Page 523 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 523

Victim Organizations

                 Anti-Fraud Controls at Small Businesses
                 When it comes to fighting fraud, many small businesses face an uphill battle. These entities not only incur losses as
                 large as bigger organizations (see Figure 41 on page 32), but they typically have fewer resources with which to combat
                 this threat. The combination of these factors leaves small businesses particularly vulnerable to occupational fraud. In
                 addition, the working environment and limited staff size in many small businesses often relies upon, and even requires,
                 an increased level of trust among the individuals performing daily operational tasks. As most anti-fraud professionals
                 know, trust is not an internal control. In fact, trust in the wrong person can lead to disaster.

                 Figure 48 illustrates the frequency with which small businesses enact anti-fraud controls, compared to their larger coun-
                 terparts. While it is understandable that small businesses do not have the resources necessary to invest in some of the
                 more expensive internal controls noted, several controls—such as a code of conduct, management review procedures,
                 and fraud training for staff members—can be implemented with minimal investment. Small businesses are uniquely
                 susceptible to fraud in many ways, but there are opportunities for improvement in the measures they use to mitigate
                 this risk.

                 Figure 48: Frequency of Anti-Fraud Controls by Size of Victim Organization

                                  External Audit of F/S                    56.2%           94.2%
                                     Code of Conduct                     53.8%             91.3%
                               Internal Audit Department          38.6%                   88.3%
                           Management Certification of F/S           43.2%              83.7%

                                External Audit of ICOFR           37.1%               79.9%
                            Independent Audit Committee      28.0%  40.4%          74.6%
                   ANTI-FRA UD CONTROL  Fraud Training for Managers/Executives  22.8%  61.9%  74.1%
                                   Management Review
                             Fraud Training for Employees
                                     Anti-Fraud Policy
                              Employee Support Programs    23.7%          55.6%
                 Dedicated Fraud Department, Function, or Team          51.5%
                            Formal Fraud Risk Assessments  15.8%       49.2%
                                      Surprise Audits    18.0%        45.8%

                         Proactive Data Monitoring/Analysis  17.9%   43.8%                        <100
                           Job Rotation/Mandatory Vacation  10.0%  23.1%
                              Rewards for Whistleblowers  7.2%                                    Employees
                                               0%       20%      40%       60%      80%      100%
                                                             PERCENT OF CASES

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