Page 92 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 92

Table of Contents

                    6        Limiting Fraud Losses

                              Respondents were asked whether the victim organizations in the cases they reviewed
                              had certain anti-fraud measures in place at the time the frauds occurred. The three
                              measures tested for were anonymous reporting mechanisms (typically hotlines),
                              internal audit or fraud examination departments, and external audits. The following
                              chart shows the percent of victim organizations that had adopted these measures at the
                              time of their frauds. The numbers are very similar to the results from our 2002 surveys.

                                                   Frequency of Anti-Fraud Measures

                                       External Audit                                     73.0%
                             Anti-Fraud Measures  Internal Audit                  57.7%             2004


                                  Anonymous Hotline

                                                  0%        20%               40$              60%              80%
                                                  Percentage of Victims That had Anti-Fraud Measures

                              Anonymous Fraud Hotlines
                              In order to test the effectiveness of each anti-fraud control in limiting losses, we
                              measured the median loss for organizations that had each control, versus the median
                              loss in organizations that did not. Using this
                              test, we found that anonymous reporting
                                                                              ANONYMOUS REPORTING
                              mechanisms showed the greatest impact on
                                                                              MECHANISMS HAD THE
                              fraud losses. Organizations that did not have   GREATEST IMPACT ON
                              reporting mechanisms suffered median losses     FRAUD LOSSES.
                              that were over twice as high as organizations
                              where anonymous reporting mechanisms had
                              been established. This was consistent with the
                              findings of our 2002 Report.

   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97