÞÔ³êÕ'ñB flzÐòŠkгÔôÐë·e
                 and it will be sanctified with My Glory. :−ÞÌðÒëÐ×ÌaL£ÔcКÌòÐî                       It is sacred. It must be sacred to you. :óÞÓ×Öñí'Ó−ÐíÌ−LÓðÒ £šêe flíLÓðÒ¤š
                  44. I will sanctify the Tent of Meeting ð£Ñ¼Bô ñÓíÒ'ê-³Óê−§ÌzÐLÔcÌšÐî .ðô    33. If a person compounds a similar formula, eíÒ flôÖkì¤ÔšÐþÌ−þ¤ÓLÎêL−Ìêƒ.èñ
                                     and the altar, Ôì¢ÑaÐïÌnÔí-³ÓêÐî                     or if he places from it upon an unauthorized person, þ¢Öï-ñÔ¼ep£ÓnÌôö§ÑzÌ−þ'ÓLÎêÞÔî
                            and Aharon and his sons î−§ÖòÖa-³ÓêÐîöÒ«þÎíÞÔê-³ÓêÐî
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                  I will sanctify to serve Me as kohanim. :−ÞÌñö'ÑíÔ×ÐñL£ÑcÔšÎê
                                                                                                                              This.  .äÆæ
                                                                                               corresponds to the twelve logs [of the íÖìÐLÌnÔíöÓôÓL]. 74  :BîÎíö−Ìbeñ þÔ½−ÑþÐz
                                Others, however, say  ó−ÌþÐôBê LÑ−Ðî
                                                                                                                        [32] CÈñéÄéàG—  .CÈñéÄéàG [áì]
                    that it was from above the Ark-Cover  ,³ÓþBtÔkÔíñÔ¼Ñô
                                                                                                                 spelled with two letters ’−  ö"−ÌðB− −ÑòÐLÌa
                                       as it is said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓLBôÐk
                                                                                               which takes the form: he (or, it) shall not be done,  ,ñÔ¼ÐõÌ− êG öBLÐñ
          “I will speak with you from above the Ark-Cover,” 90  ,³ÓþÒtÔkÔíñÔ¼ÑôEÐzÌê−ÌzÐþÔaÌðÐî
                                                                                                 as in: “so that (ëÔ¬−Ì−) it will be well with you.” 75  :CÖñëÔ¬−Ì−öÔ¼ÔôÐñBôÐk
                      “[and] where I will meet with you,”  "óÓ×ÖñðѼÖeÌêþÓLÎê,,Ôî
                which is said here does not refer to the altar  Ô ìÑaÐïÌnÔíñÔ¼ þeôÖê Bò−ÑêöêÖk þeôÖêÖí  It must not be poured on the flesh of any man—  .CÈñéÄéàGíÈãÈàøÇNÀa-ìÇò
                      but, rather, to the Tent of Meeting 91  ðѼBô ñÓíÒêñÔ¼êÖlÓê                                   from this oil itself. 76  :BôЮԼíÓfÔíöÓôÓMÔíöÌô
                which is mentioned [as well] in this verse. 92  :êÖþКÌnÔaþÖkÐïÌpÔí                                 eäÉîÈkeÉùÂòÇúàGBzÀðËkÀúÇîÀáe.  .eäÉîÈkeNÂòÞÇúàGBzÀðËkÀúÇîÀáe
                    [43] It is there that I will meet. 93  .äÈnÈLéÄzÀãÇòÉÞðÀå [âî]              [Meaning:] with the quantity of each of its spices  î−ÖòÖnÔ½ óe×нÌa
               [I.e.] “I will meet with them in conversation,”  ,þeaÌðÐaóÖn̼ðѼÔîгÓê                             make no other like it,  ,eíBôÖkþÑìÔêeNμԳêG
                       as a king who sets a meeting place  ðѼBô óBšÐôÔ¼ÑëBwÔíCÓñÓôÐk                     i.e., with the weight of these spices  eñÖlÔíö−ÌòÖnÔ½ñÔšÐLÌôÐa
                      where he will address his servants.  :óÖLî−ÖðÖëμó̼þÑaÔðÐñ                   in proportion to the measure of a hin of oil.  ,öÓôÓLö−Ìí³ÔcÌô−ÌõÐñ
                                                                                                     But if he decreased or increased the spices  ö−ÌòÖôÐôÔ½íÖaÌþBê³ÔìÌtóÌêñÖëÎê
                           And it will be sanctified.  LÈcÀ÷ÄðÀå
                                                                                                    in proportion to the measure of a hin of oil,  ZöÓôÓLö−Ìí³ÔcÌô−ÌõÐñ
                                 [I.e.,] the mishkon—  öÖkÐLÌnÔí
                                                                                                                   then it is permissible.  ,þÖzeô
                                  with My Glory—  ,éÞÄãÉáÀëÄa
                                                                                                             However, even if it were made  −eNÖ¼Ó í¹ÔêÐî
                        for My Shechinah will rest in it. 94  .Bë −̳Öò−Ì×ÐLíÓþÐLÌzÓL
                                                                                               in the proportions of this one (i.e., the íÖìÐLÌnÔíöÓôÓL),  íÓïñÓLBzÐòŠkгÔôÐa
                             A midrashic explanation:  ,íÖðÖbÔêLÔþÐðÌôe
                                                                                          there is no transgression for one who applies it to himself,  ë−ÖiÔìepÓnÌôCÖqÔíö−Ñê
                    Do not read it −ÌðBëÐ×Ìa—“with My Glory”  −ÌðÒëÐ×Ìa−ÑþКÌzñÔê
                                                                                                    only for one who blends it [transgresses]. 77  :BìКBþÖíêÖlÓê
                                  but, rather −ÔðeëÐ×Ìa—  Z−ÔðeëÐ×ÌaêÖlÓê
                                                                                                                     And its formula.  .BzÀðËkÀúÇîÀáe
                           “by those honored by Me.” 95  .−ÌlÓLó−ÌðÖae×ÐôÔa
                                                                                                      A term meaning: “a particular quantity,”  ,öBaÐLÓì öBLÐñ
                             Here He intimated to him  Bñ ïÔôÖþöêÖk
                                                                                                       as in: “(³ÓòÒkгÔô) the quantity of bricks.” 78  ,ó−ÌòÑëÐlÔí³ÓòÒkгÔôBôÐk
                     regarding the death of Aharon’s sons  öÒþÎíÔê−ÑòÐa³Ô³−Ìô
                                                                                                  Similarly: íÖzÐòŠkгÔôÐë—“ in its particular quantity,”  dÖzÐòŠkгÔôÐaöÑ×Ðî
                   on the day it (the mishkon) was erected.  ,B³ÖôÖwÔí óB−Ða
                                                                                                                       of the incense. 79  :³ÓþB¬ÐšñÓL
                                                                                                            [33] Or if he places from it.  .epÆnÄîïÅzÄéøÆLÂàÇå [âì]
       90 Above, 25, 22.  91 I.e., “I will speak with you from within the ðѼBô ñÓíBê.” Elsewhere, the exact location within
       the tent of meetings is made clear, viz., ³ÓþÒtÔkÔíñÔ¼Ñô—“from above the Ark-Cover.”  92 Beraisa deMeleches Hamishkon.  [I.e.,] from the one which Moshe [blended]. 80  :íÓLô ñÓL B³BêÑô
       93 1. Meet for what purpose? 2. Why does it not say simply: “I will speak to them”— why the need for the “meeting”?
       (S.C.)  94 Even according to the opinion above that óÖL and íÖnÖL refer to specific locations within the mishkon,  74 Ibid.  75 Devarim 5, 16.  76 I.e., from the íÖìÐLÌnÔíöÓôÓL made by Moshe himself. If, however, an individual
       nevertheless here the reference is to the entire mishkon for the Shechinah rests in the entire mishkon. (S.C.)  95 Thus  transgresses and makes his own íÖìÐLÌnÔíöÓôÓL, there is no prohibition against pouring it on his flesh. See next Rashi.
       −ÌðBëÐ×ÌaLÔcКÌòÐî means: “The mishkon will be sanctified by what will occur to persons whom I honor.”  77 Kerisos 5a. See previous Rashi.  78 Above, 5, 8.  79 Below, V. 37.  80 Kerisos 5a.

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black   #
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