Page 163 - Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
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Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development | 153
© Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
ISBN 978-967-####-##-#
increasingly reliant on people's beliefs due to their value-oriented
normative orientation of beliefs. (Moon, 2017; Mukhibad et al., 2019).
Studies conducted by Nuraini et al. (2018), has placed a measure of
trust in an institution considering the following factors namely 1)
Integrity (honesty and ability of trusted parties to keep promises); 2)
Welfare (willingness and motivation to act in the best interests of the
institution); and 3) Efficiency (the ability of trusted parties to meet the
needs of the person who gives confidence).
H4: There is a positive relationship between the trust in waqf
institution and cash waqf giving behaviour among polytechnic
lecturers in Malaysia.
This section will discuss the method of this study. This chapter will go
into further detail on the demographic, sample, study design, and data
gathering techniques, among other things. A review of the statistical
methods used to analyze the data concludes the chapter.
Research design
Also known as a blueprint that implemented to spearhead the entire
study (Harun et al., 2016). Referring to Sekaran (2003), research design
should be defined as a set up for deciding on how to gather further
data, analyse and interpret the data in a way to provide an answer to
the issues. This research is conducted by using a quantitative research
and deductive approach through a research survey. The questionnaires
are circulated to the potential respondents in direction to accomplish
the research objectives. In addition, descriptive statistics is used to
describe and recapitulate the data, obtained from the staff in Malaysian
Polytechnic and provides a precise representation of the entire