P. 1

                                                                                        October 12, 2017
                                                                                        T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044
                                                                                                                    Cruise Control
                                                                                                                    Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper

                Las Vegas

                Amid Mourning, Pressure Mounts on Vegas Police

            Alexandra Gurr cries as she lays flowers at a makeshift memorial for victims of a mass shooting in Las Vegas. Pressure mounted Wednesday for Las Vegas police to
            explain how quickly they reacted to what would become the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
                                                                                                                                      (AP Photo/John Locher)
                                                                                                                                                    Page 4
              Trump Turns Back to Tax Overhaul; Pitch Aimed at Truckers

              By CATHERINE LUCEY                 personal income tax brackets and  emerging  crises  —  including  the  come levels for his new tax brack-
              JOSH BOAK                          boost  the  standard  deduction.  mass  shooting  in  Las  Vegas  and  ets.  The  outreach  to  truckers  in
              Associated Press                   Trump said a cut to business tax-  the  hurricane  recovery  effort  in  Pennsylvania is an attempt to give
              MIDDLETOWN, Pa. (AP) — President  es  would  help  truckers  because  Puerto Rico — as well as dramas of  a blue-collar appeal to a frame-
              Donald Trump pitched his tax plan  there  will  be  “more  products  to  his own making, such as his esca-  work that outside tax analysts say
              as a boost for truckers at an event  deliver and more contracts to fill.”  lating feud with Sen. Bob Corker,  would largely favor the wealthy.
              Wednesday in Pennsylvania, say-    He also said his plan would ben-   R-Tenn.,  and  public  tension  with  About  two-thirds  of  trucking  firms
              ing,  “America  first  means  putting  efit middle-class families by lower-  Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.  are structured as small businesses
              American truckers first.”          ing  rates,  creating  new  jobs  and  Taxes are the chief legislative pri-  in which the profits double as the
              Trump  appeared  before  about  making it easier for business own-    ority  for  Republicans  hungry  for  owners’  income,  what’s  com-
              a  thousand  cheering  people  at  ers to pass companies on to their  a  major  legislative  achievement.  monly  known  as  “pass-through”
              an  airplane  hangar  dramatically  children.                         With  the  2018  campaign  year  companies, said Chris Spear, pres-
              draped with American flags. Two  “So many people have come up  looming,  GOP  lawmakers  want  ident of the American Trucking As-
              big rigs were in the background.   to me and said give it to the mid-  something  to  show  for  their  time  sociations.
              “It will be rocket fuel for our econ-  dle  class,  give  it  to  people  who  as the majority party, and tax leg-  The framework would cut the tax
              omy,”  Trump  said  of  a  plan  that  need it,” Trump said.          islation remains their best hope.  rate for these firms to 25 percent
              would dramatically cut corporate  Trump is diving back into the tax  Trump  has  left  it  up  to  Congress  from 39.6 percent.
              tax  rates  from  35  percent  to  20  fight  after  weeks  in  which  his  at-  to fill in many specifics of his plan,
              percent,  reduce  the  number  of  tention  has  shifted  to  rapidly  which omits details such as the in-              Continued on Page 3
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