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2017 – 2018 District 2-X1 Executive Committee
District Governor Henry White (Lion Mary) Dallas South Lions Club 469-387-4923 CL
1st Vice District Governor Keith Murray
Irving Noon Day Lions Club 979-492-7310 CL
2nd Vice District Governor Vinod Mathur Dallas Filipino Lions Club 817-430-2546 HM
Cabinet Secretary Billy Ketner Sachse Lions Club 972-414-9922 CL
Cabinet Treasurer Danny Fletcher (Lion PDG Kathy) Plano EarlyLions Club 214-662-4549 CL
By District Governor Henry White
I am writing my June article from the State Convention in Corpus Christi,
Texas. First let me say District 2-X1 won in each category of Opportunities for Youth events. Diabetes Essay, 2-X1 took 1st place with Safal Lamichhane essay. In the Drug Awareness Speech Contest, 2-X1 placed 2nd with Sharon Shaji speech. Rounding out the sweep in the Outstanding Youth Contest, 2-X1 placed 1st with Jevin James. A special thanks needs to go out to Lion Gloria Mathur (Filipino Lions Club) as the District Diabetes Awareness Coordinator and Lion Mindy Helsley (Coppell Lions Club) as the District LOFY Coordinator.
On Saturday night at the PDG Dinner I received the International President’s Certificate of Appreciation Award, presented to me by MD2 Council Chair Rick Talbert and ID Sam Lindsey for my work in MD2.
It was my pleasure to share the council table with our own District 2-X1 CCE John Landrum, DGE Keith Murray, and 1VDGE Vinod Mathur. We can be very proud of District 2-X1 and how they represented us at the State level.
It has been an honor to serve with you this year and I am looking forward in helping DGE Keith to have a better year in 2018-2019. Thank you for the service that each club provided in your different communities. Reporting club service projects is up to 70% from the 48% that we started at this year in District 2-X1. Thanks also goes out to PDG Mark Dean (Global Service Team Coordinator) and Lion Fred Conger (Global Leadership Team Coordinator) for their service and leadership to the district. So let’s try for 100%. It would be the first time in our District 2-X1 history if we would hit 100%. Think about this, if your club would help the District TLERC Director Lion Gene Lefever by collecting and sending glasses to Midland you would have completed two Centennial service projects, Vision and Environment. Zone Chairs please help your club to report their service projects.
Henry’s Time