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August 12, 2017
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Trump: North Korea ‘Will Regret It’ if Acts Against US Ally
President Donald Trump gestures as he answers a question regarding the ongoing situation in North Korea, Friday, Aug. 11, 2017, at Trump National Golf Club in
Bedminster, N.J.
(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
By JONATHAN LEMIRE The latest threat appeared to draw Speaking to reporters from his New “If he utters one threat in the form
Associated Press another red line that would trigger Jersey golf resort, Trump declined of an overt threat — which by the
BEDMINSTER, N.J. (AP) — President a U.S. attack and for a fourth day to explain precisely what he meant way he has been uttering for years
Donald Trump on Friday issued an- in a row ratcheted up a rhetorical by the boast of military readiness. and his family has been uttering for
other warning of swift and forceful standoff between the two nations. He brushed away calls for cau- years — or he does anything with
retaliation against nuclear North Trump’s comments, however, did tion from world leaders, including respect to Guam or anyplace else
Korea, declaring the U.S. military not appear to be backed by sig- Germany’s Angela Merkel. And that’s an American territory or an
“locked and loaded.” He said the nificant military mobilization on ei- he directly called out Kim Jong Un, American ally, he will truly regret
isolated nation’s leader “will re- ther side of the Pacific, and an im- North Korea’s leader, as a destabi- it and he will regret it fast,” Trump
gret it fast” if he takes any action portant, quiet diplomatic channel lizing force who should not be al- said.
against U.S. territories and allies. remained open. lowed to continue his course. Continued on Page 2
Senate GOP Rallies Behind McConnell in Feud with Trump
By JULIE BYKOWICZ dent Donald Trump. Republicans get this fall. A number of GOP law- is more qualified than Mitch Mc-
ERICA WERNER took to Twitter, their president’s makers pointedly reminded Trump Connell to lead Senate in that
Associated Press preferred means of communica- and other GOP critics that it was effort,” tweeted Texas Sen. John
WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Re- tion, to praise McConnell as a gift- McConnell who ensured the con- Cornyn, the No. 2 Republican in
publicans on Friday rallied in sup- ed leader backed by his 52-mem- firmation of Supreme Court Justice the Senate.
port of Majority Leader Mitch Mc- ber caucus and a Republican in- Neil Gorsuch. Support came from moderates
Connell, pushing back against the tent on delivering for the president “Passing POTUS’s legislative agen- and conservatives alike.
onslaught of criticism from Presi- and the party on taxes and bud- da requires a team effort. No one Continued on Page 3