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Hilton Family Day

                                                                                       September 16, 2017
                                                                                       T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                                                                                                                 Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                  On Edge

                At Press Time:

                UK Threat Level Raised to “Critical” after Subway Bombing

            Fire brigade officers walk within a cordon near where an incident happened, that police say they are investigating as a terrorist attack, at Parsons Green subway
            station in London, Friday, Sept. 15, 2017. A suspicious device caught fire on a packed London subway train Friday, sending commuters stampeding in panic at the
            height of the morning rush hour.                                                                                    (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
            LONDON  (AP)  —  A  home-    sparked  a  huge  manhunt  highest possible level.        in  a  plastic  bucket  inside  The  Islamic  State  group
            made  bomb  planted  in  for the perpetrators of what  May  said  military  troops  a supermarket freezer bag  claimed  responsibility  for
            a  rush-hour  subway  car  police  said  was  the  fourth  would augment the police  —  only  partially  explod-    the  attack,  which  it  said
            exploded  in  London  on  terrorist attack in the British  presence in a “proportion-  ed,  sparing  the  city  much  was carried out by an affili-
            Friday,  injuring  29  people  capital this year.         ate and sensible step.”      worse carnage.               ated  unit.  The  bomb  went
            and  prompting  authorities  Prime Minister Theresa May,  Earlier, May said the device  “I would say this was a failed  off around 8:20 a.m. as the
            to  raise  Britain’s  terrorism  acting  on  the  recommen-  had  been  “intended  to  high-explosive    device,”  train,  carrying  commuters
            threat  level  to  “critical,”  dation of the Joint Terrorism  cause significant harm.”  Chris Hunter, a former British  from  the  suburbs  was  at
            meaning  another  attack  Analysis  Center,  raised  the  Still, to the relief of authori-  army bomb expert, said of  Parsons Green station in the
            may be imminent.             country’s  threat  level  from  ties and Londoners, experts  the blast, which caused no  southwest of the city.
            The  early  morning  blast  “severe”  to  “critical”  —  its  said  the  bomb  —  hidden  serious injuries.                 Continued on Page 2

            Crowds Gather to Protest Former St. Louis Officer Acquittal

            By JIM SALTER                streamed into the streets of  including possible efforts to  By  mid-afternoon,  officers  The case played out not far
            Associated Press             downtown St. Louis to pro-   shut  down  highways.  Barri-  had used pepper spray on  from  the  suburb  of  Fergu-
            ST.  LOUIS  (AP)  —  A  white  test  the  verdict  that  had  cades went up last month  some demonstrators.         son,  which  was  the  scene
            former  police  officer  was  stirred  fears  of  civil  unrest  around  police  headquar-  The  judge  who  decided  of the fatal shooting of Mi-
            acquitted Friday in the 2011  for weeks.                  ters, the courthouse where  the  matter  declared  that  chael Brown, the unarmed
            death of a black man who  Ahead of the acquittal, ac-     the trial was held and other  he  would  not  be  swayed  black 18-year-old who was
            was  fatally  shot  following  tivists  threatened  civil  dis-  potential  protest  sites.  Pro-  by “partisan interests, pub-  killed by a white police of-
            a  high-speed  chase,  and  obedience  if  Jason  Stock-  testers were on the march  lic  clamor  or  fear  of  criti-  ficer in 2014.
            hundreds of demonstrators  ley  were  not  convicted,  within hours of the decision.  cism.”                                Continued on Page3
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