Page 64 - ISU Echague LUDIP
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               TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                               CAMPUS)                2025                2030              2035               2040               2045

             TEACHER COLLEGE (TC)                                                                                         449                 915             1473               2373                3821              6154

             COLLEGE OF DEVELOPMENT, COMMUNICATION, ARTS & SCIENCES                                                       828               1687               2717              4375                7046             11348

             COLLEGE OF NURSING (CON) AND MIDWIFERY                                                                         61                124                200               322                 519              836

             COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (COE)                                                                                 374                 762              1227             1976                 3183              5126

             INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY                                                        338                689               1109             1786                 2876              4633

             COLLEGE OF BUSINESS, ACCOUNTANCY & PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION                                                    1284              2616               4213               6785              10927              17598

             SCHOOL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE (SVM)                                                                          122                 248               400               645                1038              1672

             COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE (CA)/PROVINCIAL TECHNICAL                                                             888               1809               2914             4692                 7557            12171

             COLLEGE OF LAW

             COLLEGE OF FORESTRY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (CFEM)                                                         13                 26                 43                69                 111               178

             POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE                                                                                         235                 479                771             1242                2000              3221

             TECHNICAL                                                                                                   235                 479                771             1242                2000              3221

             GRADUATE STUDIES (GS)                                                                                       422                 860              1385              2230                3591              5784

             TOTAL                                                                                                     5,001             14,814             23,858            38,423              61,881            99,660

            1.   Enrolment population in State Universities and Colleges in Region 2 of  59,456 for School Year 2017-2018 per CHED
            2.   Undergrad programs: about 32.3%  are in agri and agro-related field
            3.   Graduate programs: about 26.7% are in  Agro and Agro-related post grad programs
            4.   There was a 6% increase in enrolment in 2014 and around 3% in 2015. However, with the K-12 program implementation in 2016, enrolment dropped by 23% and
                 further declined by 34% in 2017.
            5.   For the first semester of School year 2018-2019, enrolment increased by 67% as the first batch of K-12 graduates entered the university.
            6.   At 10% average annual compounded growth rate for 25 years,  enrolment data for SC 2023-2024 is expected to increase by 61% to 13,467; 159%  to 21,688 by 2028;
                 and, around  318% to 34,930 by 2033.
            7.   In 25 years or by 2045, enrolment is projected to reach 99,660. Estimated Classroom Space requirements to accommodate this number would be around 149,490sqm
                 (Ratio: 1 student: 1.5 sqm; Classroom usage is 8 hours daily)
            8.   To make a niche as a research university, ISU Echague must aim to increase the number of enrollees  in agri, agro-related and science courses.

                                                                                                           ISABELA STATE                                Land Use Development and                           ISU Enrollment
                                                                                                             UNIVERSITY                                     Infrastructure Plan                              Projections
                                                                                                                                                                 Main campus

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