Page 164 - Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
P. 164
154 | Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
© Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
ISBN 978-967-####-##-#
The purpose of this research study is for hypothesis testing. For this
purpose, the data will be composed through a detailed questionnaire
that highlights study on several factors such as religiosity, knowledge
on waqf, attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavior control
that may stimulus the intention on waqf education.
The population of this research is all Malaysian Premier Polytechnic’s
staff (academic or non-academic). The overall population is 7302 staff
and 304 staff will be the sampling for this research.
A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed and only 368 responses
were obtained through online circulation. Clear instructions were
described on the first page of the questionnaire. This online
questionnaire reduces human error as the data is collected directly to
the analysis software. Therefore, all questionnaires were answered
perfectly by the respondents. The number of respondents who
answered the questionnaire was sufficient. According to Creswell
(2012), The larger the population sample used in the study is better
because it reduces errors in the population. Therefore, 368
respondents were enough for this study. All the respondents'
demographic information is shown as per Table 1.
Table 1: Demographic Profile of Respondents
Respondent Profile Number
Male 100 27.2%
Female 268 72.8%
Total 368 100%
25 – 30 3 0.8%