Page 14 - LRU G20 Executive Summary 2018
P. 14

LESSON PLAN - G20                                             ENGLISH LANGUAGE CAMP 2018

          Unit 3
          Speaking and Listening – Voicing
          • Syllable length;
          • Stops and continuants.

          Learning Outcomes to Attain:
          1. To identify and apply the different stressed and unstressed syllables consonants.

          Unit 4
          Speaking and Listening – Stress : Length and Clarity
          • Stress Pattern
          • English Rhythm

          Speaking and Listening – Reduction and Basic Emphasis Patterns
          • Content Words
          • Structure Words

          Learning Outcomes to Attain:
          1. To identify and apply the different signals in stress;
                • Pitch change
                • Length of Vowel
                • Vowel Clarity
          2. To understand how not emphasized words become reduced as speech;
          3. To understand that content words are emphasized and structure words are reduced.

            Dividing topic, facts or ideas into parts          To apply mind-mapping techniques to make
            based on shared characteristics.                   material interesting.

            Reading and Writing – Types of Verbs and           Organizing ideas into levels of importance
            Adjectives.                                        using an outline or a mind map.
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