Page 244 - BUKU PROGRAM eSEDIP2021
P. 244

          Students are getting bored with traditional learning methods especially during this
          Covid-19 pandemic where students have to initiate online learning. Stem Tic Toe is
          a  newandroid  Mobile  app  innovation  that  will  able  to  overcome  the  conventional
          and boring learning methods especially during this pandemic period. The objectives
          of this app innovation are to develop a creative platform as a diversity for students
          to learn Science in a fun way. Furthermore, this app can enhance the method used
          in the teaching and learning in a more fun, interesting and interactive way among
          students  and  teachers.  This  app  allows  teachers  to  use  the  various  slides  and
          videos available to teach the students in a more captivating approach. This app is
          created using the google site and thinkable. In addition, the students can download
          Science-related  games  in  the  app  that  are  invented  through  Apps  Geyser  to
          enhance their interests in learning Science through a fun learning method. Trials of
          this app innovation are run out among 108 lower secondary science teachers and
          173 lower secondary students during the PdPR session. It is tested out that while
          teachers educate students through the innovative slides and videos as well as let
          students play the games, quizzes and word walls, students pay more attention in
          class  instead  of  being  bored  by  looking  at  their  textbooks.  Based  on  the  trials
          carried  out,  this  app  innovation  received  much  positive  feedback  especially  from
          teachers to teach Science Form One, Two and Three in a divergent and engrossing
          way.  In  line  with  industrial  4.0  (IR  4.0)  evolution,  developing  this  novel  app
          innovation  can  cultivate  digitalization  education  especially  to  lower  secondary
          Science  Education.  Hence,  the  Ministry  of  Education  Malaysia  can  consider
          adopting  this  novel  app  innovation  as  an  alternative  platform  for  students  and
          teachers to teach and learn Science in more interactive and fun ways.
          Keywords: STEM, Science Education, Fun learning, Mobile App


                        PILLARS TV | A NEW LEARNING INITIATIVE

                              Sekolah Menengah Agama Setiu
                    Putera Jaya, Bandar Permaisuri, 22100 Setiu, Terengganu.

          The  21st  century  learning  approaches  encourage  learning  process  to  take  place
          beyond the four-walled classroom environment instead of the traditional approach.
          Developing language skills especially speaking and communication skills seem to
          benefit  from  this  method  of  21st  century  learning.  Thus,  Pillars  TV  which  is  an
          initiative utilizing online platform, mainly social media, is developed to supplement
          the 21st century learning approach. We are adopting the journalism and reported
          media  approach  in  order  to  complement  pupils’  communication  skills  with  the
          outside world, indirectly, by using social media platform. It is almost free to utilize
          since it is using YouTube as its main platform to publish content. Pillars TV would
          be one of the popular choices of outside-the-classroom learning as it is close and
          familiar to the pupils because they are the main users of the current social media
          platform.  In  assisting  learning,  Pillars  TV  can  be  considered  100%  beneficial  to
          learners since it is assisting learning itself. It may also be revolutions learning from
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